csz cms 1.2.9 multiple blind sqli(authenticated)
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# Exploit Title: CSZ CMS 1.2.9 - 'Multiple' Blind SQLi(Authenticated) # Date: 2021-04-14 # Exploit Author: Rahad Chowdhury # Vendor Homepage: https://www.cszcms.com/ # Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cszcms/files/install/CSZCMS-V1.2.9.zip # Version: 1.2.9 # Tested on: Windows 10, Kali Linux, PHP 7.4.16, Apache 2.4.46 # CVE: CVE-2021-43701 *Steps to Reproduce:* 1. First login to your Admin Panel 2. then go to "General Menu > CSV Export / Import". 3. open burp site and configure with browser. 4. then select any "Table Name" > Select "Fields Select" and Select "Sort by" 5. Now click "Export to CSV" and intercept with burp suite 6. "fieldS[]" or "orderby" parameter is vulnerable. Let's try to inject Blind SQL Injection using this query "(select(0)from(select(sleep(10)))a)" in "orderby" parameter. *Proof of Concept:* *Output:* By issuing sleep(0) response will be delayed to 0 seconds. By issuing sleep(1) response will be delayed to 1 seconds. By issuing sleep(5) response will be delayed to 5 seconds. By issuing sleep(10) response will be delayed to 10 seconds
Csz cms 1.2.9 multiple blind sqli(authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit Source : Csz cms 1.2.9 multiple blind sqli(authenticated)