21 Open Port = FTP
22 Open Port = SSH
23 Open Port = Telnet
25 Open Port = SMTP
53 Open Port = DNS
80 Open Port = HTTP
110 Open Port = POP3
143 Open Port = IMAP
443 Open Port = HTTPS
3306 Open Port = MySQL
Web Check Ports
21 Open Port = FTP
25 Open Port = SMTP
69 Open Port = TFTP
80 Open Port = HTTP
443 Open Port = HTTPS
990 Open Port = FTPS
2082 Open Port = Cpanel
2083 Open Port = Cpanel
2086 Open Port = WHM
3306 Open Port = MySQL
Connection Check Ports
21 Open Port = FTP
22 Open Port = SSH
69 Open Port = TFTP
139 Open Port = NetBIOS
445 Open Port = Microsoft AD
513 Open Port = rlogin
873 Open Port = Rsync
411 Open Port = DC++
902 Open Port = VMware ESXi
3389 Open Port = RDP
1080 Open Port = SOCKS Proxy
2745 Open Port = Virus Trojan
3127 Open Port = W32 backdoor
4444 Open Port = Trojan/Backdor
5554 Open Port = W32.Sasser.Worm
6666 Open Port = mIRC Boot
8866 Open Port = Threat W32.Beagle
9988 Open Port = nsesrvr
31337 Open Port = Back Orifice
27374 Open Port = BackDoor/Sub7
Online Port Scanner - this tool from cybersecuritywebtest.com allow you to detect the TCP or UDP open ports from your machine or server. This scanner is very important because with this scanner you can see exactly if the firewall rules protect your business and your company. It is very important to know what open ports we have in our server, because the comunication beetwen two terminals from internet or intranet will happened with the IP and Port between expeditor machines and destination machines. So the open port means endpoints for a machine or server. When a service or daemon listens on a open port it can receive data from a client application, process it and communicate a response to the remote request.
How it works Online Port Scanner
The main advanced of the online port scanner versus command line scanner or local application scanner are as this will give you an external point of view about your server or system. This is very important because you will see exactly how an hacker view your sistem. You don't neet to have experience to know how run the tool, you don't need any knowlages about the restrictions from your ISP or sysadmins. All you need you know is as you dont permit to have many ports opened. Every open port means a new posibility to be hacked and your sistem become vulnerable.
Easy integrations and simple setup help you start scanning in just some minutes
Discover posible vulnerabilities before GO LIVE with your project
Manage your reports without any restriction
Business Owners
Obtain a quick overview of your website's security information
Do an audit to find and close the high risk issues before having a real damage and increase the costs
Verify if your developers served you a vulnerable project or not before you are paying
Run periodically scan for vulnerabilities and get info when new issues are present.
Penetration Testers
Quickly checking and discover issues to your clients
Bypass your network restrictions and scan from our IP for relevant results
Create credible proved the real risk of vulnerabilities
If you have an website and want you check the security of site you can use our products
Scan your website from any device with internet connection
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